The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 393: No wonder you are arrogant

 Seeing the fiery red figure disappear at the entrance of the alley, the old woman's nephew dared to say, "She is too arrogant."

The implication is that I want to provoke the man to complain to the noble master. It is best to get the antidote and the noble master will kill the little girl.

 The man saw through his mind at a glance and glanced at him, "I have the capital to be arrogant."

 In one sentence, I would not dare to say anything that would make the old woman's nephew complain.

The man looked back at the locked door, and immediately took out the sound transmission stone and told his master, "Master, she went out and will be back in an hour."

 “Where is the detoxification pill?” the other party asked.

“Ten thousand high-grade spiritual stones and one detoxifying pill.” The man said with insufficient confidence.

Although elixirs have always been very expensive, it is outrageous for an antidote pill to be so expensive. But there is no way, why are all the alchemists in Xiangyang City unable to refine an antidote pill to detoxify this poison.

The other party obviously didn't expect that Yan Xiangluo would open her mouth to such an extent. She paused and said, "Buy."

 The man felt relieved when he saw that his master did not reprimand him and agreed to buy the detoxification pill. Fifty thousand high-grade spiritual stones is not a small sum. She only spent 10,000 high-grade spiritual stones to buy this yard. Five antidote pills cost 50,000 high-grade spiritual stones. No wonder people say that alchemists are rich.

 That’s not right, the alchemist next to my master doesn’t have the money to do this.

Originally, when the owner knew that the old lady was selling the yard, he wanted to arrange for his people to buy it, but before the arranger made a move, the yard was sold early in the morning. It caught them off guard.

They never expected that they would sell it the night before and sell it early the next morning. No one else could do it at such a speed.

It is very troublesome to look for things now, but there are no people in the yard yet, and the only owner is not at home, so it is a good time to look for things.

Although Ruan Xiangluo left home, she left Zhetian at home. Sure enough, not long after she left home, there were people at home. This time, it was not only the man from last night, but also a dozen people dressed as guards. .

They rummaged through the entire mansion again, mainly searching the warehouse, study, and bedrooms, but unfortunately, they still couldn't find what they were looking for.

After breakfast, Yan Xiangluo went shopping again, bought a lot of useful things and food, and took the time to go back.

Just when she walked into the alley, Zhe Tian said, "Master, they are all gone."

Yan Xiangluo knew that someone had been following her, and they only evacuated when they saw that she was back and had tipped off the people.

 When I turned the corner, I saw the man who had made the decision standing at the door of the house. The old woman’s nephew did not come this time.

She knew very well about this method. The old woman's nephew was just a medium for them to talk to her.

They won’t give up if they don’t find something, and they will try to find ways to contact them.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at him, "Where is the spirit stone?"

The man took out a Qiankun bag and handed it to her. Yan Xiangluo took it and took a look at the quality and quantity of the spirit stones inside. She put all the spirit stones inside into her storage ring, and then took out a medicine bottle to put them in. In the Qiankun bag, he threw it to the man.

 Inside are the detoxifying pills she had refined yesterday, according to the number of people they have, one pill for each person, no more and no less.

The man caught the Qiankun bag, took out the medicine bottle inside, opened it and took a look. Although it was an antidote, he didn't know how it worked.

“Can Miss Yu guarantee the effectiveness of the detoxification pill?”

Yan Xiangluo took out the key and unlocked the courtyard door, and said to the man, "I'm right here. Is it possible that I can still run away? Besides, I won't smash my own sign. I'm not bragging about alchemy and medical skills. I’ve never taken it from anyone. Don’t you know that when you learn medicine, you first learn poison, and what they have is not really poison.”

Hua Luo pushed open the door and walked in. He closed the door with a bang. He was obviously in a bad mood. . The man outside looked at the closed door with a gloomy expression. Should he learn medicine before he learns poison? It seems that she also has medical skills. No wonder the alchemist raised by the master has no clue.

 Took the medicine bottle and went back to resume his life.

"She really said that?" the noble master asked, playing with the medicine bottle.

“It’s word for word, she did say that she has never taken medicine from anyone other than medicine or alchemy. To learn medicine, you must first learn poison, and the poison they have is not that big of a deal.”

The meaning is obvious, I haven't actually poisoned him yet.

“Interesting, do all the alchemists in the lower mainland learn the art of poison?” The noble prince raised the corners of his lips when he thought of a poisoning incident that happened in the mainland this year.

That matter was suppressed by the Lord of the Twilight Continent. Although people outside did not know about it, how could they, the big family forces, not know about it at all? However, it was said that the man came from the lower continent and was going to be branded as a slave. , got angry, poisoned him, and then left in a swaggering manner.

 No one knows exactly who this person is.

If Yan Xiangluo knew about this, she would definitely be excited. Who else could she do besides her master?

 The alchemist who was studying the ingredients of the detoxification pill wiped the cold sweat on his head and said cautiously, "Master, I can't tell what medicinal materials are used in the detoxification pill."

“Can’t you see anything?” Your Excellency glanced at him.

The alchemist said in embarrassment, "I can't see anything at all."

"What's the grade of the detoxification pill?" Your Excellency asked again.

The alchemist said in confusion, "I can't tell the grade of this antidote pill at all."

This is too embarrassing. He just doesn’t know the ingredients of the detoxification pill. He can’t even tell the grade of the detoxification pill. He has never been so embarrassed since he became an alchemist.

 Being able to stay with his master, naturally his alchemy talent is pretty good.

Your young master paused and did not blame the alchemist for being a waste. He still understood that there are people outside the world.

 He threw the medicine bottle to the alchemist, "Take it and give it to them to see the effect."

The alchemist caught the bottle of medicine and ran out. He came back after a while and said excitedly, "Master, it's so miraculous and powerful. No wonder she is so arrogant."

"The effect is excellent?" Your young master knew the result when he saw the alchemist's expression.

“It’s not very good, it’s super good. The elixir melts in the mouth and enters the body and takes effect. They can use their spiritual power immediately. I have never seen an elixir that takes effect so quickly.”

 One thing he didn't say was that even his master couldn't do this, let alone him.

Your young master squinted his eyes thoughtfully, "Your Majesty will personally visit this young lady tomorrow."

The follower was stunned for a moment and said, "Master, this is too risky."

Your young master sneered, "How can a little girl like her make such big waves?"

The person who met Yan Xiangluo today to buy antidote pills was the person he met in person. He didn't think so. Yan Xiangluo gave him the feeling that she could turn the world upside down if she wanted to.

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