The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 396: Open the dark grid (2)

 After all, he has checked it several times, and there is no place to put the mechanism at all. Although the black box is not big, how did it get put in? It can only be inside.

"Could it be opened from the inside?" Yan Xiangluo also thought of this and pointed to the inside of the closet.

At the bottom of the wardrobe are two drawers, connected to the bottom. Ji Jiuzhong raised his hand and pulled out the drawer. The space inside was small, so Ji Jiuzhong put in a lighting bead to see clearly what was inside.

After studying it for a while, he reached in and started tinkering with it, while Yan Xiangluo squatted aside and watched.

Suddenly she heard a slight clicking sound and saw that the entire board under the wardrobe was opened. Ji Jiuzhong reached out to catch the board to prevent it from hitting the ground and damaging the board. She would have to put it back together later.

There is a very narrow, palm-long box at the point where the cloud points inside. It is just inlaid between the square wood holding the drawer and the bottom board. Nothing can be seen from the inside.

Ji Jiuzhong took down the box and Yan Xiangluo looked at it curiously, wanting to know what was inside.

Ji Jiuchong narrowed his eyes, why did he feel familiar again?

 He studied it for a while, and then followed a feeling and opened the box. He was a little surprised. The box was too easy to open.

Yan Xiangluo didn't know what he was thinking. He was definitely very powerful, and he opened the box so quickly.

As soon as the box was opened, Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo were stunned.

 There was a dark token inside, shaped like a small dagger. What surprised them was the words on the token.

There is no pattern on the token, only two words "Nine Levels" are engraved on it.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the words on the token and then looked at Ji Jiuzhong. Is this a coincidence? Ji Jiuzhong's name is actually engraved on it.

Ji Jiuzhong calmed down quickly after being surprised. Maybe it meant Jiuzhongtian, not his name.

He picked up the token and looked behind him. His heart, which had just calmed down, was startled again.

 Because there are also two words behind the token, he can also understand the two words in front of it as the meaning of Jiuzhongtian, not someone's name.

But when they saw the last two words, neither of them calmed down.

 Only because there are two words "Xiangluo" engraved on the back.

If the nine layers in the front are a coincidence, the fragrant fall in the back is not easy to be a coincidence. How to explain this?

Yan Xiangluo's big apricot eyes widened, "What's going on? Why are our names on this token?"

Ji Jiuzhong was also confused, and seeing this token, Ji Jiuzhong felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity. He wanted to catch what he remembered, but he felt nothing.

He knew that this was definitely not normal. He had felt an inexplicable familiarity with the old woman's dragon-head crutches ever since he heard what Luoluo said about them. Up to now, this feeling of familiarity had appeared three times. This was definitely not a coincidence.

 However, he and Luoluo had just arrived here, so there could be nothing that had anything to do with them, but what happened in front of him could not be explained by his cleverness. This inexplicable sense of familiarity made it impossible for him to ignore it even if he wanted to.

Yan Xiangluo thought of what the fifth senior brother said, and she suddenly looked at Ji Jiuzhong. Did she really have any entanglement with Ji Jiuzhong in his previous life?

 If this is the case, it would make sense. This token is probably from their previous life. Fate is really wonderful. We can meet again in this life if we met in the past life. “Do you believe in past and present lives?” Yan Xiangluo suddenly asked.

Ji Jiuzhong was stunned and looked at the token in his hand, "Luoluo thinks this is something from our previous life. We knew each other in the previous life and have the same name as this life?"

"It's very possible." Yan Xiangluo didn't know whether she should tell Ji Jiuzhong what the fifth senior brother said, because she didn't know what happened in her previous life.

Previously, she was really not sure whether she and Ji Jiuzhong had this name in the previous life, but after seeing the name on this token, she became somewhat convinced.

“Luoluoxin?” Ji Jiuzhong looked at her and asked.

Yan Xiangluo blinked, "Letter."

 One word made Ji Jiuchong understand that she not only believed in it, but believed in it very much. What made her believe so much in the past and present life? Could it be just this token, but he didn't think so. Luo Luo had a secret in his heart.

The two looked at each other for a moment. Ji Jiuzhong looked away and looked at the token in his hand, "I believe it too."

 Not for anything else, just because this is fate with her. Therefore, he is willing to believe that this also shows that they have a very deep fate, so they can meet again and make him fall in love with her at first sight.

Hearing what he said, Yan Xiang was relieved. She had a feeling that this thing must be related to the past lives of the two of them, but she didn't know if it was what those people were looking for, and even if it was, she couldn't give it out.

If Ji Jiuzhong doesn't believe it, it's not easy to handle. If he believes it, then Ji Jiuzhong will give it away without her having to say anything.

"This thing is refined. Although I can't see its use now, I can't let others get it. Let me put this here first. The box has been taken away by us. There is no need to keep the mechanism here. Dismantle the mechanism. I can’t tell there were any traps or secret cells here.”

Ji Jiuzhong removed the mechanism that allowed the bottom panel to open, and then put the bottom panel back in place. In this way, the wardrobe would be a complete wardrobe, and no one would ever discover the mechanism that was originally installed inside. The mechanism is extremely small and there will be no traces after it is removed. This is why Ji Jiuzhong dared to do this.

Yan Xiangluo didn't object to him collecting the things, as long as he didn't give them to others, and she had a feeling in her heart that this thing should originally belong to Ji Jiuzhong.

“Will the secret compartment in the study be opened tonight?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Ji Jiuzhong put the wardrobe back and said, "Open it. We must know what is inside as soon as possible so that we can respond promptly."

Yan Xiangluo asked Zhe Tian to go out on guard and notify her immediately if anyone came. She was worried that the people who came last night would come back tonight. Although she had given them a chance to check during the day, she did not guarantee they would come back at night.

With the sky-covering warning in place, the two of them left the bedroom and went to the study in the front yard with peace of mind.

Although Yan Xiangluo came into the study once yesterday, she didn't check it in detail. Now in the middle of the night, they were not in the mood to check, so they directly asked Yun Tuan to find the location of the secret compartment.

Yun Tuan came to the innermost row of bookshelves, and pointed his little paw at the wall next to the bookshelf, "There is a secret grid on the wooden board of the bookshelf next to the wall."

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong were speechless. The secret grid was so exquisitely made, and the location chosen was so unexpected.

Ji Jiuzhong used his spiritual power to move the bookshelf so that it was half a meter away from the wall to make it easier for them to move around.

It is still a flat board. If you don’t know that there are hidden compartments inside, you really can’t find it.

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