The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 400: Purpose of coming

Chapter 400 The purpose of coming

Yan Xiangluo glanced at him and said, "Mr. Meng is very tactful in his words, but I like to be straightforward when doing things, so I won't beat around the bush."

Mr. Meng’s eyes twitched after hearing her words. He was really direct.

"Mr. Meng came to visit today. Coupled with some things that happened yesterday, it's hard not to give me some ideas. Mr. Meng, can you give me a reason to sell the furniture to you? Don't say you like it, do you think I Do you believe it?”

Mr. Meng's still gentle expression was a little stiff, but it returned to normal in just a moment. He glanced at Ji Jiuzhong, who had been sitting silently since Yan Xiangluo arrived. He was completely different from the impeccable person he was before Yan Xiangluo arrived. To be able to let his fiancée do whatever he wanted was obviously extremely doting. she.

However, a woman like Yan Xiangluo needs to be beautiful, gifted, and strong. If she were his woman, he would also want to put her in the palm of his hand and pamper her.

What he was afraid of was Ji Jiuzhong's ability. He came from a lower continent, was not afraid of the power of the continent's master, and was able to leave the twilight continent with his fiancée in the hands of Liu Yu. It was obvious that Ji Jiuzhong was quite capable.

He also understood that today's affairs were decided by Yan Xiangluo. In Ji Jiuzhong's eyes, he was probably just watching his fiancée play with her.

“Young lady is indeed a cheerful person, so I’ll tell you the purpose.”

Yan Xiangluo nodded, and did not hide that they were from a lower continent. If they dared to come to the door, they must have found out their origins.

"We will go through the registration process later. Mr. Meng is concise and to the point. Let's settle the matter quickly. I don't want to be disturbed in my daily life."

"Well, the original owner of this house took my things. I searched everywhere I could, including their storage ring. Now only the house where they lived is left. When the original owner wanted to sell the house, I I wanted to buy it, but unfortunately, Miss Yu bought it first. Miss Yu can sell me the yard, or all the furniture and supplies in the house, what do you think? "

Mr. Meng knew that he would not be able to convince Yan Xiangluo to sell the things to him if he stopped revealing some information. As for the yard, he felt that Yan Xiangluo might not sell it.

After all, she took a fancy to it as soon as she came here yesterday and obviously liked it very much. The reason why she said this was just in case she was willing to sell it.

“Do you think what you are looking for is in these pieces of furniture?” Yan Xiangluo looked at him with a weird look in his eyes.

"Maybe, there is no other way, let's give it a last try." Mr. Meng said that he had no other choice but this tone.

Yan Xiangluo didn't speak for a while, then turned to Ji Jiuzhong and said, "Jiu Zhong, what do you think we should do?"

Ji Jiuzhong was still a little excited when Yan Xiangluo called his name directly. Why did these two words sound so good when she said them out of her mouth.

Ji Jiuzhong looked at her with gentle eyes and said, "Luoluo likes this yard. Mr. Meng wants the things in it, so sell the things in it to Mr. Meng, and we can buy what Luoluo likes."

Originally, he didn't like to use furniture that had been used by others, and he didn't want to feel wronged by Luo Luo. This would kill two birds with one stone. He could not only solve the problem of Mr. Meng, but also get a new batch of furniture.

"That's okay." Yan Xiangluo thought for a while and finally agreed.

 Mr. Meng was obviously relieved.

Yan Xiangluo turned to look at him, "Then what price is Mr. Meng prepared to pay for these things?"

Mr. Meng and his two attendants were stunned. Listening to her tone, they understood that the price must satisfy her, otherwise they would not sell it.

Thinking of buying five detoxifying pills and spending 50,000 high-grade spiritual stones yesterday, they suddenly felt a cold wind on their backs, and they felt like their master was about to be opened by a lion again. If it wasn't for the plan yesterday, they would never have bought antidote pills for those five ruffians. But today they don't seem to have the capital to refuse.

Mr. Meng was also surprised by Yan Xiangluo's straightforward bidding. To be honest, although these furniture were made of fine pear wood, they were made by the original owner. Her yard only cost 10,000 yuan. It's very cheap to buy a piece of high-grade spiritual stone. These furniture were given to her by the original owner, but from the look on her face, it's obvious that you gave her too little money. I don't agree.

Looking at her, she doesn’t look like someone who is short of crystal coins or spiritual stones. Why does she look like she’s been tricked into money?

But he didn’t hate the way Yan Xiangluo got into Qian’s eyes at all. On the contrary, he felt that Yan Xiangluo was much more lively than the more up-to-date women in their family.

"What price do you think is appropriate?" Mr. Meng was not stupid enough to bid the price himself, so he asked back.

What Yan Xiangluo was waiting for was his words. To put it bluntly, these furniture were all white. She could speak loudly, but she had to be restrained. At least she had to rub the other person's wool without making him angry. Okay, just let her vent her anger, which will offset the trouble he has caused her in the past two days.

So as soon as Mr. Meng finished speaking, she immediately turned to look at Ji Jiuzhong, "Jiuchong, have you seen everything in this yard?"

Ji Jiu nodded and said, "I got up early and took a walk."

 The implication is that he knows all these things.

“How many crystal coins or spirit stones do we need to buy these things?” Yan Xiangluo really didn’t know the value of these things.

 However, in the eyes of Mr. Meng and the three of them, she was just a young lady who had nothing to do with anything, so they had no way of estimating the value of these things.

“Luoluo, do you want crystal coins or spiritual stones?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

 “It’s a spiritual stone, it’s easy to use.” Yuan Xiangluo said.

 Crystal coins can only be used as money, while spiritual stones can be used as both money and practice. Therefore, if she could choose, she would naturally choose spiritual stones.

"All the furniture in the room is made of pear wood. Although it is expensive, in terms of spiritual stones, it should be no less than two thousand low-grade spiritual stones. If the items in the warehouse are included, at least three thousand low-grade spiritual stones are needed. "The price given by Ji Jiuzhong is quite satisfactory, even if it is high, it is not much more.

 But based on his understanding of Luoluo, Mr. Meng would probably have to pay several times the price if he wanted to buy these things.

It's not that he said Luoluo was a money addict, it was just that she didn't suffer any loss. How could she let him go easily if he dared to bully her?

After hearing Ji Jiuchong’s valuation, Yan Xiangluo turned to Mr. Meng and said, “Mr. Meng must have heard this. What price can you pay for it?”

Mr. Meng saw this kind of operation for the first time. Didn’t he tell him the price and asked him to bid?

The decision-making power was kicked back into his hands.

 (End of this chapter)

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