The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 402: just right

He turned his eyes and realized that the chill came from the man next to the beautiful woman, and he immediately withdrew his gaze.

This chill shows that the person's cultivation level is much higher than mine, so don't feel uncomfortable.

They clearly looked like a couple, and they both had such outstanding looks that I felt like it was blasphemy to take another look at them.

Yu Xiangluo didn't pay attention to this, because he was interested in the young city lord's illness, so he used mind-reading skills to hear more useful news.

The yamen servant who covered his mouth looked back and felt annoyed. Why was his mouth not closed? How could he say these words? Fortunately, there was no one from the city lord's palace. It was okay to talk to the brothers in private. If the city lord who was protecting the calf knew about it. , I will definitely not end well.

The government officials obviously knew that he had said the wrong thing. In order to avoid more trouble, they hurriedly finished their meal and left.

When leaving, I couldn't help but look at Yan Xiangluo a few more times. The main reason was that the girl was too beautiful to leave. She was also wearing a dazzling red dress, which made her even more dazzling.

 They have seen the most beautiful woman in the mainland from a distance, but neither appearance nor temperament can compare with the girl in front of them.

Yan Xiangluo heard a message from the yamen servant's voice. The lord of Xiangyang City was very concerned about his son. It must have cost a lot to hire a doctor from Yunshang Palace. No one was allowed to say a word about his son. If it's not good, it's obvious that he attaches great importance to this son and is very popular with him.

 The severity of the condition and the status of the patient are just right for him to make a name for himself.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong looked at each other. Ji Jiuzhong immediately knew what she meant and sent a message to her, "Don't worry, let Wuji go check it out later."

Although there is a plan to use medical skills to become famous, it must be done under safe conditions. The first patient is the son who the lord of Xiangyang City cares about so much. There is no room for any mistakes. The most important thing is to determine whether the illness of the young lord Luoluo can be cured.

Yan Xiangluo nodded. After the two of them finished eating, they walked to the government office. On the way, Yan Xiangluo released Wuji from the space and asked him to go to the city lord's mansion to see how sick the young city lord was. .

Those who don’t know better think that Wuji is her spiritual pet. From the first time he entered her space, Wuji stayed in her space without any problems. He would not come out when Ji Jiuzhong came out.

There were two guards guarding the entrance of the government office. They met them when they were having breakfast. The two guards saw them rushing towards the government office. They looked at each other and thought in their hearts that they were here to do business. I can also see a few more beauties.

Yuan Xiangluo walked to the gate of the government office and said, "Two government officials, we need to settle down, what should we do?"

It turned out that they were applying for status and residence. It seems that the two of them just moved to Xiangyang City. They will have the opportunity to see beauties in the future.

The beauties called them eldest brother, and the two government servants were very enthusiastic and told them where to go and who to deal with. I never expected that they did not move to Xiangyang City, but came from the lower continent.

After Yan Xiangluo thanked him, he and Ji Jiuzhong walked into the government office.

The government office is divided into several courtyards for doing business. It is a coincidence that the courtyard where the residence is located contains the person who just said the wrong thing while eating together and looked at Yuan Xiangluo in a daze and was frightened by Ji Jiuzhong.

 I was a little surprised to see the two people coming in, and then I thought that they were here to do something. They were on their own territory, so no matter how powerful they were, what could they do?

However, thinking of Ji Jiuzhong's behavior when he warned him before, he was still frightened and did not dare to embarrass the two of them.

 The official settlement process was done for them. After reading the house deeds, they were asked to take out their ID cards to settle in. When they saw their ID cards, they were stunned. Normally, the identity cards of high-level mainlanders are white jade. Only those who have just arrived from the lower mainland have emerald jade. These two emerald-green identity cards seemed to be mocking him.

The native high -level mainlanders are not as high as those who have just come from the lower mainland.

But to think that they could come from a lower continent to a higher continent at such a young age, and that they could come out of the Twilight Continent and settle directly in their southern continent, no matter their talent, wisdom and means, it was beyond the capabilities of a small government servant like him. Than.

Therefore, although they were shocked that they came from a lower continent, they did not dare to neglect at all. They registered the identity tags in accordance with the rules, and then replaced the identity tags with white jade ones for them.

 Finally, return the two identity cards and the house deed to them.

Only then did Yan Xiangluo learn that there is no separate household registration certificate in the higher mainland. All information is in the ID card, so the ID card is also equivalent to your household registration card.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the identity card in her hand, "Is this the end?"

The yamen officer twitched his lips, wondering how troublesome it would be to get an identity card, but he still explained it to them.

"You two also need to put a drop of your blood on the identity card, so that only you can use your identity card in the future. Every time you use it, enter a spiritual power, and your information will be displayed on the identity card. "

"Thank you very much." After saying thank you, Yan Xiangluo gave the other party three red crystal coins to express her gratitude.

The yamen servant did not expect them to be so discerning and generous, and his mood immediately improved.

"Xiangyang City is the most comfortable city to live in in the entire Southern Continent. Our city lord pays great attention to the lives of the people. Whether it is the living environment or daily necessities, Xiangyang City has everything available, of all grades, and our Xiangyang City is It is the closest city to Yunshang Palace in the entire southern continent, so you can often see people from Yunshang Palace in the city. You will definitely not regret choosing to live here. "

As soon as the yamen servant was in a good mood, he talked more. Yu Xiangluo felt very speechless. This man really talked a lot. He was the only one who said the wrong things among so many yamen servants. Obviously, he usually likes to talk. Talking too much will lead to mistakes, not at all. False.

 But at this time, she was still very lucky to meet him. Such a person is easy to get information.

Yan Xiangluo asked a lot of questions on the grounds that she had just arrived in Xiangyang City and didn’t know much about it. She is a beauty herself and a generous beauty, and the yamen servant knows almost everything. When they left the government office, Yan Xiangluo found out a lot of news about the city lord's mansion.

Ji Jiuzhong knew her purpose. Although he didn't like her talking so much to the Yamen servant, he tolerated it.

  After leaving the government office, the two of them walked around and shopped. They found a shop that had ready-made furniture, selected some ready-made furniture, and put it directly into the space.

 Furniture made of precious wood must be customized and built in advance, so most of what they buy is for the servants’ rooms.

As for the furniture in their own room, Ji Jiuzhong said he would not make it and would go back to refine it.

Yan Xiangluo was immediately interested, "Can you refine a shaking bed for me?"

Ji Jiuzhong heard of a rocking bed for the first time, "Luoluo, are you sure it's not a rocking chair?"

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