The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 388: House buying turmoil (1)

However, when Yan Xiangluo saw the yard, she felt that this guy was not exaggerating. The yard was neither big nor too small. Not to mention she and Ji Jiuzhong, it was more than enough to house a large family. The most important thing was that What's amazing is that the layout of this yard is just what she likes.

Rockeries, lotus ponds, flowers and trees, pavilions and pavilions, everything is exquisite. It is obvious that the owner has put his heart into it, and it is indeed very new.

What puzzled her was that there was not a single servant in such a large courtyard, only an old woman with a dragon-headed cane, who was the owner of the courtyard.

Yan Xiangluo thinks this is a bit unusual. Although there is no royal family in the Higher Continent, not everyone can use this kind of dragon-head crutch. It's not that there are any regulations, but everyone feels that Brother Ming can't suppress him and will bring trouble to himself. .

But the name on the house deed does belong to the old woman, and the old woman also showed her the identity card. As long as she buys it, she can give her the spirit stone when the house deed is transferred. It is best to close the deal today.

There was no aura in the old woman, but she could tell from her eyes and demeanor that she was no ordinary old lady.

Especially the dragon-headed crutch that never leaves my hand, which always feels a bit unusual.

Yan Xiangluo didn't care so much. She wanted to buy the yard and the other party wanted to sell the yard. As long as the yard could be transferred to her normally, it would be fine.

Just when she was about to agree, a group of people rushed in angrily from outside the yard, and the leader of the group was still cursing.

"You are an old man. Your husband and son are dead. Your family has no descendants. Now your only relative is my nephew. You actually want to sell the house. I tell you, you must transfer the house to me immediately, otherwise I will never support you in your old age.”

Yan Xiangluo was extremely shocked. If she hadn't been sure that she was living in a fantasy world, she would have thought that she had returned to the modern world. This kind of thing where you are my aunt and I am your nephew, and if you don’t give me a house, I won’t give you a pension, it actually happens in a fantasy world.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the old woman, does she want such a nephew?

If this was her nephew, he would definitely kill him and learn how to behave before he was reincarnated.

The old lady's expression was still indifferent, and she was not angry at the man's words. On the contrary, the old lady didn't pay attention to the so-called nephew who was full of anger and foul-mouthed.

Instead, he looked at Yan Xiangluo and said, "My family's misfortune has made the girl laugh. Will this girl buy it?"

Yan Xiangluo saw a trace of sadness and deep boredom in the old woman's eyes. Of course, these emotions were not directed at her, but at her nephew who rushed in.

According to the man's words, the only two people left in the two families were their aunt and nephew. This nephew was obviously not on the right path. The aunt was old and her husband and son had died. Yu Xiangluo didn't know whether she should pity the old woman. The tragic fate of man.

Before she could answer, several people who followed the man started shouting, "Little girl, you are not lucky enough to live in this yard. If you are wise, get out of here. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

Yan Xiangluo laughed in anger. She just wanted to buy a yard and settle down. How could she be so lucky to meet such strange people?

 Threatening her, but not seeing whether they have the strength?

However, she is not the owner of the house yet. The yard still belongs to the old woman. What she wants to do is her business. From now on, the house will be hers, and it is up to her to decide what to do.

Yan Xiangluo ignored them and said to the old woman, "If you sell it, I will buy it. Now you can go and transfer the property deed to your name."

A gleam of admiration flashed in the old woman's eyes, she got up and walked out, saying as she walked, "Little girl, you won't regret buying my yard. This yard is decorated and arranged according to my preferences. If you don't have to, you won't regret it." I won’t sell it either.” Yan Xiangluo smiled, “It seems we have the same preferences. I like this yard very much.”

The old woman felt much better after hearing her words, with a slight smile on her face, "You are a special girl, I see my shadow in you."

Yan Xiangluo was a little surprised, "That's really an honor."

The old woman looked at Yan Xiangluo and said, "When I saw the girl, I felt very attracted to her. I am also honored to sell this yard to you."

The few people who had been ignored suddenly became angry. The leader shouted angrily, "You little girl, since you refused to drink the toast and got the fine wine, let me show you what I can do."

As he spoke, he led his men to attack Yan Xiangluo. Yan Xiangluo was ready to fight back, but before she could fight back, the old lady, who had no aura in her body, took action.

 She stamped the dragon-headed crutch in her hand, and a force spread out from the dragon-headed crutch. The people who wanted to teach Yu Xiangluo a lesson were immediately attacked by this force and fell to the ground hard, making them extremely embarrassed.

Several people looked at the old woman in shock. Her nephew said in horror, "Didn't your cultivation level be ruined and scolded?"

 “Get out.” The old woman didn’t have any explanation, she only uttered one word.

The sound was not loud and there was no spiritual pressure, but it still frightened several people on the ground. They got up and ran outside.

Yan Xiangluo was also surprised. She was very close to the old woman, and she could sense clearly that the old woman was not using the spiritual power on her body, but the power in the dragon-head crutch. This crutch was indeed extraordinary.

Even if she saw it, Yan Xiangluo pretended not to notice it, but she was still shocked in her heart. What happened to the old woman, that her cultivation was actually ruined?

The dental shop clerk who had been hiding aside and acting as a transparent person breathed a long sigh of relief. It was okay, okay, okay. He thought that this business was going to fail. It would be good to save his life. Unexpectedly, it was achieved in an incredible way. .

The bad guy ran away, and the business was done without even a word of persuasion from him. This was the first time he had experienced such an easy business.

The old woman's expression was still indifferent. When she turned to look at Yan Xiangluo, a smile appeared on her face. She took out a bunch of keys and handed them to her, "From now on, this yard will be handed over to you."

Yan Xiangluo took the keys. There were five in total. One of them should be the key to the door. Where are the other keys? Anyway, they should all be in the yard. We'll see when we get back after the transaction is successful.

"Okay." Yan Xiangluo responded, put away the key, stretched out a hand to hold the old woman's side without a cane, and walked out together.

Although the conversation between the two was very simple, they both understood what the other meant. The old woman asked Yan Xiangluo to cherish the yard, and Yan Xiangluo agreed.

 Once you buy it, it becomes hers, so naturally you should treasure it.

The old woman didn't say anything else. She walked out of the door. She took out a copper lock and closed the door with her own hands. Then she locked it. Her eyes fell on the copper lock and she didn't want to leave for a long time.

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