The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 390: Buy a house and make a fortune

These people were the ones who were shaken away by the old woman's dragon-headed cane before. They felt that they had bought a yard, and since the old woman had left, they were the only ones left, wanting to cause trouble for themselves.

 What’s the point of this? The deed of the house is already in his name, so what can they do no matter how evil they are?

Yan Xiangluo walked up to a few people without stopping and said, "Why, you think I'm a little girl who's easy to bully?"

A few people sneered, "We have already found out clearly that you are from a low-level continent. When you come to our Xiangyang City, you don't bow your head and dare to provoke us. We will show you what a high-level person is."

Yan Xiangluo was amused by the other party's words. They were still high-class people. They were considered high-class people.

Looked at them with sarcastic eyes, "If you offend that old woman, she will show mercy because she is related to you by blood. She just gives you some lessons. If you offend me, do you know the consequences?"

The other people looked at each other and laughed, "Why, you think it's great that you have a sect-level cultivation level. Although our brothers' cultivation level is not as high as yours, we have many ways to deal with you."

Yan Xiangluo curled her lips, "You should protect your own lives first before you come and scream in front of me, but I'm afraid you won't have that chance."

After saying that, she walked over directly. When several people saw her coming, they wanted to take out their magic weapons and teach Yan Xiangluo a lesson, but they actually had no spiritual energy at all. There was no spiritual energy in the Qiankun Bag and they couldn't use it at all.

The eyes of several people were in disbelief. Why can’t they use their spiritual power?

Yan Xiangluo kicked people away one by one. She snorted coldly, "Whatever?" She has a poison king master, and she is also a little poison king. Not to mention her cultivation level is higher than theirs, even if her cultivation level is lower than theirs, she will not be bullied by them.

Took out the key, opened the door and walked in. Then with a bang, he closed the door and locked it inside. He didn't even look at the people lying on the ground outside.

A few people suddenly panicked, especially those who were called by the man. One of them said, "Brother, what's wrong with us? Could it be that we've been poisoned?"

The man didn’t know either, so he stood up with difficulty and said, “Hurry up and see a doctor.”

The few people left in embarrassment. Yan Xiangluo could guarantee that they would definitely come back to find her. Only she could cure the poison she had given. If they don't come to her, they will die.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo was holding the key, admiring the scenery in the courtyard and getting familiar with each courtyard. At the same time, she was also looking for which rooms on the key chain the other keys opened.

There are five keys in this bunch, one of which opens the front door, and one of which opens the back corner door. The other three keys are actually the keys that unlock the three doors in the townhouse in the backyard.

Yan Xiangluo was a little surprised. The yard had been sold, and there should be nothing left in the house except some furniture and daily necessities. Why were the three doors still locked?

Out of curiosity, Yan Xiangluo opened one of the doors. When she pushed the door open, she was stunned. This should be a warehouse. It was full of weapon refining materials, many of which she had never seen before. After all, She doesn't make elixirs either.

  But she could tell from the breath that these were very precious materials for refining weapons.

Yan Xiangluo suddenly didn't understand what the old woman meant. She didn't know how many such yards the weapon-refining materials would be worth if sold, but she knew she could buy half a city. She still knew that the weapon refining materials were very valuable, and the weapon refining master was a high-cost profession like the alchemist.

 Why did the old woman leave all these things behind? Why did he leave with only 10,000 high-grade spiritual stones from selling the house?

Suddenly, Yan Xiangluo's eyes widened and she immediately went to open the door of the second warehouse. Sure enough, it was also full of weapon refining materials.

 She went to open the third warehouse, which was still full of weapon refining materials. There are three warehouses full of weapon-refining materials! Did she get rich by buying a house?

Yan Xiangluo really didn't understand. The old woman had so many weapon-refining materials and was obviously very wealthy. Why didn't she take these weapon-refining materials away instead of selling a total of 10,000 high-grade spirits with this yard? Stone.

The old woman said before that she would not regret buying her yard. I am afraid that she also meant this. She did not suffer any loss at all. On the contrary, she made a lot of money.

  Don’t think that she doesn’t understand the market. Ten thousand high-grade spiritual stones to buy this yard is actually very cheap. Now that they have given away so many weapon refining materials, she feels unreal in her heart.

Thinking about it now, it should be true that the old woman's nephew said that her cultivation was destroyed. She had no spiritual power and could not use space to carry objects. Neither the Qiankun bag nor the ring could be opened or used.

But even if you can’t take it away, you can still sell it. Why did she leave it to herself, the next homeowner, without even saying anything?

Yu Xiangluo really couldn't understand what the old woman was thinking.

Thinking about it now, I am afraid that what the old woman's nephew wants is not the yard, but the old woman's property and collection. I just don't know if he knows that there are three large warehouses of weapon-making materials in the yard.

Thinking of this, she understood that when she came back, the old woman's nephew was guarding the door. He wanted to subdue her and occupy the yard so that he could occupy the things in the yard.

 As for whether he knew that there were three large warehouses of weapon refining materials, she didn't know.

Yan Xiangluo immediately took the weapon-refining materials from the three warehouses into the space, and placed them here, just to be used by thieves.

 She doesn’t want to cause any trouble for herself because of these weapon refining materials.

 After collecting all the weapon refining materials in the warehouse, go to the other warehouses.

This trip is to the back room. There are six warehouses in total. Although the other three rooms are not locked, they are full of things. They are all daily necessities. Although they are not expensive things, they need to be bought with crystal coins. Want a lot.

Yan Xiangluo locked the locks on the three warehouses. Then she checked the back corner door and found that there was no problem. After that, Yuan Xiangluo returned to the front yard.

This is mainly a place for entertaining guests. Yan Xiangluo is just getting familiar with it. The furniture inside is all exquisite and gorgeous. As the old woman said, none of it was taken away, not even the decorations on the Eight Treasures Grid were moved.

 The tea cups placed on the table looked as if their previous owners were still there.

There is also a large study room in the front yard. There are many books on the bookshelves in the study room. There is no shortage of pens, inks, paper and inkstones on the desk. Yan Xiangluo took out a book and flipped through it, put it back and left the study room.

 Coming to the second courtyard, this is the main courtyard and the place where the owner once lived.

 Judging from the layout of the rooms, there are two main rooms that are often occupied. They should be the rooms of the old woman, her husband and their son. Only the master room is so carefully decorated.

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