The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 386: Transaction ended

Chapter 386 The transaction ends

Li Changhao also turned to look at Yan Xiangluo, "We were able to reach Yuanyuan City safely on this trip, thanks to Mr. Yun's help. If Mr. Yun hadn't helped solve the tracking talisman, we would have been reunited in another world. Now we have When it comes to the most critical and dangerous time, Mr. Yun has done a good job and refined all the medicinal materials into elixirs for us. There is no need for us to implicate Mr. Yun. I can't guarantee that they will always abide by their orders. The rules of war, so Mr. Yun, our deal ends here.”

Yan Xiangluo was a little surprised. She really didn't expect Li Changhao to have such courage and actually terminate the deal with her in advance, just to not implicate herself at the most dangerous time. This man was quite familiar to him.

Li Changhao further explained, "Mr. Yun, if we successfully complete the mission this time, we will see you in Xiangyang City. My previous promise is serious. As long as Mr. Yun needs us, just let us know and we will definitely help with all our strength."

Yan Xiangluo shrugged, "Okay."

Now that Li Changhao has made a decision, Yan Xiangluo has no intention of ruining his plan. Anyway, he is about to reach Xiangyang City. It is only a two-day journey, so he might as well go alone.

Ji Jiuzhong's training lasted longer than she expected, but it seemed that Ji Jiuzhong would finish the training in just these two days, so it would be easier for her to separate from them.

Li Changhao felt relieved when he saw Mr. Yun happily agreeing. There was a reason why he did this. Although he didn't want to implicate Mr. Yun, he was still worried that Mr. Yun would make some mistakes and the family behind him would blame them.

Li Changhao is not alone. So many brothers depend on him for their livelihood. He must be responsible for his brothers. Any accidents and dangers he can think of will be avoided for them in advance.

Li Changhao led all the members of the Changqing Team and gave a solemn salute to Yan Xiangluo, "The Changqing Team respectfully sends Mr. Yun off."

Yan Xiangluo understood that they wanted her to leave first, so that no one would harm her.

She didn't hesitate, she bowed, got up and walked out of the forest.

After seeing her disappear, the members of the Changqing Team asked, "Captain, let's let Mr. Yun know the plan just in case..."

Everyone understood what he was talking about. Li Changhao glanced at him and said, "There is no such thing as a chance. I will not risk the lives of my brothers."

They were all grateful to Mr. Yun for helping them. They knew very well that the reward they paid was far less than what Mr. Yun had done for them. However, people were unpredictable and they were worried that this was a trap set by the other party. If this was the case, what would happen to this scheme? It was so successful.

Li Changhao didn't think so. From the beginning, he knew that Mr. Yun's appearance in front of them was fake. As for whether the last name was real or not, it was still to be considered. He had also thought about what they were worried about. Before he knew Mr. Yun's abilities, he would be suspicious and defensive.

 But after knowing Mr. Yun’s ability, he no longer doubted it.

It would be very easy for Mr. Yun to get the box from them. Whether it was poisoning or using mysterious patterns, they would not be able to prevent it.

 Does such a person need to go to such trouble to get the box from their hands? The answer is definitely no.

Yan Xiangluo also knew that Li Changhao had revealed his plan in front of her and told her that he trusted her. Yan Xiangluo was also very pleased with Li Changhao's trust. At least so far, she had not helped the wrong person.

Yan Xiangluo changed clothes as she walked. This time she changed back into women's clothes, but she still didn't use her original appearance. She knew that her appearance was too outstanding and she would attract attention as soon as she showed it.

But the skirt she was wearing was still bright red, mainly because she didn’t have any other colors.

Leaving the mountains and forests, she flew into the air. The gates of Yuanyuan City would soon be closed, and Li Changhao and the others would soon enter the city. She had better enter the city first! This time she entered the city openly and with her ID card. The gatekeeper was a little lazy because the city gate was about to be closed and he waved her in without even looking at her ID card.

 Hence, he also missed the opportunity to see the identity cards of people from lower continents in the inner continent.

Yan Xiangluo was a little speechless. She hid in the twilight continent for fear of being seen by others. Now she can use her identity tag openly, but people don't even look at it.

  Putting away the identity card, Yan Xiangluo walked towards Changyuan City.

Shortly after she entered the city, Li Chenghao and others rushed to the city gate, closed it and entered the city.

Yan Xiangluo walked around the main streets of the city, chose the best inn, and asked for a room to stay in. She planned to go to Xiangyang City tomorrow.

Coincidentally, Li Changhao and the others also stayed at this inn, but although they entered the city later, they checked in before her.

 She walked around the city before choosing a place.

When Yan Xiangluo was walking upstairs, she happened to meet Li Changhao coming downstairs. She wanted to say hello, but suddenly she remembered that she was no longer Mr. Yun's identity and appearance. They were strangers who didn't know each other, so she went up without looking away. Went upstairs.

Li Changhao turned his head and glanced at the woman in a red dress walking upstairs. He felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity. He couldn't remember that he knew this woman, so he shook his head and went downstairs.

If Yan Xiangluo knew that Li Changhao was so alert, she would definitely give him another thumbs up.

Yan Xiangluo returned to the guest room and glanced at the space. Ji Jiuzhong's experience was not over yet. She had been practicing these days. She was not going to practice tonight. In the dead of night, she went into the space to continue refining the elixir. Before all the elixirs below the **** level have been refined, she is not going to try to refine the god-level elixirs again.

 Because she knew very well that the inability to refine a perfect god-level elixir was related to the fact that she had not successfully refined all the previous elixir recipes.

There is a reason why the master asked her to refine elixirs like this. Only when she goes step by step steadily and solidifies the basic skills can she enter the next level smoothly. In the past, she was very talented and didn't notice any difference, but this time she refined the **** level. She was deeply touched when taking the elixir.

There was nothing she could do at the time. In order to get the Earth Element Five Elements Pearl, now that she had obtained the Five Elements Pearl, she could not slack off thinking that she could refine god-level elixirs and was already a god-level alchemist. High-grade elixirs All elixirs that have not been refined must be refined again.

 In this way, she will definitely make great progress when she refines the god-level elixir again.

Even though she was in space, she left a trace of her consciousness outside the space, just in case. During this time, she also learned a lot of experience in surviving outside.

The sense of consciousness that stayed outside early in the morning sensed that Li Changhao and Lao Qi had left the inn. Yan Xiangluo immediately came out of the space, walked to the window, opened a gap and looked down.

 (End of this chapter)

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