The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 397: Open the dark grid (3)

 Chapter 397 Opening the Secret Compartment (3)

Yun Tuan drew out a range with his small paws, "The secret grid is right here. It's so big and flat. How to open it is up to you."

Although Yun Tuan has a strong treasure hunting ability and is not afraid of any enchantment formations, he really knows nothing about mechanisms.

The hidden compartment is at the bottom of the bookshelf, about one foot square. Ji Jiuzhong squatted on the ground and looked at it. He finally understood that Yun Tuan should have told them the location of the hidden compartment, but it should still be opened on the other side of the bookshelf. organ.

The bottom of the bookshelf was made into a cabinet, with a double door. Ji Jiuzhong opened the door and took out the books inside. He took them out as he placed them in order to prevent others from being discovered when he put them back. Pass.

 Then he began to study how to open the hidden grid.

Having the experience of opening the secret compartment in the bedroom, Ji Jiuzhong did not do much research. Just relying on his feeling, Ji Jiuzhong quickly opened the secret compartment.

 Sure enough, it was opened like this again. He was sure of something.

The mechanism was opened, and the wooden board on the side of the bookcase against the wall fell down. Fortunately, Xiao Yan Xiangluo was standing on the side of the wall watching Ji Jiuzhong crack the mechanism, so when the wooden board fell down, she stretched out her hand to catch it. .

Ji Jiuzhong quickly stood up, took the wooden board and stood by the wall. Then the two of them saw that after the wooden board was opened, there was a painting hanging on the entire wall. It didn't take much to think about it. This bookshelf was tailor-made for this painting. Made to order, the height, length and width are just right.

 The two of them did not take down the painting, but looked at it.

Ruan Xiangluo was stunned. This painting was too familiar to her, because it was about the evergreen tree in the Nine Heavens. There was also a man and woman under the tree. It was the same couple that Ruan Xiangluo saw committing suicide in her dream. men and women.

The only difference is that the painting shows the two people hugging each other and looking up at the evergreen tree in happiness, rather than the tragic image of living and dying together with no regrets in their love that she saw in her dream.

 Because of this painting, the scene in the dream flashed through my mind again. It is still fresh in my memory and has not been forgotten at all.

Ji Jiuzhong felt his soul tremble when he saw this painting. The familiar feeling came back, as if he was in it.

The two had different ideas, but they were both shocked by this painting.

After a while, both of them came to their senses. Yan Xiangluo spoke first, "The tree in this painting is the evergreen tree in the ninth heaven."

Ji Jiuzhong’s eyes widened. How did Luoluo know this? Her tone was so sure.

 “It seems that this painting cannot be left to them.”

Yan Xiangluo thought the same way. This painting was related to the dream she had before getting the divine bead, and it must not fall into the hands of others.

Ji Jiuzhong rolled up the painting and put it away. He handed it to Yan Xiangluo and said, "This painting will be kept away."

Yan Xiangluo was not polite, she put the painting directly into the space, on the table in the bedroom.

She put away the painting and saw Ji Jiuzhong still staring at the empty grid, "What's wrong?"

"We don't know if these two things are what they are looking for. If they are, if they can't find them, we won't be able to live in peace." Ji Jiuzhong said.

Yan Xiangluo frowned, "How about we make a fake one and put it inside?"

Ji Jiuzhong shook his head, "It's not easy. You can tell that this painting is old at a glance. It has a strong sense of staleness. I can imitate the painting perfectly, but if it doesn't have a sense of staleness, I'm afraid I won't be able to get past it."

Yan Xiangluo's eyes lit up. She could make the painting look old.

 Those who sold fake antique paintings in another life had this skill. She looked up some information out of curiosity. She may not be able to match the skills of those who turned modern paintings into antique paintings, but the people here who fooled them should be similar. “I can make the paintings look old.”

Ji Jiuzhong said in surprise, "Luoluo really surprises me. Is there anything you can't do?"

Ji Jiuzhong was indeed surprised that Yan Xiangluo still had such ability.

Yan Xiangluo rolled her eyes at him, "I don't know many things. You have forgotten what I am best at."

Ji Jiuzhong smiled, "This is the first time I know that alchemists can develop so many professions."

Yan Xiangluo was speechless. She had never thought of this as a career.

“There is everything in the space, you go in and paint.” Yan Xiangluo directly sent Ji Jiuzhong into the space. Her bedroom was divided into a main room with a screen, and the painting was placed on the table in the main room.

Ji Jiuzhong didn't waste any time. He took out an empty picture scroll of about the same size, prepared his pen and ink, and after reading the picture carefully, he started to write.

 Fortunately, because of his health, he has liked to write and draw quietly since he was a child. He never thought that he would be put to use one day. It seems that everything he learns is not in vain.

Although Yan Xiangluo was outside the space, she could still clearly see the scene inside the space. She saw Ji Jiuzhong painting very quickly from the first stroke down until he stopped at the end, and a fake painting appeared. .

This painting skill really opened her eyes. Ji Jiuzhong is like a treasure, always surprising her again just when she thinks she knows everything about him.

Ji Jiuzhong waved his hand and used his spiritual power to dry the scroll, and then said to Yan Xiangluo, "Luo Luo needs to do the rest."

When Yan Xiangluo Ji Jiuzhong started painting, he had prepared the things he needed for making old clothes, including a pot of tea.

 In fact, it is better to use overnight tea, but now she does not have time to wait for the tea to become overnight tea, so she puts in a lot more tea leaves to make tea. Although the brewing time is short, the color of the tea is not bad.

She sprinkled the tea evenly on the scroll, leaving no place missing, then diluted the vinegar she used to eat and sprayed it on it, and finally used her spiritual power to dry it while making sure there were no wrinkles on the scroll.

 After one pass, the painting did feel a bit outdated, but looking at the original painting, there were still gaps, and the effect was not ideal.

Yan Xiangluo dyed it again. After three times in a row, the painting was finally very close to the original one.

Ji Jiuzhong stopped Yan Xiangluo, who wanted to do it again, "That's enough. They haven't seen the real thing, so how do they know how old it is."

Yan Xiangluo stuck out her tongue, "Yes."

Ji Jiuzhong raised his hand and used his spiritual power to eliminate the aroma of tea and the faint smell of vinegar.

Yan Xiangluo looked at him with a smile, "Sure enough, you are very thoughtful."

If those people were to get this painting and smell the smell of vinegar and tea, she couldn't even imagine what those people's expressions would be like. One thing was certain, the other party would definitely know that the painting was fake, even if the suspect was That old woman will definitely be in trouble for them.

The two of them left the space. Ji Jiuzhong untied the rope tied to the original painting, tied it to the newly released painting, and hung it inside.

Yan Xiangluo thought of the dagger-like token, "Can I make a fake one of that and put it inside?"

 (End of this chapter)

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