The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 387: Must have a room

Li Changhao and Lao Qi just walked out of the inn towards the city gate.

The two of them still changed their clothes and left this time, and their appearance was also changed through makeup. Although changing the appearance in this way is not perfect, it is not easy to show off because it is a real face.

 What surprised her was that Lao Qi was wearing women's clothes.

 The members of the Evergreen Team are headed by Li Changhao. Li Changhao is the eldest, ranked according to age. This Lao Qi is relatively thin. Yesterday, Yan Xiangluo was wondering why Li Changhao chose Lao Qi, who was not the strongest in cultivation. Today, he finally understood.

It turns out that this was his idea. Dressing up as brother and sister or a couple is indeed the least likely to cause suspicion. After all, there are no women in their Evergreen team.

Yan Xiangluo was very emotional. The most indispensable thing in this world is smart people. It seems that she still has a lot to learn.

Watching the two people disappear at the end of the street, Yan Xiangluo had no intention of returning to the space. She tidied up, went downstairs and checked out of the room, then went out to find a delicious snack, had breakfast, and headed to the city gate. Go.

Originally, she wanted to take the teleportation array to Xiangyang City, but when she thought that taking the teleportation array required flower spirit stones, she was reluctant to do so.

Even though she had just earned 4,000 high-grade spiritual stones, she still couldn't spend them quickly. Not knowing where to buy them would be a huge expense.

Hence, she decided to use her own teleportation array to go to Xiangyang City, saving as much as possible.

  There were very few people leaving the city early in the morning, and there were no restrictions or inspections on leaving the city. Perhaps because she was unassuming but wore a flamboyant red dress, all the guards guarding the city gate looked over.

Yan Xiangluo walked out of the city gate without squinting, then took out the formation plate and left under the attention of the guards guarding the city gate.

The guard guarding the city gate suddenly felt sour. He was not very good-looking, but he was rich. After leaving the city gate, he did not take another step and left directly using the teleportation disk.

They could see clearly that the formation disk in the woman's hand was not an ordinary formation disk. The transmission distance should be very long, at least it could be transmitted from this city to another city, and it must be worth a lot of money.

People are more annoying than others, so they are worthy of guarding the city gate here.

Yan Xiangluo didn’t know that they were paying attention to the array disk in her hand, and they were hit by her. She didn't bother to think about what they would think. She was already standing outside the gate of Xiangyang City.

 There were not many people entering or leaving Xiangyang City in the early morning. Yan Xiangluo thought that she would check her identity card this time.

But the man guarding the city gate saw that she was a woman and saw the flamboyant red dress she was wearing. He waved his hand in disgust and let her in without giving her a chance to get her identity card.

Yan Xiangluo was completely speechless this time. It seemed that appearance was still very important. In the same red dress, there was a big difference between her stunning beauty and her plain appearance.

Thinking again about the identity card that I had no chance to take out, I sighed. It seems that this identity card has only one use, which is to use it once when I settle in.

 Walking into Xiangyang City, Yan Xiangluo felt that choosing to settle here was the right choice.

Xiangyang City is different from other cities. It is the only city that they have visited when they came to the Higher Continent. It is the only city that pays attention to urban beautification.

As soon as you enter the city gate, you can see various trees planted on both sides of the street, and they are all the kind of trees that can bloom and bear fruit. At this time, the flowering period has passed, and the trees are full of fruits. Although it has not yet reached the ripe season, just looking at it makes people feel that this is a city with a particularly rich flavor of life. Not only shops facing the street, but also various potted flowers are placed outside every door. Some have bloomed and some are about to bloom. The natural smell of flowers and plants can be seen everywhere.

Yan Xiangluo was a little curious about what kind of person the lord of Xiangyang City was. For a city to be run like this, he must be a person who loves life.

Yan Xiangluo was walking on the street in a good mood. It was still early. Although there were not many pedestrians coming and going, it could be seen that they were very leisurely and contented, as if living here was like living in a paradise.

After a while, Xiang Xiang went to the streets, and the people on the street gradually became more. Xiang Xiang thought that she and Ji Jiu had been settled here. They had to have a house, so they went to teeth.

 There were customers coming to the door early in the morning. The clerk in the tooth shop was very happy and immediately greeted Yan Xiangluo warmly and asked, "What do you want to buy, girl?"

Those who come to them are either buying and selling rental properties, buying and selling slaves, or buying and selling spiritual animals, carriages and horses. This girl came in alone. She must not be selling but buying. If the business is done, it will be a good start early in the morning. .

Yan Xiangluo said, "I want to buy a yard with a good environment, closer to the main street, and a newer house."

The clerk smiled happily, took out a map of Xiangyang City and spread it on the table. He pointed to a place and said, "Girl, it's a coincidence. There really is a yard like this. The owner just decided to sell it yesterday. The location is behind the intersection of the main street. In the alley, the house was newly renovated three years ago. It is a three-story house. The environment inside is excellent. The owner said that all the furniture will be given away. Girl, would you like to go and take a look? "

Yan Xiangluo followed the clerk's hand and saw that she had just walked most of the main street. The place the clerk pointed to was indeed the center of the main street. The location of the yard was just right, not too close to the street but not far from the street.

"How to sell this yard?" Yan Xiangluo asked.

 Inquire about the price first, and if she has enough spiritual stones, buy it directly. After Ji Jiuzhong's experience is completed, they can directly settle their identity in Xiangyang City.

Although they may not necessarily live in Xiangyang City for a long time, it is the first property they come to the higher continent to buy, even if they live there soon, they still have to buy something they like.

“The owner of the house offered ten thousand high-grade spiritual stones. He would not bargain, but would give away all the furniture and daily necessities.”

After the clerk told the price, he felt a little uneasy. To be honest, it is indeed not expensive to buy a yard in that area at this price, but even if it is not expensive, not everyone can afford 10,000 high-grade spiritual stones.

 He was worried that the girl was too expensive.

When Yan Xiangluo heard the price, she could accept it, and felt once again that it was not easy to earn spiritual stones and spend them easily.

She just earned 4,000 high-grade spiritual stones, and now she has to spend 10,000. Alas, it seems that she will really learn to make money in the future, no, to earn spiritual stones.

"Let's go and have a look." Yan Xiangluo decided to go and have a look first, and if she was satisfied, she would buy it directly. After all, there were few houses for sale in the center of the city, and she was worried that she would be bought by someone else if she hesitated.

When the clerk saw that she wanted to see the yard after hearing the price, he knew that this girl was a wealthy owner and the business was likely to be successful, so his attitude became even more enthusiastic.

He led her to that courtyard, almost praising it as the best courtyard in Xiangyang City along the way.

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