The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 412: Seriously ill indeed

Feng Jiayan bowed her head and said, "Thank you, Master, for your compliment. My mother-in-law comes from a family of skilled cooks. I learned cooking at the age of six and have been cooking for more than thirty years. I wish Master likes me."

Yan Xiangluo was a little surprised when she heard this. She started learning cooking at the age of six and has been studying it for more than 30 years. That does not mean that she is over 40 years old. Since her skin condition was not very good due to her military service, she really didn't have it before. It shows their age.

 Alas, I forgot that the lifespan of monks in higher continents is longer than that of monks in lower continents, much more.

 Let alone dozens of years old, people who are hundreds of years old are still considered young people.

It was then that she realized that her and Ji Jiuzhong's lives had been lengthened because they came to the higher continent, and she suddenly felt very happy that they could stay together for a long, long time.

Feng Jiayan has always looked calm. It seems that her heart has been badly hurt and has closed the door of her heart.

Yan Xiangluo thought that the people they bought were all slaves, and she really needed to understand their respective situations, otherwise, don't cause any trouble because of them.

Looked at Ji Jiuzhong with his big almond eyes, it was better to leave this matter to him. If he had to do it himself, he would have to spend money to find out the information.

The two of them had dinner together. Feng Jiayan's cooking skills were indeed good, and Yan Xiangluo ate a lot. Ji Jiuzhong was also in a good mood because of the rapid development of his relationship with Yan Xiangluo today, so he also ate more.

Feng Jiayan stood aside, and her heart dropped when she saw that her master was satisfied with the meal. Although she was confident in her cooking skills, these two young masters were not unskilled people.

Coupled with the torture of these three years of service, the previous pride has long been put away, and now it is impossible to get rid of the status of a slave for the rest of his life. Only by serving a good master can he live a more comfortable life.

As for remuneration, she had never thought about it. She was involved in her husband's family, and her relationship with her husband was not good, and her husband's family was not good to her. They only married her to use her as a cook. Fortunately, her husband's family did not disclose it to anyone because they were concerned about their face. She said her cooking skills were excellent, so she was able to hide it for the past three years.

Even though her husband's family was in trouble, she was implicated, but she felt very relieved about it.

After the accident, her parents-in-law did not lend a helping hand. In fact, as long as her parents-in-law came forward to ask for a divorce letter, she would not have to endure this. However, her parents-in-law not only failed to help her, but also swore an oath to sever ties with her. They were just trying to force her to do so. She died, and she knew the reason was that her cooking talent was better than the child they liked.

 Her heart has become cold. The reason why she is still alive is because she does not want to fulfill their wishes.

“Jinwen, put the jewelry back and put it next to the dressing table.” Seeing the two of them standing aside, Yan Xiangluo looked at her jewelry box and said to Chen Jinwen.

The little girl immediately responded and went to clean it up, very carefully, for fear of damaging any piece of jewelry.

Yan Xiangluo asked Chen Jinwen to pack the jewelry, which was also a test and test for her. No woman could refuse any of these jewelry. Chen Jinwen was only nine years old, how could she not like it, but she liked normal and greedy That's not advisable.

Chen Jinwen was serving by her side. Although they were bound by slave marks, except for Chen Moran, no one else had sworn any loyalty to them. The slave marks on their bodies only proved that they were of low status and were not directed against a certain family or family. There is still a difference between people's loyalty and slavery.

Although she didn't know why Ji Jiuzhong didn't mention this matter, she knew that he had a plan in mind. When it came to controlling people's hearts, no one was better than Ji Jiuzhong.

 But she is still used to checking the character of the people around her in her own way. Therefore, when Chen Jinwen was packing her jewelry, Yan Xiangluo used mind-reading skills on her.

Little girl Chen Jinwen has been feeling emotional in her heart.

"This jade bracelet is so beautiful. Wow, this belt is so exquisite. This is the first time I have seen so many exquisite jewelry. The lady is really too rich. I have to be careful not to damage the jewelry. Mother said that you should serve the lady with all your heart and not have any bad thoughts."

Until the tidying up was completed, little girl Chen Jinwen had no intention of taking the jewelry as her own. It seemed that her parents were sensible people and they taught their children well.

Although one trial can't explain anything, at least for now, Chen Moran's family of four are all people with a moral bottom line.

 After the two of them finished eating, Feng Jiayan and Chen Jinwen neatly cleared the table and left.

Ji Jiuzhong took out a box of tea leaves and asked Feng Jiayan to make tea. When Feng Jiayan opened the box and saw the spiritual energy contained in the tea leaves, she was shocked. These two young masters had extraordinary origins.

As a spiritual chef, she naturally knows how precious food that contains very rich spiritual energy is, and not something that ordinary people can have.

The male master casually took out a box of tea leaves for her to use. It can be seen that this thing is not a rare thing in his place.

Feng Jiayan cooked the tea quickly and sent it over. Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong looked at each other after drinking the tea. Yes, no matter how good the spiritual tea is and how strong the spiritual energy is, it requires someone with superb tea skills to brew it. And if you want to brew it, Once the spiritual energy of the spiritual tea has been unleashed, it needs to be boiled, which will test your strength even more.

Therefore, Lingchu may not necessarily have good tea skills, but Feng Jiayan is good at them all, which shows that her talent is indeed very strong.

Yan Xiangluo was extremely happy. From now on, she could finally drink tea with strong spiritual energy and eat delicious food with almost no impurities without having to do it herself.

"What did Wuji find out?" Yan Xiangluo did not forget the most important thing, which was related to when she could find her parents.

Ji Jiuzhong knew that she was anxious, so he directly told her the news that Wuji had found in a concise manner.

"The city lord's mansion is heavily guarded. There are ten people with god-level cultivation and above. There are four god-level people secretly guarding the young master's courtyard, so it took Wuji a long time to get in."

Yan Xiangluo frowned. She thought that the city lord's mansion was more difficult to enter than those on the outer continent. She didn't expect that there were ten people with god-level cultivation.

"The young master of Xiangyang City is indeed very ill. There are six alchemists with medical skills in the city lord's mansion. They are all guarding his house. They are now unconscious and Wuji cannot get close to him. One of them is a god-level practitioner. Just stay by his bedside. In order to find out the cause of Young Master Xiangyang City's illness, Wuji has been staying in the house to find out the news. "

"He was injured during a training session three years ago. He was seriously injured at the time. Even after taking god-level elixirs, he could not be cured. He has been like this since then. At the beginning of this year, the city lord invited the most beautiful person from Yunshang Palace. The famous alchemist only allowed him to recover for half a year. Wuji couldn't find out where the injury was, and the people in the mansion didn't know it. The city lord did a good job of hiding it. "

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