The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 409: no longer alone

Although Chen Moran grew up in wealth and experienced prosperity, not everyone in the family has a gift ring. Only those children with excellent talents and those with extremely high status in the family have such treatment.

Even if he is a direct descendant, he is only qualified to use the Qiankun Bag, just because he is not as "outstanding" as those brothers and sisters. The storage ring he later owned was obtained by his own ability and had nothing to do with the family.

This gift ring was very precious to him in the past, but his master gave him one casually. How could he feel calm?

 Looking at the storage capacity of the storage ring inside, it was so large that it was three or four times larger than his previous storage ring. Looking at the spiritual stones inside, he was a little confused as to who the master was and why so many spiritual stones were handed over to him like this.

 But he only thought about these in his heart. The stronger the master is, the easier it will be for them.

 Now he only needs to think about how to do the things assigned by his master.

Since the owner is coming, he really has to think of a way to get his neighbor to sell the yard, preferably both sides.

It was getting late, so Ji Jiuzhong asked everyone to go down and rest. After all, the eight of them had been serving for three years, and today was a really relaxing day. They were both emotionally and mentally excited, so it was time to relax.

Yan Xiangluo returned to the main courtyard alone. She looked at the room opposite the bedroom that had been turned into a study room and felt a little disappointed. Only then did she realize that Ji Jiuzhong had occupied a very important position in her heart.

A smile appeared on the corner of his lips. It felt so good, and his heart was finally no longer alone.

Although there are parents, master, and sworn brother Ge Tianjun here, these feelings can all be attributed to family affection, which is still different from love.

She can trust and rely on her relatives, but her lover can communicate with her soul. This feeling cannot be replaced by others.

After realizing this, Yan Xiangluo no longer struggled. Although she was young and had not experienced love, she would take the relationship with Ji Jiuzhong seriously, cherish and value it, and would not abandon her as long as he did not leave her.

If one day it really reaches the point of no return, although it will be sad, you can let it go if you can afford it.

After thinking about it, Yan Xiangluo felt relaxed both physically and mentally. Instead of going to rest, she entered the study room. Now the bookshelves in the study room were empty and there was not a single book.

Yan Xiangluo first regarded this place as an alchemy room, and placed some bottles and jars that she often needed on the bookshelf, so that she could easily pack up the elixirs she had refined.

  After refining for most of the night, she returned to the bedroom to rest just before dawn. She always felt as if she had forgotten something, so she didn't think much about it. With Ji Jiuchong here, even if she forgot something, he would get it done.

By the time she woke up from her sleep, it was already three o'clock in the morning outside, and she had never slept so late before.

Little girl Chen Jinwen has been taught some rules by her mother on how to serve her master. Although her daughter cannot learn them all at once, she can teach her some important ones and then teach her slowly.

 Du Danyu was still very sad. Her children were supposed to enjoy a life of being served by others, but because of the changes in the family, they had to serve others.

This kind of psychological gap didn't feel big to the child when she was still young, but she felt extremely distressed.

 But she also knew in her heart that after three years of service, the once prosperous and wealthy family had become a thing of the past. The Chen family was lucky to have such a good master now.

 And this luck was the result of a calculation and planning by their husbands who risked their lives, so they should cherish it. She has no feelings about avenging the Chen family. As a woman, she just wants her husband and children to be safe. If she is more greedy, she hopes that she and her husband's future children can escape from slavery. If Jinwen and Jinghe can also escape from slavery, she will be a slave to her master for the rest of her life, and she is willing to serve her with her life.

Jin Wen, who was taught a lot of rules by her mother last night, was still a little nervous. After all, this is different from the military service. People there are not bound by any rules. The only ones who are bound are slaves like them. Therefore, as long as you work hard, there are not so many rules.

Now that she is actually serving her master who is as beautiful as a fairy, she is still very nervous, fearing that Yan Xiangluo will not like her.

Hearing movement in the room, she immediately whispered, "Master is up?"

Yan Xiangluo was a little surprised when she heard Chen Jinwen's voice. She was used to taking care of her life alone, but she was not used to being waited on all of a sudden.

 “Get up.” She responded.

Jin Wen immediately ran to fetch water to wash her face, gently opened the door, walked in, put the basin on the washstand, and came over to help Yu Xiangluo tidy up her clothes.

Yan Xiangluo looked her over. Although the little girl was still dark and skinny, her hair was neatly combed. She had put on clean new clothes and looked much more energetic. It was also very neat to help her organize her clothes. It was obvious that her three years of military service had made her accustomed to doing some chores.

Yan Xiangluo felt very emotional. If it hadn't been for the trouble in her family, Chen Jinwen would have been a little girl living a wealthy life. From her name, you can tell how much her parents loved her. Her fate is unpredictable!

After Yan Xiangluo washed up, Du Danyu came in and said, "Master, Danyu, please comb your hair."

Yan Xiangluo didn't object when she heard this. She was not good at complicated women's buns and could only do simple ones.

 Du Danyu has very good rules. He picked up the comb to comb Yan Xiangluo's hair, and then gave her a Lingxu bun. He did it very quickly without hurting her. This shows that Du Danyu is a considerate person.

I have to admit that Du Danyu has a pair of skillful hands, and this is the most beautiful bun that Yan Xiangluo has done since she returned here, making her already stunning appearance even more beautiful.

 Sure enough, people still need to dress up to enhance their appearance.

Du Danyu looked at Yan Xiangluo's simple white jade hairpin jewelry. He didn't see any other jewelry, so he inserted the hairpin into his bun.

She was secretly amazed that her master's appearance was unparalleled, even without makeup, he was so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes away. Even Miao Xinlan, who is known as the most beautiful woman in mainland China, is much inferior.

 With such an appearance, she doesn’t wear any accessories, and her beauty is fresh and refined.

“Master, the master said that the master needs to eat three meals a day. Jiayan has prepared the ingredients and made breakfast for the master.” Du Danyu reported.

She was surprised at the attentiveness of the male master. He let the female master sleep until she woke up naturally without saying anything, and even told them these little things.

“Well, I’d like to try her cooking skills.” Yan Xiangluo did not refuse.

If she is good at cooking, she doesn’t have to do it herself.

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