The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 404: She comes to bargain

  The man took his wife and children and knelt down together, "Thank you, sir, for your support."

Ji Jiuzhong accepted their kneeling to reassure them.

Originally, he wanted to choose six people, but this family of four already occupied four places. The man's daughter and son were both under ten years old, so he would choose four more.

Ji Jiuzhong said to Chen Moran, "Chen Moran, I need four more people, two men and two women. You choose."

Chen Moran was stunned. He didn't expect that his master would trust him so much. But after calming down, he understood that their future master was not a simple person. Who else could understand this better than being among these people? What about a person’s character and ability?

 “Yes, Master.” Chen Moran said respectfully.

After saying this, Chen Moran selected two men from among the men. On the women's side, he asked his wives and selected two people.

"Master, what do you think of the four of them?" Chen Moran asked respectfully, standing aside.

Ji Jiuzhong had seen all these people a long time ago and already had an idea in his mind. He saw that the person Chen Moran selected was among the people he had chosen.

“Okay.” Ji Jiu nodded.

As soon as Ji Jiuzhong finished speaking, the four people who were selected breathed a sigh of relief. They all could see that although the two masters were young, it was definitely a good home for them. The family that can tolerate Chen Moran taking his wife, son, and daughter must be a kind person, and he will be much luckier than being bought back by those big families.

"Luoluo, is that enough?" Ji Jiuzhong looked at Yan Xiangluo and asked, his voice was completely different from when speaking to others, it was extremely gentle.

Chen Moran's eyes flashed, and he understood. It seemed that the male master listened to the female master, and if he wanted to do good things in front of the master, he must have discernment.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "That's enough."

She felt it was too much, but she also knew that it was because the two children were too young to do anything.

 She said to Sun Po, "There are only eight of them. What's the price?"

Ji Jiuchong will be the one to choose. Let her do the counter-offering. Men rarely bargain when spending money.

Sun Po immediately said, "Except for the two children, they are all people with a high level of cultivation. The three men each have two hundred high-grade spiritual stones, the three women each have one hundred and fifty high-grade spiritual stones, and the two children One hundred high-grade spiritual stones, a total of one thousand two hundred and fifty high-grade spiritual stones.”

Yan Xiangluo looked at Sun Po with a bright smile and said, "Sun Po, you are not serious."

Sun Po was stunned, how could such a good-looking girl smile so hard that she felt cold.

However, in order to make a deal, she still smiled and said flatteringly, "Your Excellency, I am the most disciplined person in the dental shop. I don't want more at all."

Yan Xiangluo pointed to a family of four and said, "They are a family of four. If we don't buy it, can you sell it?"

Sun Po was dumbfounded. When a family of four bought this, although it was cheap, it was still painful. But if it weren't for this family of four, she wouldn't have been able to get so many people. This family of four wants to live together and never separate. However, if anyone wants to buy slaves, they will buy adults who can work, so they are not willing to have two children. It's not a serious place where people don't want adults when they fall in love with children, especially the children's parents. Therefore, it is difficult to sell this family of four.

Ruan Xiangluo continued, "My Jiuchong family has a kind heart. I couldn't bear to see their family of four separated. I also solved a big problem for Grandma Sun and prevented the four of them from falling into their hands. Hello, I'm okay, everyone is well, Grandma Sun." Shouldn't you thank us? Since you want to thank us, you should express your gratitude in some way!" Ji Jiuzhong stood aside and wondered whether it was him who was the kind-hearted Jiuzhong that Luo Luo said. Why didn't he know that he was kind-hearted?

Sun Po finally understood that this was too expensive. Whose family did these two people belong to? Not to mention that he had picked out the best ones in his hand, and he was so good at bargaining.

“Since the noble man said so, let’s erase fifty coins.” Grandma Sun gave in. After all, there was still a family of four in trouble, so it was appropriate to give up the price.

 There is no fixed price in any business. It is normal to bargain and bargain. Grandma Sun did not expect that the deal could be concluded at the fixed price.

Yan Xiangluo counted on her fingers, "Two hundred for the man, one hundred and fifty for the woman, and two hundred for the two children. Their family of four has a total of five hundred and fifty high-grade spiritual stones. I solved such a big problem for Grandma Sun." If it’s a difficult problem, Sun Po will give you fifty, which means I won’t come next time.”

Sun Po’s mouth twitched. Knowing that the aunt was still dissatisfied with the price, she said, “Then let’s give another fifty.”

Yan Xiangluo held out a finger and said, "The eight of them have a total of one thousand high-grade spiritual stones."

Grandma Sun's eyelids jumped. Whose girl was she? She was very scheming and said without giving up, "The noble man looks like a rich and powerful person at first glance. We only have a thousand dollars to fight with each other." A hundred dollars."

“One thousand yuan.” Yan Xiangluo insisted.

Sun Po knew that this person was not easy to talk to, and would not take hard or soft words. This family of four was really in trouble. They made a profit of one thousand, but don't ruin the business because of a hundred high-grade spiritual stones.

So he gritted his teeth in distress and said, "Okay, just one thousand high-grade spiritual stones. You two nobles can take care of my Grandma Sun's business from now on."

Yan Xiangluo’s beautiful almond eyes smiled like a pair of crescent moons, “No problem.”

Ji Jiuchong didn’t wait for Yan Xiangluo to take the spiritual stones, so he took out a thousand high-grade spiritual stones and gave them to Sun Po.

Sun Po saw that Ji Jiuchong was so happy to take out a thousand high-grade spiritual stones. The quality was very good, and she secretly complained that the richer the people, the more they deducted.

Although the spirit stone was given by Ji Jiuzhong, Sun Po could also see that he had listened to Yan Xiangluo. She found out the eight people's identity tags and gave them to Yan Xiangluo. Then she checked the ID tags and registered them. When she sold a slave, she had to report it to the government office, so she knew the whereabouts of the slave who passed through her hands.

 The two men left Yahang with eight people.

The clothes on these eight people were old and tattered, and their two children looked like little beggars. You can tell at this glance that he is a slave.

Yan Xiangluo said to Ji Jiuchong, "Take them to buy two pairs of clothes, daily necessities and bedding."

Thinking that the mansion should be empty, Yan Xiangluo looked at the sky. She must give them a place to sleep tonight.

Ji Jiuzhong took out a Qiankun bag and handed it to Chen Moran, "We are waiting for you in this teahouse. You take them with you and buy two sets of clothes for each person first. After buying them, change into one set immediately, and then buy bedding and toiletries. As well as the daily necessities you need, the rest will be purchased later.”

 Chen Moran was a little flattered. This host family was so kind. They actually trusted them so much and let them buy their own clothes and all daily necessities so generously.

 Chen Moran took the Qiankun bag and responded, "Don't worry, Master, we will be back as soon as possible."

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