The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 394: supportive person

He thought of Yan Xiangluo's calm look and arrogant tone. If he hadn't clearly known that she was from a lower continent, he would have suspected that she was a powerful figure sent by a rival family.

Thinking of this, his eyes lit up, "Master, no one from the lower continent has been able to leave the Dusui Continent and settle in the inner continent. Could she be sent by the Liu family?"

Hearing this, the noble master said, "I don't rule out this possibility. Yesterday, I arranged for someone to go to Mu Sui Continent to check her experience. I heard that she also has a fiancé, but she hasn't seen anyone in the past two days. The news tonight No matter what the news is, I will go there in person tomorrow."

 He had a good idea that such an outstanding woman’s fiancé would be no less good, or even better than her.

However, it’s not like he’s a weakling. He can’t make a conclusion until the news comes back and he doesn’t see the person with his own eyes.

No matter whether the other party is from the Lord of the Twilight Continent or not, he cannot give up looking for something.

Yan Xiangluo didn’t know yet that their experiences in the Mu Sui Continent would be found out, so she returned home to continue refining elixirs.

 At night, when she was practicing, she realized that Ji Jiuzhong in the space had finally finished her training, so she immediately quit practicing and looked into the space.

Ji Jiuzhong came out after a while. This time he was much more embarrassed than last time. He started to advance without waiting for a moment.

Ji Jiuzhong couldn't stop advancing from the beginning. He advanced to the first level, the second level, the third level, and then the fourth level in a row, stopping at the peak of the ninth level of the Zong level.

Had it not been for the opportunity needed to break through to the emperor level, I'm afraid he still wouldn't be able to stop.

Yan Xiang felt sad, how could he advance to so many levels? He had advanced to one level more than him before. It was also his first experience. He advanced to level one and he also advanced to level one. He felt quite balanced. Why did he advance this time? It's level four.

 Although she was happy for him as his cultivation level got higher, it was true that she felt sour in her heart.

 Originally came to the higher continent together, and their cultivation levels were finally the same, but now they are far apart.

It seems that she should really find time to go into the palace to practice. Not to mention, the space magic weapon given to her by her senior brother is really a good thing.

Ji Jiuchong was very excited after his promotion was over, as he was one step closer to his plan.

I wanted to share the joy with my beloved Luoluo immediately, but I didn’t see Yan Xiangluo in the space. When I was about to come out of the space, I saw a huge pile of weapon-refining materials piled in the open space of the space. What’s going on?

 What’s happening these days? His little girl is also very capable, and she will do something big if she is not careful.

Ji Jiuzhong just glanced at the refining materials and came out of the space. Then he saw Yu Xiangluo sitting at the table with her chin in her hands and looking at him resentfully.

 Although she has changed back into women's clothing, her appearance is not her original one, but her eyes cannot be disguised.

"Luoluo, what's wrong? Someone bullied you? Where are you? What happened to the weapon refining materials in the space? What happened these days?" Ji Jiuzhong found that he seemed to have many questions to ask.

Yan Xiangluo sighed, but did not say that the reason for her bad mood was because she was upset that he was promoted quickly.

“This is Xiangyang City. This is the yard I bought. The pile of weapon-refining materials was given as a gift when I bought the yard.”

Ji Jiuzhong’s mouth twitched. During the time he was practicing, this girl came to Xiangyang City by herself? Not only did he come to Xiangyang City, he also bought a yard. Not only did he buy a yard, but he also gave him weapons-refining materials. Why has he never encountered such a good thing? As a weapon refiner himself, he was very aware of the value of that pile of weapon refinement materials. He didn't know how old the yard she bought was, but it was definitely not comparable to that pile of weapon refinement materials.

How much money did his little girl spend to buy this yard? Don’t let anyone fool you.

“How much did Luo Luohua pay for this yard?” Ji Jiuzhong resisted the urge to hug her because he was still wearing his training clothes and was a little dirty, and sat down opposite her. Yan Xiangluo stretched out a finger, and Ji Jiuzhong's phoenix eyes flashed, "One hundred thousand high-grade spiritual stones?"

The little girl is quite rich and can afford 100,000 high-grade spiritual stones.

Yan Xiangluo shook his head, and Ji Jiuzhong frowned. Could it be a million? He didn't think his little girl had so many high-grade spiritual stones to buy this yard.

Even if the future father-in-law has spiritual stones, he will definitely not have that many.

"Ten thousand high-grade spiritual stones." Yan Xiangluo didn't hesitate and told him directly.

Ji Jiuzhong looked at her in disbelief, "Are you sure?"

Just buy a courtyard and get 10,000 high-grade spiritual stones from Thaksin. After all, when he decided to settle in Xiangyang City, he paid attention to some information about Xiangyang City. Although Xiangyang City is not the capital of the Southern Continent, it is indeed the most beautiful and comfortable city.

Also because it is close to Yunshang Palace, there are more people living there than in the capital city.

Yan Xiangluo rolled her eyes at him, took out the house deed and slapped it in front of him, "The house deed is all in my name, is it still fake?"

Ji Jiuzhong saw Yu Xiangluo's name on the house deed and believed that this girl really spent 10,000 high-grade spiritual stones to buy the yard. The owner also gave valuable weapon-refining materials as a gift.

 However, there is no free lunch in this world, and there may be something wrong with it.

"Seeing that you are in a bad mood, is someone bullying you? Because of this yard?" Ji Jiuzhong thought that she had not answered when he asked her before, so she must have been bullied.

 When mentioning being bullied, Yan Xiangluo immediately pouted and said, "Someone really bullied me."

Ji Jiuzhong's eyes turned cold upon hearing this, "Who?"

Who dares to bully his little girl? Even if he has not yet become a strong man, he is not afraid of them. He has many methods.

"I've already returned it. If you want to bully me, there are no doors or windows." Yuan Xiangluo said angrily.

The person who finally supported her came out, and she suddenly felt a lot more confident.

Ji Jiuchong breathed a sigh of relief. Since she could return it by herself, it meant that things were still under control.

"Tell me, what happened these days? How did you come to Xiangyang City? When did you arrive, and how did you buy the yard?"

Ji Jiuzhong knew that things were still under control, so he was not so worried. He wanted to know in detail what happened to this girl these days?

 The most important thing is who bullied her, thinking that she could just take it back. There is nothing cheap about him.

The corner of Yan Xiangluo's mouth twitched. This man regarded herself as a child, but thinking that he was worried about her, she didn't care about it. Ji Jiuzhong would tell him about her experiences these days without asking.

The main reason is that Ji Jiuzhong has always been in the habit of leaving messages for his people along the way, but these days she has been walking with the Changqing team. Ji Jiuzhong did not come out and did not leave any messages. She was worried about Changfeng When they came, they couldn't find Ji Jiuzhong.

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