The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 413: Tips for Mo Yan

Chapter 413 Momentum

After Yan Xiangluo heard this, most of them were about the situation in the mansion, and there was not much valuable information about the condition of the young master of Xiangyang City.

“It seems that if you want to know the specific situation, you can only go to the door and see the person.” Ruan Xiang understood.

Ji Jiudian nodded and said, "That's true. Do you want to go?"

 “Go.” Yan Xiangluo responded without any hesitation.

Everything you do carries a certain degree of danger. Since you can't find any traces or news about your parents, you can only let them come to you. If you want them to know that you have arrived in the Higher Continent, there is only one way, and that is to become famous in the Higher Continent so that they can hear your news no matter where they are.

With her current age and cultivation, it would take a long time to become famous through her cultivation, so she decided to use her medical skills to become famous.

  Although she is very confident in her medical skills, this is a fantasy world after all. People's bodies are not only suffering from real illnesses, but also caused by various reasons.

She doesn’t know whether she can heal the patient without seeing the specific condition of the patient. However, with the spiritual spring water, even if she can’t cure diseases and injuries, a drop of spiritual spring water can almost cure it.

Hence, the chance of success in this trip to the City Lord's Mansion is still very high.

Ji Jiuzhong is not worried about whether Yan Xiangluo can heal the young master of Xiangyang City. He is worried about whether he can protect Luo Luo after she becomes famous.

 And his people haven't arrived yet, so he alone can't make a comprehensive plan. He can only follow her to protect her.

 Although she has Pangu Space, it must not be exposed unless absolutely necessary.

“When are Luoluo going?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

“Since I have decided to go, I naturally have to go as early as possible and go now.” Yan Xiangluo was determined.

Although she lives in two worlds, neither life is easy. Therefore, she has developed the habit of making her own decisions since she was a child. Many times, there is no time for her to hesitate. Therefore, she also learned to make the best decision for herself in the shortest time. decision.

Ji Jiudian nodded and said, "I'll go with you."

The time is indeed just right now, it's not yet noon.

Ji Jiuchong would not let him go alone. Although there were rumors that the lord of Xiangyang City was a lord who cared for the people, no one knew what the real situation was.

Ji Jiuzhong, who has been in a high position for a long time, knows the human heart best. Even the most selfless and noble person has weaknesses that he cannot touch.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong got up and walked to the front yard. Chen Moran had just returned from outside and was packing things with Liu Chenhan. When he saw the two of them going out, they immediately greeted them.

 “Master, do you need a carriage or horses?” Chen Moran asked

Liu Chenhan also came over. He had been arranged before. If the master needed to accompany him, he would follow.

Yu Xiangluo was surprised. Do they have carriages and horses? Then I realized that Chen Moran should have bought them today. After just one night, it really felt like home.

Ji Jiuzhong said, "We are going to the City Lord's Mansion, we don't need carriages and horses."

 The place where they lived was not far from the City Lord's Mansion, and parking was not allowed there at will, so the two of them planned to walk there.

Chen Moran was very surprised. Although he felt that the life experience behind the two young masters might be unusual, he already knew today that this courtyard had just been bought, or that the mistress bought it alone. Obviously, it was not like the one from the city lord's mansion. Why is there someone involved who suddenly wants to go to the city lord's mansion? At this time, Chen Moran didn't know that his two masters came from the lower continent, otherwise he would be even more surprised.

Although he was doubtful in his heart, he followed his duty and did not ask questions that he should not ask.

 “Do you need to accompany us?” Chen Mo Ran asked again.

 “No need.” Ji Jiuzhong answered simply.

 Chen Moran saw that the two masters were going to the city lord's palace. They didn't need carriages, horses, or people to accompany them. What were they going to do? He said nothing and walked aside with Liu Chenhan to see them out of the house.

Tian Guyu, who was responsible for guarding the gate and guarding the yard, immediately came out of the concierge and opened the door. The three of them stood at the door of the house to see the two of them off.

 After closing the door, Liu Chenhan and Liu Chenhan looked at each other.

Tian Guyu said, "Brother Chen, do you think highly of these two masters?"

 Chen Moran glanced at him, "What, what else do you have in mind?"

They are all serving in the same place. They have helped each other for three years to survive well. He can protect his wife and children with the help of Tian Guyu and Liu Chenhan. Naturally, he also understands their character, so he is here. When Ji Jiuzhong asked him to choose people, he chose the two of them.

  When Ji Jiuzhong agreed to bring his wife and children with him, he had already decided to follow his master for the rest of his life.

 However, after all, they are all convict slaves, lower than ordinary slaves. Their fate cannot be chosen by themselves. They will not be seen and will stay in the same family forever, and they are likely to be sold.

He has made an oath. As long as he does not betray his two masters and does things carefully without any accidents, he will only have these two masters in his life.

He understands that a loyal servant does not serve two masters. This is also the main reason why it is difficult for slaves who have been sold several times to have their masters trust them.

But Tian Guyu and Liu Chenhan are different. They just violate the slave mark and can be bought and sold at any time. It is normal to feel uneasy, but they cannot have bad thoughts.

He is loyal to his master and must do good things for him. When he chooses people, he must ensure that they are loyal to his master. If there is any second-mindedness, he will nip it in the bud.

 Although they helped him take care of his wife and children, he had helped them no less in the past three years. Therefore, he did not owe them anything. To put it more clearly, in fact, they were helping each other, and there was no telling who owed it to whom.

Tian Guyu immediately waved his hand, "Brother Chen's words are a bit harsh. Since I decided to come here with Brother Chen, I didn't think about it. What I mean by asking this today is that the master has his own people and he means to listen to the master. It's coming soon. As slaves like us, will the master give us the opportunity to do something good? "

Although they are all slaves, regardless of their previous status, they do not want to be buried like this because of their cultivation.

He has nothing to worry about anymore. If he can achieve something, he doesn't care about his identity.

 Chen Moran glanced at Tian Guyu and then at Liu Chenhan, "Do you also have such thoughts?"

Liu Chenhan nodded, "Brother Tian and I are both people who have been abandoned. Now we have become slaves. It is impossible to get rid of the status of slaves in this life, but even as slaves we can still achieve something, otherwise we will be like this What’s the use of cultivation?”

Although monks all strive to ascend to the final goal, there are a few people who have successfully ascended throughout the ages.

 (End of this chapter)

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