The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 399: Visit in person

Now he understands Luo Luo's painting about the deep affection and unrepentance of the man and woman living and dying together. If it were him, he would also hope to follow Luo Luo through life and death, never to be separated.

Yan Xiangluo smiled, her bright smile even brighter than the blooming peach blossoms.

Ji Jiuchong couldn't help but kiss her on the face, which made her peach blossoms even more beautiful. But he didn't dare to get any closer. Although Luoluo accepted him, he also kept me in check and didn't want Luoluo to think that he just liked her beautiful face.

However, he still couldn't bear to let her go, and finally managed to hold her beloved in his arms, which made her uncomfortable for a long time.

"By the way, I took you directly to Xiangyang City. Your people are here, how can they find you?" Yan Xiangluo remembered this and quickly asked Ji Jiuchong.

Ji Jiuzhong said, "It's okay. When we decided to settle in Xiangyang City, I left a message for them. I will leave another message for them in Xiangyang City to tell them where we live."

Yanxiang breathed a sigh of relief, "Then let's settle in tomorrow."

"Okay." Ji Jiuzhong responded. The issue of identity must be resolved first before he can plan anything else.

"By the way, are we going to buy a few servants?" Yan Xiangluo thought about cleaning the yard and other chores that needed people to do. She and Ji Jiuzhong didn't have time to do these.

Ji Jiuzhong asked, "How many servants are we going to buy? Tomorrow I will see how big the yard is and how many servants are needed. After we get the identity tags, we will go to the Yachang to buy the servants. It will be enough. Changfeng and the others will arrange these after they arrive." ”

Yan Xiangluo is relieved. After all, Ji Jiuzhong was born into the royal family before. As the regent, he doesn't need to do these trivial matters at all.

He nodded and said, "It's almost dawn, let's rest."

 He has been practicing for so many days and it’s time for him to take a good rest.

Ji Jiuzhong looked at the sky outside. It was indeed almost dawn. In fact, he was not tired at all. But Luoluo said he wanted to rest, so he should rest.

 The two of them went back to their rooms to rest.

Ji Jiuzhong lay in bed unable to sleep, thinking about when he could marry him back. Even if he came to a strange world, he was unwilling to wrong his beloved girl, so he had to wait until he was able to give her a grand ceremony. Wedding, that's all.

Maybe it was because Ji Jiuchong was there that Yan Xiangluo actually fell asleep, sleeping soundly. When she woke up, it was already broad daylight.

  After getting up and leaving the room, Ji Jiuzhong was not seen. The door to his room was open and no one was in the room.

What about people?

Yan Xiangluo came to the well and was about to fetch water to wash up. She found that there was a full bucket of water in the bucket. Ji Jiuzhong should have brought it up for her to wash up with.

 After washing up, I haven’t seen Ji Jiuzhong yet. After letting go of his spiritual sense, he found that Ji Jiuzhong was in the main hall of the front yard, and there were three messages inside, and the aura was very strong.

Yan Xiangluo frowned. They couldn't be from Ji Jiuzhong. They couldn't be more advanced than she and Ji Jiuzhong.

They didn't know anyone when they came to Xiangyang City. Although Li Changhao would arrive today, he didn't know his true appearance and couldn't come to the door. Therefore, he could only be someone who wanted something in the yard.

 Sure enough, I didn’t give up.

As soon as Yan Xiangluo's consciousness came over, everyone in the main hall felt it. Ji Jiuzhong said, "My fiancée is awake. Master Ximen, please wait a moment. I'll be back soon."

 “Mr. Ji, please excuse me.”

Ji Jiuzhong stood up and walked to the backyard. He saw Yan Xiangluo winking at her, and then said, "Luoluo, Mr. Meng came to visit and said that he was interested in all the furniture in our house and wanted to buy it all. "How are you doing?" Mr. Meng, could it be that the person behind the scenes has come out?

Yan Xiangluo said impatiently, "What's going on with this guy? Why did he come to buy furniture for us? These are all used old furniture. His vision is really special."

Ji Jiuzhong smiled and said, "Everyone has his own merits. It doesn't matter if you sell them, we will replace them all with new ones."

Yan Xiangluo said unhappily, "That's so troublesome. I'll go see Mr. Meng. This is the first time I've seen someone with such a hobby."

 Hua Luo and Ji Jiuzhong walked to the main hall of the front yard.

As soon as she entered, Yan Xiangluo saw a man wearing a scarlet brocade robe sitting in the guest seat. He should be the Mr. Meng Ji Jiuzhong mentioned.

There were two attendants standing behind him, one of whom Yan Xiangluo knew, was the one who accompanied the old woman's nephew to buy antidote pills yesterday.

 The three of them were surprised when they saw Yun Xiangluo's eyes.

The news that they went to Mu Sui Continent to investigate last night came back, and they realized that the Yan Xiangluo they saw was not her real face at all. It was said that her appearance was extremely beautiful, even the most beautiful woman in the mainland was inferior to her.

 When they saw the information, they thought it was a bit exaggerated. Now that they saw Yan Xiangluo's true appearance with their own eyes, they felt that the rumors were not exaggerated at all and did not even fully describe her beauty.

Yan Xiangluo said with an unhappy expression, "Why is it you? How effective is the detoxification pill?"

The attendant was a little embarrassed. He looked away and touched his nose, "The effect is excellent. Miss Yu is very good at alchemy."

"That's natural." Yan Xiangluo rolled her eyes at him, as if she still didn't want to see him because of what happened yesterday.

The attendant twitched the corners of his mouth stiffly. Sure enough, beautiful women have bad tempers, especially those who are beautiful and capable.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong walked to the main seat and sat down. Yan Xiangluo glanced at Mr. Meng and said, "Are you the Mr. Meng who wants to buy the furniture in my yard?"

Mr. Meng, who had been ignored, had a gentle smile on his face, "That's right. It's a bit rude to come to the door rashly."

But I thought in my heart, no wonder Liu Yu can spend so much energy to get someone. His appearance is really stunning, and he does have the ability to make men fall for him.

However, my fiancé’s appearance is equally stunning, his talent is so strong, and his IQ is not low, otherwise no one would have noticed when he arrived.

 Liu Yu couldn't get it despite all his efforts and methods.

 How come I feel a little happy?

However, he was a little wary of Ji Jiuchong, first of all because of his surname. If he hadn't come from the lower continent, he would definitely doubt whether he was a descendant of that Ji family. After all, someone who can make his people unable to find traces of him shows that he is not an ordinary person.

Moreover, Ji Jiuzhong's cultivation level was already at the peak of the ninth level of the clan. They had only come from the lower continent a few months ago. How could they advance so quickly? He even suspected that it was him who had been stuck at the clan level for so many years. too stupid.

Yan Xiangluo nodded solemnly, "Rich and powerful people are easily forgiven for their rudeness."

Mr. Meng did not get angry but smiled after hearing her teasing words, "Miss Yu is a very special person."

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