The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 385: Who are you following?

  Although they now have recovery pills, no one is willing to use them. Unless they have to, they are not prepared to use recovery pills.

 After hearing what Li Changhao said, everyone immediately found a place to sit down and meditate to restore their spiritual power.

Yan Xiangluo knew that it wouldn't be long before their whereabouts would be discovered again after they left. However, they were not far from Xiangyang City. If they followed the speed of flying spirit beasts, they would be there in less than three days.

But she knew very well that without some special means, they would definitely not be able to reach this section of the road in three days. The other party did not grab the box along the way, and they would definitely set up ambushes on various sections of the road leading to Xiangyang City.

However, she felt that Li Changhao would not rush to die like this, so there must be some other way.

 After resting for about half an hour, Li Changhao ordered to continue on the road.

Everyone changed into clean clothes and went out covered in blood. Didn't this clearly tell others who they were?

Yan Xiangluo didn't need it, she was still riding the same flying spirit beast as Li Changhao.

Flying into the sky again, Xiangluo felt as if she had not seen the sun for a long time.

In the evening, the flying spirit beast landed in a mountain forest outside Yuanyuan City under the cover of night. They took all the flying spirit beasts back into the spirit pet space.

Li Changhao said to everyone, "It takes two days to reach Xiangyang City from Changyuan City with flying spirit beasts, but this road must be ambushed everywhere. The other party knows our cultivation level very well, and the people sent are all emperor-level cultivation levels, and They are getting stronger every time. We can defeat them with one or two calculations, but it is impossible to win every time. There are plains between Yuanyuan City and Xiangyang City. There are no mountains and trees to block us. We can't use any calculations. "

“Captain, tell me, what should we do?”

“Yes, we all listen to the captain.” The team members immediately expressed their stance.

Li Changhao sighed, "Actually, I had planned to withdraw from the Mercenary Association ever since we offended the people in the Mercenary Association. Unfortunately, it was a step too late and was calculated by them. After this mission is completed, I plan to leave the Mercenary Association in Xiangyang." The city immediately cancels the Evergreen Mercenary Team."

Li Changhao's words silenced everyone. They couldn't bear to part with these brothers, but they also knew that the captain did this to save their lives.

If they can reach Xiangyang City alive to complete the mission this time, they will be lucky. If they continue, there is no guarantee that they will have such luck.

"We listen to the captain. Even if we don't become mercenaries in the future, we will still listen to the captain's orders." After a moment of silence, the team members expressed their thoughts.

 Without exception, they all trust Li Changhao, and they want to follow him even if they don't become mercenaries.

"Let's talk about what happens next. The most important thing for us now is how to reach Xiangyang City." Li Changhao was also very moved in his heart, and he couldn't bear to leave these brothers who had been through life and death for many years.

If they hadn't thought about their future career, they wouldn't have delayed leaving the Mercenary Association until now, giving the other party a chance to plot against them.

He just wanted to bring these brothers safely to Xiangyang City to quit the mercenary association and save their lives, which could be regarded as an explanation of the oath made by their Evergreen mercenary team. No matter what the circumstances, we will never betray each other and never give up on any of our brothers. It is this kind of vow that supports them all the way. Each of these brothers has their own family behind them, and many people need their income to support their families. It sounds good to the monks, but resources are the biggest problem when it comes to actual cultivation.

 The children in the family also want to practice after awakening their spiritual roots. However, those like them have no family background and no one to support them. If they want to obtain resources, they have no choice but to work hard, which is why they have the Evergreen Mercenary Team.

If this incident hadn't happened, they might have continued doing it. After all, they could get paid for performing tasks, and during the process of performing tasks, they could also collect cultivation resources and materials.

Li Changhao regained his composure, "If we want to reach Xiangyang City safely, it is impossible to do so in an open and honest manner."

The members of the Changqing Team all looked at Li Changhao, wondering what exactly was the solution he came up with?

Yan Xiangluo stood aside and leaned against a tree, looking lazy like an outsider. In fact, she was also very curious about how Li Changhao and his brothers arrived safely and completed the mission during the last part of the journey.

“Our mission this time is to deliver the box to the other party. As long as the box is delivered to the other party, the task is completed. We don’t need so many people to go to Xiangyang City together.”

Li Chenghao's words made Yan Xiangluo's eyes light up. This man is indeed very calculating, has a flexible mind, and knows how to change things.

The Changqing mercenary team is a whole. Under normal circumstances, the mercenary team will not act separately, just because there are more people and greater security. It is for this reason that Li Changhao wants to do the opposite.

He is right. No matter how many people enter, as long as the box is delivered to the opponent's hand, their Evergreen Team mission will be completed.

Yan Xiangluo continued to listen with interest, wanting to see how Li Changhao would choose who to stay and who to go in.

“What does the captain mean by selecting a few people to take the box to Xiangyang City?”

Li Changhao nodded, "We will go into Yuanyuan City together, and then Lao Qi and I will leave in disguise. The rest of you will stay in Yuanyuan City to attract their attention after we leave, and act like I want to advance. If they want to take action, If you immediately release the news that I have left, they will definitely not target you again. You only need to stay in Changyuan City for two days. After two days, you will set off for Xiangyang City. By then, Lao Qi and I should have completed our mission. Meet up at Xiangyang City, go to the Mercenary Association and hand in the mission, then cancel your mercenary qualifications directly.”

After listening to Li Changhao's arrangement, everyone was silent. After a while, someone asked, "Captain, can it be just the two of you? Do you want to bring two more brothers?"

Li Changhao said firmly, "It's definitely possible. They never thought we would be so bold. By the time they find out, our mission should have been completed. It's difficult to move with more people. The fewer people, the easier it is to succeed."

Yan Xiangluo admired Li Changhao's resourcefulness and courage. Being able to make this decision requires not only being smart, but also having enough courage. After all, if the two of them go there, if they are exposed, there will be almost no chance of survival.

The people in Changqing Team seemed to be used to Li Changhao's insistence, and no longer bothered with this issue.

“Who is Mr. Yun following?” someone asked.

Everyone’s eyes are looking at Yan Xiangluo. This is indeed a question. After all, they are divided into two teams. There is only one Mr. Yun, and he is unable to do anything. Should he follow the captain or stay with them?

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