The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 379: Got it all

“Master Yun, you can practice on the flying spirit beast. Is it a special practice?” Although Li Changhao asked, he was still very embarrassed.

Yan Xiangluo was stunned, "Can't you practice on flying spiritual beasts?"

Li Changhao looked at her in surprise, "Does Mr. Yun think anyone can practice on flying spiritual beasts?"

 What the two people asked seemed to be no problem, but they both understood one thing.

Li Changhao understood that Mr. Yun indeed thought that anyone could practice on the flying spirit beast. Yuan Xiangluo understood that not everyone could practice on the flying spirit beast.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the other members of the Changqing Team. Sure enough, they were all sitting quietly on the backs of the flying spirit beasts, and no one was practicing.

Yan Xiangluo shrugged and said, "I don't have any special skills. When I rode a flying spirit beast for the first time, I thought it was a waste of time so I tried to practice it. It turned out that it was fine after just one try."

Li Changhao was shocked when he heard this. He could do it with just one try. How could it be possible?

"How did Young Master Yun absorb the spiritual energy that flowed too fast into his body?" Now that Li Changhao had spoken, Yan Xiangluo didn't explicitly say not to let him ask, so he continued to ask shamelessly.

 Besides, he sensed very clearly that the amount of spiritual energy absorbed by Young Master Yu was no less than in a stable environment.

If the members of their team learn this skill, they will not delay their practice when taking on any mission in the future.

 “It’s just absorbed directly.”

After answering, Yan Xiangluo felt that this answer was a bit perfunctory, and explained, "Spiritual beasts fly fast, and the spiritual energy passes by us very fast. I did not pay attention to this, but concentrated on absorbing the spiritual energy and touching the body. The spiritual energy is naturally absorbed into it, and I feel that the spiritual energy flows faster and more spiritual energy is absorbed.”

Yan Xiangluo told the truth about her cultivation process, and whether Li Changhao believed it or not was up to him.

 Originally, she had no obligation to teach them how to practice. She was the alchemist they hired, not the master who taught them how to practice.

Li Changhao kept looking into Yan Xiangluo's eyes and knew that what he said was the truth and he was not lying. Because of this, he was shocked in his heart by how incredible this Master Yun's cultivation talent was.

"Thank you, Mr. Yun, for clearing up the confusion." Li Changhao bowed his hand and was told the method without reservation. Regardless of whether he could succeed or not, he would still have to thank him for his selflessness.

Yan Xiangluo waved her hands and said, "I don't think it helped you anything."

At this time, Yan Xiangluo finally realized the difference between high and low cultivation talent.

She and Ji Jiuzhong are both people with extremely high cultivation talents, so no matter what happens between them in cultivation, they are not surprised by each other. But after seeing Li Changhao and the others today, Yan Xiangluo finally realized how much influence one's cultivation talent has on one's cultivation.

Just like practicing on a flying spirit beast, both she and Ji Jiuzhong were able to do it naturally, but it would be a difficult method for others to practice.

Yan Xiangluo didn’t say anything more, closed her eyes and started practicing. We encountered people snatching boxes on the first day, and there will definitely be more in the future. However, it should be safe for now, and it is impossible to send many waves of people in succession.

When Li Changhao saw that Yan Xiangluo had started to practice again, he also started to think about it. According to what Yan Xiangluo said, he tried to calm down his mind and did not pay attention to the flow rate of spiritual energy around him. He only used his heart to sense the spiritual energy on his skin and tried to Keep absorbing these spiritual energy into your body.

 One night passed, and he did not succeed. It cannot be said that he was not successful, I can only say that the effect was minimal, but he was also very happy. As long as he could absorb it, he would naturally absorb more as he became more proficient.

Therefore, he is not discouraged. If his talent is not as good as others, then he should work hard. He believes that as long as he works hard, one day he will be able to practice freely while flying with flying spirit beasts.

The speed of the flying spirit beast had slowed down, and Li Changhao found a place to rest again. He did not hide his secrets, and taught the members of the Changqing Team the method that Yuan Xiangluo told him, and told them not to compare with Mr. Yun. Mr. Yun's talent is too strong. Comparing with him will easily destroy confidence and will not be beneficial to cultivation. They can work harder and one day they will be able to learn it, and that will be their gain.

Yan Xiangluo saw everything and gained a new understanding of Li Changhao. No wonder the cohesion of the Changqing Team is so strong, and it has a lot to do with the leader.

Li Changhao has management skills, strength, and a tolerant heart. He knows very well that if the mercenary team wants to become stronger, it is impossible to rely on one or two people. Only when all team members become stronger can their mercenary team be strong. stand up.

Although they may not necessarily be mercenaries for the rest of their lives, when they are mercenaries, they must stick to this belief, stick together as a team, stay focused, and use their hearts in one place, so that they can survive until the mercenary team is disbanded.

Yan Xiangluo watched quietly as the members of the Changqing Team discussed their experiences with each other. Li Changhao, who had already practiced, told them the problems he encountered, so that they could save some time to think about it.

Yan Xiangluo was a little envious of the members of the Changqing Team. In a world where the strong were respected, it was not easy to have such a pure friendship.

Yan Xiangluo somewhat understood why she met them. She knew it would be dangerous to leave with them, but she still did so. It must be their righteousness that attracted her.

Although Yan Xiangluo is envious, she also knows that the relationship between them is the trust accumulated in life and death battles, and it is not what you think.

Yan Xiangluo let out a long breath and glanced at Ji Jiuzhong, who was still practicing in the space. He had been practicing for a long time this time.

 Take back your spiritual consciousness, keep a touch of it outside, close your eyes and start practicing.

This time we still rested for an hour and a half. Fortunately, we didn’t encounter anyone who snatched the box. When we set off again, the sun was blazing in the sky again.

However, the members of the Evergreen Team completely ignored the sweat on their bodies, and each one of them was concentrating on studying how to practice while the flying spirit beast was flying.

It is rare for Yan Xiangluo to have such time to devote to training, so this team of mercenaries has become the most special team.

However, Yan Xiangluo did not practice for a long time this time, because before she took a break, she felt as if there was a pair of eyes spying on them in the dark, and she still has them now. But there was a hiding place in the forest before. How could there be eyes that could spy on them in mid-air. Thinking that Ji Jiuzhong's spirit beast is uninhibited, he is an expert at tracking and hiding. Could it be that there is some incredible spirit beast that has been following them.

 Looking at Li Changhao, he saw that he was still concentrating on studying how to practice. Didn't he feel it?

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