The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 380: scold him for three days (1)

Yan Xiangluo gave Li Changhao a shrug with her elbow. Li Changhao looked over with a questioning look in his eyes, clearly meaning what?

Yan Xiangluo sent a message to him, "Have you sensed a pair of eyes in the dark that have been staring at us?"

Li Changhao's eyes sharpened when he heard this, and he secretly let go of his consciousness to sense, but he didn't sense anything.

Just because he can't sense it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It's probably because his consciousness isn't strong enough.

He said truthfully, "My spiritual consciousness may not be strong enough to sense it. Mr. Yun, can you describe what you sensed?"

Yan Xiangluo described the situation she perceived to Li Changhao in detail. Li Chenghao was shocked after hearing this, "It's a tracking talisman."

Yan Xiangluo was stunned after hearing his words, "Tracking the talisman?"

Li Changhao was a little surprised that Mr. Yun didn't know how to track the talisman. Soon, he found a reason for Yan Xiangluo without any explanation. She was indeed a member of the big family who came out to practice, but this was her first time. I don't know anything about the dirty things outside.

He explained patiently, "Fulu and Xuanwen are very similar. It is said that they come from the same lineage. However, people nowadays regard Xuanwen as the righteous one and Fulu as the villain. Therefore, some Fulu masters have carved many unattractive talismans. The tracking talisman is relatively good."

Although what Li Changhao said was very simple, Yan Xiangluo could hear helplessness from it.

She had seen the talisman in ancient books before. Li Changhao was right. In ancient times, the talisman and the mysterious pattern did come from the same lineage. In fact, she said it more carefully, but the way of burning was different.

Xuanwen is a method of engraving with spiritual consciousness, and Fulu is a method of writing with spiritual power.

Yan Xiangluo has no prejudice against Fulu and Xuanwen. No matter which one is used on the right path, he is an upright person, and if he uses it on the wrong path, he is a villain.

What's wrong with talismans and mysterious patterns? They are both controlled by people.

There is no time to think too much about the talisman and the mysterious pattern now. What needs to be solved now is how to get rid of the tracking of the talisman.

 Although he and she have seen fruit talismans in ancient books, this is the first time they have come into contact with them and they have little experience.

As expected, going out to practice is a good way to accumulate experience. There is a famous saying in another life that reading ten thousand books is worse than traveling ten thousand miles. She feels that it is better to go out and practice behind closed doors in this world.

“Is there any way to get rid of the tracking talisman?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Li Changhao sighed and said, "There is only one way, which is to have a Talisman Master with a higher level than the Talisman Master who drew the tracking Talisman to destroy the tracking Talisman."

Yu Xiangluo frowned and destroyed the tracking talisman?

It was obvious that no one in the Changqing team understood talismans. She was a Xuanwen master, not a talisman master. Suddenly she thought of one thing. Since Xuanwen and talisman came from the same lineage in ancient times, could she try to use Xuanwen? How to find the tracking talisman?

As soon as she thought of it, Yan Xiangluo used her spiritual consciousness to sense the breath of the talisman. After a while, she finally distinguished the breath of the talisman.

Locking on the aura that seemed to be staring at them, he grabbed it directly with his spiritual consciousness. He immediately felt that a breath was wrapped in his spiritual consciousness, and Yan Xiangluo pulled the breath to him.

It was only then that Li Changhao felt the existence of the tracking talisman. He looked at Yu Xiangluo in shock. Mr. Yun was not only an alchemist but also a talisman master?

 Oh my god, how did he manage to do multiple things at once and learn everything so powerfully?

  That's not right. Young Master Yu didn't seem to understand much about talismans before. If she was a talisman master, how could she not understand?

“Master Yun, are you a talisman master?” Li Changhao asked with a trembling voice. Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "No."

“How could Mr. Yun catch the tracking talisman?” Li Changhao felt that she didn’t want to admit that she was a talisman master.

 After all, the status of Talisman masters on the mainland is very low.

"I am a mysterious pattern master. Since the mysterious patterns and talismans come from the same lineage, I thought about whether I could find it, and I did it." Yuan Xiangluo knew that Li Changhao probably didn't believe it, so she explained One sentence.

Li Changhao put his heart into his stomach this time. Considering Yan Xiangluo's performance before, he was not surprised that she succeeded in the first try.

Xuan Wen Master, Mr. Yun is actually a Xuan Wen Master, I'm so surprised.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the tracking talisman wrapped in her consciousness and studied it carefully. If she dared to track her, she would have to collect some interest. Then she raised her hand and started carving it directly.

This time Li Changhao witnessed Yan Xiangluo's tattoos with his own eyes, and was even more sure that Yan Xiangluo was a monster-like genius. He was very curious about what she was carving.

 After a moment, Yan Xiangluo's hand relaxed and said, "Go."

Li Changhao immediately felt that the aura mixed with patterns and talismans was getting farther and farther, until he couldn't feel it at all, he asked, "Master Yun, what are you doing?"

Yu Xiangluo was speechless. Li Changhao even used the honorific title, from you to you.

“I carved an anti-tracking tattoo and scolded him for three days.” Yuan Xiangluo said in a wicked way.

Li Changhao’s mouth twitched. Is this still possible? This was the first time he heard that Xuanwen could curse people. If possible, he would really like to see the effect on the spot.

 “Why are you scolding him?” Li Changhao still asked curiously.

"Idiot." Yan Xiangluo didn't hide her thoughts.

Li Changhao's eyes even twitched this time. Is this really good? Anyone who is called a fool will go crazy after being scolded for three days.

 “Can he be scolded for three days?” Li Changhao is still a little doubtful about this. After all, the other party is a talisman master, and he can really be scolded for three days.

Yan Xiangluo said confidently, "With his little ability, he still can't crack my Xuanwen. He has been scolded as a fool for three days and has already taken advantage of him. If it wasn't too troublesome, I would definitely have all the curse words engraved on it." , scolding him for not being the same for three days.”

Li Changhao felt a chill go down his spine. Mr. Yun didn't notice that he was still a man who was determined to retaliate. They must treat Mr. Yun well and enthusiastically, and they must not make him unhappy.

Thinking about being called a fool for three days, he would never be able to bear such a scene, but now that the person being scolded was the enemy, Li Changhao suddenly couldn't help but want to laugh proudly.

"Thank you Mr. Yun for your help." Li Changhao did not get carried away. If Mr. Yun had not taken action, they would have been followed all the way, and they would have been robbed and hunted at any time.

Yan Xiangluo said indifferently, "It just bumped into my hand and aroused my interest."

The implication is very clear. She is not someone who helps others randomly. It just happened that this matter aroused her interest and she helped.

Although Yan Xiangluo wanted to help them, she didn't want to be relied on by them.

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