The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 410: Feelings heating up (1)

Chapter 410 Heating of feelings (1)

At this moment, Ji Jiuzhong came from the front, and Du Danyu immediately bowed with his daughter and stepped back with a look.

Ji Jiuchong's eyes lit up when he saw Yan Xiangluo's bun. His Luo Luo seemed to be more beautiful, but the headdress was a bit lacking.

With a thought, a large box appeared on the ground in the house. Yan Xiangluo looked at the big box curiously and asked, "What's inside?"

“Open it and take a look.” Ji Jiuzhong said with a smile.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at him suspiciously, stretched out her hand to open the box, and found brocade boxes of different sizes and styles inside.

Picked up a brocade box and opened it. Inside was a bracelet made of white crystal stone, which was moist and exuded a comfortable aura.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at Ji Jiuzhong, "Is this all jewelry?"

Ji Jiudian nodded and said, "Well, let's take a look and see if you like it."

Yan Xiangluo's lips twitched. Although she was indeed very happy, what she was thinking about was, do men like to buy jewelry for the women they like?

In her memory, her father often bought jewelry for her mother, and every time it was like offering a treasure. His bright eyes seemed to be expecting her mother's praise. Now Ji Jiuzhong's eyes were exactly the same as her father's.

  She seemed to be very happy indeed, so she understood why her father worked tirelessly to sell jewelry to her mother.

“I like everything you gave me.” Yan Xiangluo knew that all of them must be fine products without looking at them, because Ji Jiuzhong’s appreciation level was not that high.

Ji Jiuzhong laughed after hearing her words, but still urged her to open it and take a look.

Yan Xiangluo had no choice but to open the brocade boxes one by one. A large box was immediately placed on the floor.

From hairpins to hairpins, earrings, rings, necklaces, bangles, bracelets, and even skirts, we have prepared a lot of them, and many of the jewelry are in sets. There was actually a belt made of crystal stones. Low-key luxury described this feeling. She fell in love with it at first sight.

Ji Jiuzhong kept observing her expression and saw that her eyes were very bright when she saw the belt. He knew that she liked this and thought about making a few more belts like this for her.

 That’s right, these jewelry were all made by Ji Jiuzhong himself. The styles were designed by him and then refined. They were no ordinary jewelry.

Space stones are added inside, and any piece of jewelry has storage space inside.

Yan Xiangluo didn't expect this layer, so she didn't realize there was any space inside, nor did she expect that these jewelry were all made by Ji Jiuzhong himself.

After the surprise, Yan Xiangluo said helplessly, "Why are there so many? When did you prepare them?"

After they came to the High Continent, they didn't go into many cities in the Duosui Continent. Even in the few cities they entered, they didn't go to any jewelry stores. When they came to the Southern Continent, Ji Jiuchong has been practicing, and after they came out, they almost all Together, he has time to buy these jewelry.

"I have been preparing for more than two years. I thought of a style you might like, so I drew it, then looked for suitable materials to refine it and put it in this box. I didn't expect there to be so many." Ji Jiuzhong said.

Since he saw Yan Xiangluo changing into women's clothes and her simple headdress, he wanted to give her this box of jewelry, but he was busy and didn't think of it until he saw her changing her bun this morning.

Yan Xiangluo was stunned. She glanced at the exquisite jewelry and then at Ji Jiuzhong, "You designed and refined them all? And you started preparing them two years ago?"

It has been more than two years of preparation, and they have only known each other for more than three years. I have been targeted by him for a long time, and I didn't even notice it at all. Ji Jiuzhong looked a little unnatural. If you look carefully, you can see that his ears are a little red, "I started preparing for it as soon as I was sure I liked you."

Yan Xiangluo felt like fireworks were set off in her mind. She was excited but also felt a little unreal.

At this moment, she remembered how cold and indifferent he was when she first met Ji Jiuzhong. At that time, she just wanted to stay away from him and not have anything to do with him. But when they met again later, she didn't realize that Ji Jiuzhong had any interest in her. Nothing special, let alone like it.

Although she had asked him before when he started to like her, he said that he didn't know, maybe he liked her when they first met.

She just heard this, but actually never believed it.

When we first met her, she had just come back from the line of life and death, and he was so embarrassed that he couldn't bear to look at her. At that time, Ji Jiuzhong, who was as noble as a **** in the Nine Heavens, would like her?

  I won’t believe it even if I beat her to death.

 But now that she saw this big box of jewelry, she seemed to believe it.

"I'm a little flattered." Yan Xiangluo didn't know how to express her feelings.

Compared with Ji Jiuzhong's feelings for him, he seems to be much calmer about his feelings. Even if he accepts him now, he cherishes his feelings and wants to be with him for the rest of his life, and is calmly prepared to separate in the future. Prepare.

Yan Xiangluo suddenly felt that she had violated Ji Jiuzhong's feelings for her.

Ji Jiuzhong, who was secretly shy, heard her words and said helplessly, "Luoluo, how did you manage to be so calm at such a young age?"

Ji Jiuzhong knew that he was a calm person, but when facing the woman he liked, he would do some things impulsively, even things that he thought were stupid before.

However, Yan Xiangluo is obviously six years younger than him, and she is still a girl who has just grown her hair. He knows that she has no relationship experience, but she seems to have always been very rational in her relationship with him.

But Yan Xiangluo understood that it was probably because she didn’t love her enough.

She walked up to Ji Jiuzhong and looked at him with watery almond eyes, "If my love for you is not equal to your love for me, will you feel aggrieved?"

The smart Ji Jiuzhong instantly understood what she meant. A flash of sadness flashed across his eyes very quickly, but it was still caught by Yan Xiangluo, making her realize how much Ji Jiuzhong expected that she could love him as much as he loved herself. .

Ji Jiuzhong took her into his arms and held her tightly, "Luoluo just needs to love me a little, and I will love you the rest."

Hearing his aggrieved and tolerant words, Yan Xiangluo smiled and said, "Ji Jiuchong, I seem to love you a little more."

 It’s not that I love him more because he gave me a big box of jewelry, but because of the thought and effort he put into these jewelry.

Ji Jiuchong's eyes suddenly lit up, "Well, I will make Luoluo love me more and more."

He knew that his efforts were not in vain, the little girl was already opening her heart to him and letting him live in her heart.

At this time, Ji Jiuzhong released countless fireworks in his heart, and he was a little happy. After living for twenty-two years, he understood for the first time what the happiness and joy brought by love felt like.

 (End of this chapter)

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