The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 395: Open the dark grid (1)

Yan Xiangluo looked at his embarrassed look and knew that he had mysophobia. This was because he was worried about himself, so he ignored the dirty clothes on his body, and his heart suddenly felt warm.

"There's no rush. Go freshen up and change your clothes first, and we'll talk later."

Ji Jiuzhong was actually feeling very uncomfortable, so he didn’t object after hearing her words. He stood up and looked around the room.

Yan Xiangluo pointed to the opposite side and said, "This is my bedroom, and yours is opposite. I have cleaned and cleaned the room. You can just put your bedding on it and move in. There is a well in the yard, and the water in the kitchen tank is The water was used by the previous owner, and I didn’t use half of it.”

After hearing her words, Ji Jiuzhong felt like he was being nagged by his little wife. This was the first time someone had talked to him in such a nagging way. He liked this feeling very much.

 “Okay.” He responded and went out.

I walked through the main room and went to his room. The size and layout of the room were the same as the one where Yan Xiangluo lived. It was kept spotless and her heart felt warm. Luoluo knew that he had mysophobia and began to take into account his feelings, explaining that she was in the room. The position in her heart became heavy again.

 Took out his bedding and daily necessities, found a set of clothes, and then went to the yard. Although it was the middle of the night, for their cultivation level, the darkness could not block their sight, and he could clearly see the layout of the yard.

 No wonder this girl bought this yard, it looks very comfortable indeed.

After getting some water, he went back to the room and did a simple wash. He changed into clean clothes and returned to his original appearance. When he turned around and went out, he saw Yan Xiangluo sitting on a chair in the main room. There was a tea set on the table. They were using it in the space. That set.

Seeing him come out, Yan Xiangluo immediately poured him a cup of tea and placed it in front of him.

The tea is spiritual tea. Ji Jiuzhong gave it to her before. Once she got used to drinking this tea, she no longer felt the same when drinking other teas.

Ji Jiuzhong sat down and saw that she didn't drink tea, so he poured her a cup. Then he drank the tea that Yan Xiangluo poured for him, and then said, "Let's talk."

Only then did Yan Xiangluo tell him what she had experienced during his training in detail, without omitting anything.

Ji Jiuzhong didn't speak for a while after hearing this. Yan Xiangluo knew that he was smoothing over these things. She also wanted to know where she had not thought thoroughly, especially about this yard and the old woman, and how she had always wanted to start from the yard. The person who finds something inside actually has no confidence.

She didn't expect to get into trouble when she first came here, but things happened and she couldn't escape them. They had to be solved.

 In her heart, there is nothing that Ji Jiuchong cannot solve.

After a while, Ji Jiuzhong said, "The most troublesome thing now is the person who is looking for something. Since the other party believes that the thing is in this yard, they will not give up if they can't find it. Judging from the situation of their rummaging, they want to It’s not the weapon refining materials. Let’s take out the things in the secret room first and see if they are what the other party is looking for. If it is something difficult, put it in there and let them find it.”

Although Luoluo has been through a lot in the past few days, she has handled the matter very well. However, buying this yard is really troublesome. Since Luoluo knew about trouble and bought this yard, it proves that she likes it very much, so he will take the trouble out of it. Get rid of it.

 As long as it is not something that can easily implicate them, letting the other party find and take it away is the best solution.

As for the man named Li Changhao whom she admires very much, let’s wait until she actually meets him! There was also the old woman who was the original head of the household in the yard. The dragon-head crutch in her hand felt familiar, but she couldn't remember it no matter how hard she thought about it.

 But he took it to heart.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "I just wanted to wait for you to come out before opening it."

Ji Jiuzhong was very pleased that she trusted and relied on him so much and felt that he was becoming more and more important to her. Seeing that although she had resumed her women's clothing, she still knew how to cover up her appearance, and knew that she was frightened by Liu Yu, who was in the old country.

Now that they have come to the inner continent, they cannot always show others a false face.

“From now on, you can show your true face to others. Luoluo, don’t you want to use your medical skills to make a name for yourself? You can’t let people not recognize you.”

 Although restoring her true appearance may cause unnecessary trouble, this is the inner continent, the most well-informed place, and the easiest place to find her parents and master.

 Besides, his people should have arrived, and his power will be re-established soon. This is the main reason why he works so hard to improve his cultivation. He wants to have the cultivation and strength to protect her as she pleases.

 At that time, he can do whatever he wants with Luo Luo, and she should be free and happy.

Yan Xiangluo touched her face and sighed, "If you look ugly, you will feel uncomfortable. If you look good, you will have too many troubles."

However, he still raised his hand to wipe away the mysterious lines on his body and restored his appearance. Ji Jiuzhong was right. If she wanted to be famous for her medical skills, she couldn't use a mask, otherwise no one would know it was her.

Ji Jiuzhong felt as if he hadn't seen him for a long time when he saw the familiar face. After all, they had been using masks to show off to others during this period.

He stretched out his hand to rub her head, "I'm here, just leave it to me to solve the problem."

Yan Xiang's face suddenly felt a little hot. This person really could always use the most serious words to make her feel that they were not serious.

"Yun Tuan." Yan Xiangluo swatted away his hand that was making trouble on her head and called out Yun Tuan.

Yun Tuan saw that both of them had returned to their true appearance, and his black eyes rolled around. He still looked at them like this, and they had to make them look ugly. They looked so good.

He cursed a few times in his heart, but moved quickly and rushed into Ji Jiuzhong's room. He pointed at the closet with his little paw, "Master, the secret compartment is under the closet. You need to turn the closet over to see it."

Yan Xiangluo told Ji Jiuzhong, and Ji Jiuzhong easily turned over the wardrobe, exposing the bottom.

Yan Xiangluo squatted next to Ji Jiuzhong, and the two of them studied for a long time but couldn't figure out where the secret grid was.

"Yun Tuan, where is the hidden grid? Didn't you say you can see it from the other way around?" There was no other way but to let Yun Tuan take action.

Originally, they wanted to research first to see if they could find the hidden compartment. Now it seems that there is a reason why those people searched several times but failed to find the hidden compartment. Now they know that the hidden compartment is under the wardrobe and they have found it. No, no wonder they couldn't find it.

You don’t know it even if you hit it right under your nose.

Yun Tuan’s little paw pointed at the lower left side of the wardrobe, “It’s right here, it’s about this big, and I don’t know how to open this thing.”

Ji Jiuzhong looked at the position drawn by the clouds. It was a long hidden grid, but no matter how it looked, it was a whole board that fit together perfectly. Could it be that it was inside?

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