The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 406: Loyal and attentive

 Chen Moran looked at him calmly, and the attendant was a little surprised. These people were not like ordinary servants, especially the man who looked at him, whose cultivation level was above the clan level.

Did Xiangyang City come to invade the slaves?

He hurried back to report to the young master.

Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo led eight people into the yard. Chen Moran walked at the end and reached out to close the door.

Ji Jiuchong asked Yan Xiangluo to put all the furniture they bought in the front yard.

"These are the furniture we bought today. You can arrange whatever you need in each room. They are all yours. The men live in the front yard, and the women live in the back yard. From now on, Mo Ran will be the housekeeper of the house, and the yard is newly purchased. , all the old furniture and daily necessities have been sold, you can take a look at what you need, and then report it to Mo Ran, and go buy it tomorrow. As for what you should do, Mo Ran will arrange it. "

 Chen Moran didn’t expect that Ji Jiuzhong would let go so much and leave everything to him. This is not someone that can be cultivated in ordinary families.

“Yes.” Chen Moran responded immediately.

Since his master's family trusted him, he naturally had to do his job well. After all, after three years of hard work, the whole family finally left the place of service alive. Just because he wanted to keep the whole family together, he had already rejected many buyers at the risk of death. Those people simply knew his identity. First, they were concerned about the missing wealth of the Chen family, and second, they felt the pleasure of summoning the grandson of the former lord of the continent. That’s all.

Even if he agreed to buy their family of four, he was unwilling to do so and insisted on death, so he became a hot potato and was sold together to Xiangyang City at a low price.

He could see that Ji Jiuzhong was a person with a big picture in his heart. He didn't see any disdain for him in his eyes. He was just an ordinary buyer. When he proposed that a family of four be together, although he He hesitated, but agreed.

 After arriving at the mansion, he knew better, because after buying his two children, the master bought two more servants, and he remembered this kindness.

They are slaves and cannot change it in their lifetime. I have not heard that the master rewarded the slaves to release the mark of slavery. The most they can do is not give the next generation of slaves the mark of slavery.

 Therefore, if there is a good master, he does not mind staying loyal for a lifetime in exchange for his children and grandchildren being freed from slavery.

The only thing he cares about is that no matter how hard he plots, his arms can’t twist his thighs. How can he avenge the **** feud?

No matter how many things were on his mind, Chen Moran never forgot what he had said to his master before. After responding, he knelt down, raised his right hand and made an oath.

"I, Chen Moran, will be loyal to my master in this life..." At this point, he looked at Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo. He didn't know the names of their two masters yet.

Ji Jiuzhong said, "My name is Ji Jiuzhong, Luoluo is my fiancée, and my surname is Xiangluo."

Chen Moran was stunned when he heard his surname. His surname was actually Ji. Could he be a descendant of that family?

Then I am an unyielding master.

He then renewed his oath and said, "I, Chen Moran, will be loyal to my master Ji Jiuchong and Xiangluo in this life, and will never betray me. If I violate this oath, my soul will be scattered and I will never be reincarnated."

 A red light enveloped Chen Moran, Ji Jiuchong, and Yan Xiangluo, and the oath was fulfilled.

Ji Jiuzhong is still satisfied with Chen Moran who does what he says. If a person cannot do what he says, he will not use such a person even if he is branded with a slave mark.

 But Chen Moran's oath only involves himself, which also shows that he is a cautious, quick and calculating person. Although such a person has some small ideas of his own, it is still easy to use.

After all, smart people are obedient and neat. They can grasp the key points and get things done without you having to say much. Therefore, he can tolerate some small thoughts of his own. After all, people are selfish, and if they don't do it for themselves, they will be punished by heaven and earth.

Ji Jiuzhong helped Chen Moran up, and then said to everyone, "Don't doubt people, don't doubt people. Since I bought you, I believe you can do things well. Leave the affairs of the house to Moran Guan, and work here." , I only ask for two things, loyalty and sincerity, rewards for merit, and punishment for demerits. There is no upper limit to the reward and no lower limit to the punishment. I don’t think you want to learn this.”

 Except for the two children, the eight people looked confused, and the other six people said in unison, "We must be loyal to the master and work hard."

 The two children also knelt down quickly, "We are also loyal to the Lord and work hard."

Ji Jiuchong nodded with satisfaction. They are all understanding people, so things will be easy for them to do. Children who grow up in difficult times mature earlier than children who grow up in good times.

Let them get familiar with the mansion, arrange a place to live, and assign their respective responsibilities.

The two of them took a look at the study first. Good guy, not only were the bookshelves gone, but all the books had been moved away. It was really bare and there was nothing.

Looking at each other with Yan Xiangluo, Ji Jiuzhong said, "I will live here from now on."

After all, in this world, the requirements for women are still very harsh. It is an exception for unmarried couples like them to live alone in a household. There are no outsiders when they are alone. Ji Jiuzhong still attaches great importance to these things, which will affect Yanxiang. A matter of losing reputation.

Ruan Xiangluo was stunned for a moment, and then understood what he meant. In the past, it was just the two of them, and it didn't matter how they lived together. Now there are servants here, and they are not married. They live in the main courtyard as before, and it doesn't matter to her reputation. not good.

This Sanjin courtyard is not big. It is inconvenient for her as a woman to live in the front, so Ji Jiuchong can only live in the front yard, so she nodded.

Anyway, this room used to be a study room, and it was bigger than the hospital bedroom they lived in. It wouldn't be a grievance for him to clean it up.

“Go and refine furniture for your room first.” Ji Jiuzhong was not willing to live too far away from her, but for her reputation, he had to do this.

The two of them turned around and went to the main courtyard, looking through each room, and sure enough, they were all empty.

Although it was expected, the two of them also felt that Mr. Meng was sure that the thing was among the furniture in the courtyard. It seemed that it was right to leave him a fake painting.

Ji Jiuzhong said, "I will go into the space to refine the furniture in the room first. Luoluo can go and see if the things in the warehouse behind are still there?"

Yan Xiang nodded. After all, the room was too small and the furniture was all large, making it inconvenient to refine. However, her space was still spacious.

After Ji Jiuzhong entered the space, she turned around and walked to the backyard. Chen Moran and the others were still in the front yard and had not come over. Yan Xiangluo saw the six open warehouse doors and the door to the side room and walked over. I thought to myself that the other party would not take away all the daily necessities.

But after looking at each other, Yan Xiangluo's mouth twitched. Well, she was overthinking it. The other party was really like a locust passing through the border, leaving no grass behind!

It’s okay, just buy them all again. After all, you’ve hacked so many spirit stones, so what’s wrong with replacing them with new ones?

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