The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 391: Someone comes in the middle of the night

 There were even bedding in the bedroom. When I opened the closet, there were a lot of clothes inside. Especially in the main room, it looks like the couple's bedroom. Judging from the color and appearance of the clothes, it should be the bedroom of an old woman and her husband.

Yan Xiangluo frowned. Didn’t this old woman even bring any clothes with her?

After Yan Xiangluo looked at the east and west wings of the main room, his eyes fell on the kitchen.

When she walked into the kitchen, she found everything. There was even a lot of rice in the rice vat, and some wilted vegetables. There were many eggs in the basket, and there was still half a tank of water in the water vat. She saw There is a well in the yard, and the water should be drawn from the well.

The kitchen is very clean. Although Yan Xiangluo doesn't have any mysophobia, the only thing she can't accept is the filth in the kitchen. She won't use it until it's been cleaned thoroughly.

 Opening the cupboard, you will find plates, bowls, chopsticks, and all kinds of bottles and jars inside.

The more I look at Yan Xiangluo, the more I feel that the purchase for my yard is really worth it.

 The third entrance to the courtyard is where the former warehouse was. The back room is in the last row of the courtyard. There are also some rooms on both sides with traces of living inside. It should be the same as the reverse house in the front yard, where the servants originally lived.

 It seems that it’s not that there are no servants here, but that they have been dismissed or bought out.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo realized that they also needed to find a few servants. With such a big yard, even if she had time, she would not waste it doing housework.

But this matter has to wait until Ji Jiuchong comes out and lets him handle it. I think he is better at this than me.

I still have to live tonight. Xiang Xiangluo cleaned up the original owner's things in the main room and stacked in another box where there was a owner.

 These personal items, even if she is not mysophobic, she is not used to using others. What's more, the original owners of these things are no longer alive.

They will discuss it after Ji Jiuchong comes out and then decide how to deal with these things.

Since the old woman didn’t take it with her, she just didn’t want it.

She scrubbed the rooms on the left and right of the main house, took out her bedding and daily necessities and placed them in the room on the right. She planned to live here, leaving the left for Ji Jiuzhong.

After everything was packed up, Ji Jiuzhong took out the food Ji Jiuzhong had bought for her from the space and ate some.

After all, the neighbors around the yard she bought today must know it. It is inevitable that curious people will investigate. She will be suspected if she disappears for no reason. Before Ji Jiuzhong came out, she was not prepared to enter the space.

 After eating, continue to refine the elixir.

At this time, the nephew of the old woman who was poisoned by her was kneeling at the feet of a man.

"Young master, my aunt's house has been sold. The new owner is a teenage girl who comes from the lower continent and is good at using drugs. Our brothers wanted to occupy the yard to facilitate the search by the young master, but we are no match for her. We The brothers are all poisoned, please help us."

Yes, they knew they were poisoned and called several alchemists, but no one was sure what kind of poison they were poisoned with. Even after taking several antidote pills, it had no effect. They still couldn't use spiritual energy.

 So he could only come to beg this young master.

The young man sitting on the chair glanced at him, "I'll let someone show you later. Is there any place for valuables in your aunt's house?" The man kneeling on the ground said, "There is a place in the back room of his house. If it’s not in the warehouse, it’s probably in their bedroom and study room. I think there should be hidden compartments in their bedroom and study room, but I didn’t find it.”

“Does she have any other property?” the young master asked again.

The man shook his head and said, "No, my aunt said at the beginning that they sold the house they originally lived in and came back here to buy this yard because they wanted to retire in their hometown."

Seeing that the young master couldn't find anything, he waved his hand and asked his followers to take him down and let the alchemist who was accompanying him take a look at him.

 His personal attendant came back after a while, "Master, the poison in his body is very strange, and it is impossible to detect it. If he hadn't said that, even the alchemists would not have discovered that he was poisoned."

“In other words, our accompanying alchemist can’t do anything.” The young master raised his eyebrows.

 “Yes.” He responded.

The young master knocked his hand on the table again and again, "Let him come to the door in person tomorrow to apologize and buy the antidote. It doesn't matter how much it is worth, but he must take it back and give it to our alchemist to check before giving it to him."

The follower was stunned for a moment, thinking of the other party's superb poison skills, he understood, and immediately responded, "Yes."

Yan Xiangluo didn't stop refining the elixir until the night got dark in the evening. In one more day, she would be able to finish refining all the seventh-grade elixir recipes.

  Stretched out and walked to the lotus pond. There were actually more than a dozen red and yellow koi carp inside. Seeing her coming, they all swam over.

Yan Xiangluo said funnyly, "You are hungry."

She had no other food to feed the fish, so she took out a piece of snack, crushed it and threw it on the water. The koi fish immediately started fighting for it, and the sound of their tails slapping against the water made people relax easily.

After living for so long, Yan Xiangluo felt solid and peaceful for the first time.

After feeding the fish for a while, Yan Xiangluo went to sit in the pavilion on the rockery nearby for a while.

The location here is high, and she can see the scenes in the adjacent mansions. She can see other people, and naturally they can also see her. Therefore, when she saw someone walking around in the yard next door, she got down from the pavilion.

She didn't plan to eat at night. She went back to her room to practice until midnight. Suddenly she noticed someone coming in from the backyard. She immediately withdrew her consciousness and lay down pretending to be asleep.

Sure enough, within a moment, divine consciousness came over to investigate, and soon the divine consciousness was withdrawn. Yan Xiangluo knew that this divine consciousness was stronger than hers, which meant that the other party's cultivation level was higher than hers. She did not dare to use divine consciousness to investigate it. , ask Zhetian to go to the backyard to see what the person wants to do?

Zhetian is already very skilled at this job. He reduced himself to his smallest state and went to the backyard very quickly, using plants to cover the people looking at the backyard.

The visitor searched the rooms one by one, especially the locked rooms. The man went in and rummaged for a long time until he had rummaged through all the rooms. Then he went to the study in the front yard and searched a lot in the study. It took a long time before I left the study. I stood outside the master bedroom for a while, as if hesitating whether to go in, but then I turned around and left.

 After Zhe Tian came back, he told Yan Xiangluo what he saw in detail.

Yan Xiangluo knew that the visitor must be related to the old woman. She had just arrived in Xiangyang City and had not offended anyone. Moreover, the visitor was obviously looking for something.

 What the visitors are definitely not looking for are the weapon refining materials. The old woman should have something they want in her hand.

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