The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 407: It will take a long time

Back in the main courtyard room, Ji Jiuzhong was still busy in her space. The two bedrooms were empty, and the main room between them was also empty. There was not even a place to sit. She simply leaned against the door frame and looked at In the space, Ji Jiuzhong refined furniture.

  It can be seen that what he refined is a bed. Although Yan Xiangluo has slept on several beds, and also slept on a bed in another modern world, she has never slept on a refined bed.

She was curious about the difference between a bed made from refining and a bed made from wood.

Following Ji Jiuzhong's movements, the thing wrapped in flames slowly took shape, and Yan Xiangluo finally saw clearly what the bed looked like.

 “Wow, it’s so beautiful.” Yan Xiangluo couldn’t help but said.

Ji Jiuzhong withdrew the flame, and the refined bed fell on the ground in space.

A bed made by Ji Jiuzhong is like a room. The vermilion color looks calm and majestic, and the exquisite carvings reveal delicacy everywhere.

 There is a dressing table and a table on both sides of the pedal. Under the table is a small cabinet with double doors that can store some things.

Ji Jiuzhong turned around and left the space, and saw Yan Xiangluo leaning on the door frame with her arms folded, smiling.

 He knew she had seen the bed he made, "Do you like it?"

Yan Xiangluo said with a bright smile, "I like it, I like it very much."

Hearing this, Ji Jiuzhong waved his hand and cleaned the room, then moved the bed out and placed it where the bed was before.

“The house is too small, and the bed can only be made so big.” According to Ji Jiuzhong, she wanted to make the bed larger so that she would not feel bored whether she was practicing or resting.

As for the shaker, he didn't have a clue yet. He couldn't refine it for the time being. He would figure it out later and refine it for her to use in the space.

"This is just right. The sleeping area does not need to be big, so that you can feel safe." Yan Xiangluo walked to the bed and touched here and there.

sense of security?

Ji Jiuzhong was stunned when he heard these three words, and then he understood. This girl has been living alone at the age of ten. People in Tianshun City have ill intentions towards her, otherwise rumors will fly all over the city. Obviously these are still right. She has an influence that makes her feel insecure.

 He ​​must give her a sufficient sense of security in the future. He doesn't want his beloved's sense of security to be provided by a bed.

"Go and refine other furniture. Don't worry, refine your bed first. Just have a place to stay tonight." Yan Xiangluo said to Ji Jiuzhong, then took out her quilt and bed curtain and began to decorate her bed. bed.

Originally, she didn't pay much attention to her room, but now that Ji Jiuzhong made such a comfortable and beautiful bed for her, she thought about decorating it properly.

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at the bright red bed curtains and quilts that she took out, and a smile flashed across her eyes. This girl likes red so much. After she finished decorating the bed, it felt like a new house.

  New house?

Ji Jiuzhong narrowed his eyes when he thought of the new house. He wanted to live in a room and sleep on the same bed with her, but it would probably take a long time.

 Sighing secretly, he turned around and went into the space to continue refining his own bed.

They are busy here decorating their home, and Mr. Meng is also busy over there.

They spent the whole day looking for things in Yanxiangluomai's yard. The furniture and supplies were all put away, so they could come back and check slowly. When the servants came back, they were destroying the furniture and utensils they bought at a high price one by one.

 The corners of his mouth twitched when he saw the pieces of furniture and utensils smashed open with clumsy strength. Even his wealthy master was smashing the furniture in the study and bedroom with his own hands.

He knew that although this was the stupidest way and also consumed time, it was the safest way and there would be absolutely no omissions.

“Master, they came back and bought eight slaves. Except for two children, none of them are simple. Three of the men are above the clan level.” The attendant reported.

Mr. Meng paused and said, "Check the identities of those slaves."

"Yes." The attendant immediately arranged for someone to check. It's simple. There is only one dental shop in Xiangyang City that can sell slaves, and it is also the largest dental shop in Xiangyang City.

At this moment, Mr. Meng pried open a wooden board, surprise burst out in his eyes, "Come over, two people, there is something discovered here."

Following his voice, two followers came over immediately. They were very happy when they saw the old scroll exposed, and finally found the same one.

 The three of them worked together to break the board into pieces bit by bit, and then they took out the scroll.

Mr. Meng stood up, took out the shadow stone, and input his spiritual power. A picture appeared on the shadow stone. It was this painting and the dagger-like token.

“Master, this is the painting.” The attendants were all excited.

They have been working hard with their master for so long, and finally found one thing. Is the other thing also among these pieces of furniture?

Mr. Meng carefully rolled up the scroll and put it into a brocade box, then put it away.

He ordered the two of them to smash the furniture together with him. Now that the most easily damaged scroll was found, the other one didn't need to be so careful.

 But I searched very carefully. In the end, there was not even a piece of wood larger than a palm in all the bookshelves, desks, and chairs, but I also didn't find the dagger-like token.

Mr. Meng took out the furniture from the bedroom in the main courtyard and continued to smash it. In the end, everything was smashed and the token was not found.

Everyone is a little disappointed. The scroll has been found, but why is there no token?

Mr. Meng looked at the debris all over the yard with complicated eyes. Since he could find the scroll, it meant that Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo had not touched the furniture, and he did not find any hidden compartments in these furniture. So, then He had searched the courtyard many times with people who were proficient in mechanisms. There were no mechanisms or dark rooms at all. Why is the most important token missing? What is the problem?

His eyes narrowed, could it be inside the dragon-headed crutch?

At this time, the people who went to check the slave trade news came back. After Master Meng heard who Ji Jiuzhong and Ruan Xiangluo were buying people, and how they bought people, Master Meng narrowed his eyes. This Ji Jiuzhong is waiting for him. His status in Mainland China should not be low, and the way he handles things makes him feel like he is in a superior position.

"Don't bother them anymore." Since it is certain that the treasure has nothing to do with them, then don't make them unhappy anymore. It is impossible for a simple person to come to the Southern Continent from such a blockade by the twilight continent young master.

Although such a person does not have any family background, he also has no weak points. He cannot offend unless necessary. Once offended, he will be killed by the other party, and he must not be given a chance to counterattack.

Ji Jiuchong was busy for more than an hour and finally finished refining all the furniture that he and Yan Xiangluo needed.

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