The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 403: Buying people at a dental shop

Chapter 403 Yahang buys people

Ji Jiuzhong imagined shaking the bed, but he felt that it would not be comfortable to sleep, and he would be shaking around while practicing, and he would not be able to practice quietly.

After Yan Xiangluo told her, she also realized that this was a fantasy world, not the modern world she had lived in. The shaker might not be able to refine it.

 “A rocking chair will work too.”

Ji Jiuchong raised his eyebrows, that was fine, but what she wanted was still a rocking bed.

He said nothing more but started thinking about how to make the bed comfortable and rockable.

  After walking around all morning, the two of them came to Xiangyang Tower, the most famous restaurant in Xiangyang City, to rest and have a meal. Yan Xiangluo finally had a satisfying meal.

“This is the most skilled cook we have encountered since arriving in the Higher Continent.” Yan Xiangluo praised.

“Indeed.” Ji Jiu nodded and added, “But it’s still not as delicious as Luoluo’s.”

The waiter who came to serve the food didn't take it seriously after hearing Ji Jiuzhong's words. Even if this man wanted to please a woman, he still had to be realistic. He didn't believe it. There were people in Xiangyang City who could cook better food than the chef in Xiangyang Tower. .

But the visitor is a guest. He is dissatisfied and will not speak out.

But I remember these two people. I have no choice but to remember them. It is difficult not to remember them. The main reason is that the appearance of these two people is so outstanding. They have such amazing looks that you can't forget just by looking at them.

The two sat for a while after lunch before leaving the restaurant and continued walking around Xiangyang City until it was almost dinner time, then the two went to Yahang.

 The main thing is that he promised to go back after dinner. It was already early and these people had no place to stay.

By coincidence, the person who received them was the same guy who introduced Yan Xiangluo to buy a house yesterday. However, when Yan Xiangluo bought a yard yesterday, she didn’t use her real face. The guy didn’t know that she was the woman who bought a yard yesterday.

But I feel a little strange, why are women nowadays willing to wear bright red dresses? The girl who bought a house yesterday was also wearing a bright red dress, and today this one is also wearing a red dress. Although there is a slight difference, but The ingredients are almost the same.

But the appearance is so different, one is in heaven and the other is on earth.

However, this did not affect his enthusiasm for entertaining customers, "What do you two distinguished guests want to buy?"

Yan Xiangluo said, "I want to buy some servants."

When the boy heard that he wanted to buy someone, he knew that he would not make any money today, but he immediately led them to the backyard.

"Two distinguished guests are coming with me. A group of slaves just arrived two days ago. They have been taught and sent over today. You two distinguished guests can choose first."

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong looked at each other, and Ji Jiuzhong knew what she was doubting. He explained to her through a message, "Sin slaves are prisoners. Depending on the size of the crime they committed, some prisoners will be beaten into slavery and become slaves." They can be bought and sold after they have completed their servitude. They have all been branded with the mark of slavery and cannot undo it for the rest of their lives.”

“It can’t be untied, isn’t it impossible?” Yan Xiangluo said.

"Yes, in fact, there are such slaves in the lower continents. Many families are willing to use such slaves to do some hard work. Not only to save labor money, but also to rest assured. Although there is a chance to unlock the slave mark, no master is willing to set the slave free. Yes, after all, they will not betray if they have the slave seal." Ji Jiuzhong told the truth.

While he was talking, the waiter had already led them to the backyard, and a woman came to greet them.

The waiter said, "Grandma Sun, you two distinguished guests want to choose a slave. Didn't we send a new batch of slaves today? Let the two distinguished guests choose first."

Sun Po said with a smile, "Of course, you two nobles came at the right time. How old do you want to choose? A man or a woman?" Yan Xiangluo is not good at this matter, so she has no words, Ji Jiuzhong said , "Bring all the new ones, I'll choose them myself."

Sun Po heard this and knew that although the young master was young, he was knowledgeable. Don't try to fool him. I hope he is generous and can make her more money.

 Immediately shouted to the row of houses, "All the newcomers are coming out today."

As Grandma Sun finished speaking, the doors opened one after another, and seven or eight people came out of each room. Men and women lived in separate rooms and stood separately. The men stood on one side and the women on the other. On one side, there were more than thirty people.

Po Sun introduced, "The ones sent today are all well-educated. Whether they are running errands or letting them do other things, there is no problem with anything else. I have spent a lot of effort to get these."

Yu Xiangluo could see that several of them had cultivation levels at the clan level.

She was very surprised, how could a person with such cultivation become a slave?

 Although she doesn't know how to select people, she still pays attention to everyone's expressions and movements.

Ji Jiuzhong stood in the middle. He first looked at the man's side, then at the woman's side. Then he pointed at a middle-aged man and said, "He."

Sun Po immediately called people out.

 The middle-aged man hesitated for a moment before walking out.

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at him and prepared to continue selecting people. Although their courtyard was a three-in-one courtyard, it was just him and Luoluo. Six servants were enough. Changfeng and the others would come after a while, and these things would naturally happen. They arrange it.

At this moment, the middle-aged man spoke, "Sir, I want to be with my wife and children."

Yan Xiangluo was stunned. There was actually a whole family that became slaves?

The most important thing is that this man is one of several people with a sect-level cultivation. With such a cultivation, how can he become a slave along with his wife and children? Yan Xiangluo is a little puzzled.

 Before Ji Jiuzhong could speak, Sun Po scolded, "Do you know what your status is now? The master only chooses your place, and you have no choice."

The man held his hands tightly. Although he could do nothing, he did not give in to Sun Po's scolding. Instead, he said stubbornly, "We are a family of four. If we cannot be together, we will die together."

Yu Xiangluo's heart was shocked. They had all fallen to this point, and yet they still had the last persistence. She could already hear muffled cries from the woman's side. It should be the man's wife and daughter.

Ji Jiuzhong ignored Sun Po's words, but looked at the man and asked, "If I agree, what can you do for us?"

The man's eyes lit up, "As long as the young master and young lady can reunite our family, I, Chen Moran, will be loyal to the young master and young lady throughout my life. I will never betray them. Otherwise, my soul will be destroyed and I will have nothing to do with the slave seal. I can make a soul oath."

He looked at Ji Jiuzhong with hopeful eyes, as if Ji Jiuzhong was the only light of life he could grasp.

 After a while, Ji Jiuzhong finally spoke, "Call your wife and children to come out."

The man was so excited that he immediately called out his wife and children. The four members of the family hugged each other and cried with joy.

 (End of this chapter)

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