The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 392: There’s really a secret pattern

Chapter 392 There is a real secret pattern

The old woman has lost all her cultivation, so she probably won’t be able to keep her storage ring and Qiankun bag. Otherwise, she would have lost all her belongings at home, and no one would come to the yard to look for things.

 It should be that the other party has confirmed that the old woman does not have what they want. Could it be that what they were looking for was really in this yard?

Yan Xiangluo's brain was working rapidly. Without Ji Jiuzhong as a think tank, she would have to use her own brain.

Since that person searched the study and found nothing, they must think that the only place where they can hide things is the master bedroom. It seems that she will find a chance to go out for a walk tomorrow to give the other person a chance to search the master bedroom. .

 Let Zhetian go back into space, and call out the clouds again.

"Yun Tuan, please check this mansion carefully to see if there are any secret passages or secret doors and if there are any treasures."

Yun Tuan said, "There are no treasures. I'll go and see if there are any secret passages or secret compartments."

Yan Xiangluo was helpless about the high vision of her spiritual pet. There were so many natural and earthly treasures that caught her eye. She understood very well that anything that was not recognized by Yun Tuan was not considered a treasure.

 Forget it, let it see if there are any secret passages or secret cells. If there are any, go find them yourself.

 Judging from Yun Tuan’s reaction, the thing the other party was looking for was not there and it was just a treasure. Maybe it was just something important to them.

Soon Yun Tuan came back, "Master, there is a secret compartment in the study, and there is also a secret compartment in the bedroom on the left. There are things in them, but there are no treasures."

Yu Xiangluo was stunned, there really is a secret pattern!

 The bedroom on the left should be where the couple lived.

“Is the secret grid easy to find?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Yun Tuan said, "It is extremely secretive. It is difficult to find people who don't know it, unless they are very proficient in the mechanism."

Since no one could be found in the secret compartment in the study, and the other party in the bedroom might not be able to find it, she was not going to use these two secret compartments now. It seemed that she had to go out tomorrow.

 Give the other person a chance to rummage, so that you can be cleaner in the future.

 What kind of yard did she buy? Why did she feel that buying it was a hassle? If she hadn't really liked this yard, she would have wanted to sell it and get another one.

Yan Xiangluo was no longer in the mood to practice, so she asked Yun Tuan to accompany her outside. Yun Tuan nestled next to her pillow, a small, fluffy ball, and she fell asleep peacefully.

Early the next morning, she prepared to go out after washing up. As soon as she opened the door, she saw the old woman's nephew, followed by a man. He was not the one who made trouble yesterday. He had an extraordinary temperament and a faint murderous aura about him.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the man. It seemed that someone had bribed the old woman's nephew. No wonder the old woman hated her nephew so much.

But no matter how much she disliked the old woman, she spared his life, obviously because of her blood relationship.

Yan Xiangluo asked the old woman’s nephew, “What are you doing here?”

The old woman's nephew rolled his eyes in his heart. Isn't this asking questions knowingly? Yesterday you poisoned us, and today I came to you. Naturally, I want to detoxify.

“Girl, yesterday I was blind and offended the girl. Today I came here specifically to apologize and ask the girl to be merciful and spare my life.”

Yan Xiangluo sneered. This man could do anything to survive. Even his own aunt could be betrayed. There was nothing he couldn't do.

“I don’t see the sincerity of your apology either.”

The man immediately took out a brocade box and handed it over, "If you are sincere, please accept it."

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the brocade box in his hand, but opened it directly in his hand without taking it. Inside was a white ginseng that was three thousand years old. A dark light flashed through Yan Xiangluo's apricot eyes. Was this to test whether she was an alchemist?

"I have white ginseng that is three thousand years old." Yan Xiangluo closed the brocade box with a tone of disgust and rejection.

Upon hearing this, the old woman's nephew immediately forced the brocade box into Xiangluo's arms, "Young lady is an alchemist, why do you think there are so many medicinal materials? Keep them for later."

Yan Xiangluo picked up the brocade box in her hand and raised the corners of her lips, "Want an antidote?"

 The old woman’s nephew nodded immediately.

 “Okay.” Yan Xiangluo responded happily.

The old woman's nephew suddenly smiled and said in a doggy voice, "Young lady is really a good girl with a kind heart. Thank you very much. I also have several friends of mine, please show me your kindness."

 “Okay.” Yan Xiangluo agreed happily.

The old woman’s nephew rubbed his hands and said with a shy face, “When will the girl give me the antidote?”

"One detoxification pill and ten thousand high-grade spiritual stones. Once the spiritual stones are obtained, the detoxification pill will be given to you." Yan Xiangluo said with a smile.

The old woman’s nephew’s face suddenly froze and he pointed at the white ginseng in her arms, “This, this…”

I was embarrassed to say it directly, and I could see that the fragrance was clear, but he wanted to use this white to exchange a few detoxification Dan. He thought it was beautiful.

"Why, isn't the white ginseng an apology? You don't want to exchange the white ginseng for the detoxification pill, do you? What you think is very beautiful. This white ginseng is not as valuable as the dregs of the detoxification pill I used to practice, let alone a few detoxification pills." It's impossible to get even one pill, you're not too shy." Yan Xiangluo didn't give him any face.

The old woman's nephew's face turned red and blue, and he hated Yan Xiangluo in his heart, but he did not dare to show it at all because of the detoxification pill.

This white ginseng tree was given to him by your noble master. He couldn't get anything more valuable.

At this time, the man standing behind him spoke, "Girl, this price is too expensive!"

"You don't have to buy it." Yan Xiangluo shrugged, turned around, locked the door and walked towards the entrance of the alley.

 The man only said one sentence before he was choked by Yan Xiangluo's words.

This is a mockery of their inability to see the formality. It is you who beg me, not me who begs you.

You came to me to buy antidote pills just because you couldn't detoxify them. In that case, the price I say is the price. You don't have to buy it if you think it's expensive, but you don't have the right to bargain.

"Miss, please stay. We will buy five antidote pills. When can you give them to us?" The man thought of his master's words and said immediately.

The master said that he would buy it for any amount of money. Apparently, the master had long realized that this girl could talk like a lion.

Yan Xiangluo did not look back, "Whenever you give me the spirit stone, I will give you the antidote pill, but not now. I have to go out to have breakfast and buy things, and I will be back in an hour at the earliest."

“Okay, let’s come back in an hour and hand over the spiritual stone in one hand and the detoxifying pill in the other.” The man said immediately.

 I'm afraid it's too late and Xiangluo's figure has disappeared.

Yan Xiangluo did not respond, but raised her hand and waved to show that she heard.

 (End of this chapter)

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