The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 414: To the city lord's mansion

They are different from Chen Moran. Chen Moran was implicated by his family and became a slave. They committed crimes because they were bullied and cruel. They were real slaves. They knew the consequences when they did it. Therefore, they felt right in their hearts. There is nothing to complain about his situation, unlike Chen Moran who still has a family feud on his mind.

 Therefore, no matter what their status is, they all want to make some achievements to let those who once looked down on them know that they are also powerful and capable people.

Chen Moran understood, "Like you, I only saw the master yesterday. Based on my intuition, I feel that the two young masters are definitely not in the pool. If you want to make a difference, you must do your best now. "Yes, although the master is young, he is a very successful person. As long as you have strength and ability, the master will not waste talents, but he also likes people who are down-to-earth and willing to work hard."

Seeing that the two of them were still a little confused, Chen Moran reminded them again, "Didn't you notice that the two masters don't care about these trivial matters in the house?"

For things like purchasing, they didn't care about how much they spent or whether they were greedy. Although it was a sign of trust in him, it also showed that the master was informal and not a stingy person, nor was he someone who focused on such mundane things. .

“That’s true.” Tian Guyu and Liu Chenhan naturally discovered this.

"Then do you know why the master doesn't care about these trivial matters?" Chen Mo Ran asked again.

The two of them looked at each other for a moment, and Tian Guyu said, "Because they have more important things to do and are not willing to waste time on such trivial matters."

Chen Moran smiled, "Yes, the two masters have such cultivation at a young age, and their strength is definitely not only their cultivation, but also their character is incomparable to many older people. Do your best. , you have to do small things first, then you have the chance to do big things.”

There was only so much he could remind you. With their level of cultivation, guarding the door and doing odd jobs in the front yard were indeed overqualified, but people who can really do great things are those who can endure what ordinary people cannot. If you even look at If you can't do this little thing well, who will let you do more important things?

Even though it seemed that the two masters had not paid attention to them from last night to now, he could guarantee that the master would know what they had done.

He knows this, and after believing what he said, the two of them can understand it too.

Sure enough, after what he said, Tian Guyu and Liu Chenhan both suddenly realized and thanked each other in unison, "Thank you, Brother Chen, for your advice."

Chen Moran smiled and said, "We are all in trouble together and came out together. It is our fate to serve the same master. Now it is the best result for us. We must be content. After all, we It was not the master who caused us to be in this situation. On the contrary, it was the two masters who pulled us out of the quagmire. The master only asked us to be loyal and diligent. As long as we act according to these four words, we will not go wrong. "

 Chen Moran's words made Tian Guyu and Liu Chenhan's uncertain hearts calm down.

At this time, Ji Jiuchong and Yan Xiangluo had arrived in front of the lord's palace in Xiangyang City.

As expected, it is a city lord's mansion in the inner continent, which is quite different from the city lord's mansion in the outer continent. Even the Liu family's mansion in Dusui City is only slightly larger than the city lord's mansion, but in terms of grandeur, it is far inferior to the city lord's mansion in Xiangyang City.

There were no guards outside the door, but as soon as they stopped in front of the door, someone came out and glanced at them, with a look of surprise in their eyes. After all, men and women with such outstanding looks are so rare.

"Who are you? You can't stay here. Leave quickly." Although they were amazed by their appearance, this was the city lord's mansion and his duty was not to let people stay close.

Yan Xiangluo said, "I am a doctor. I just came to settle in Xiangyang City yesterday. I heard that the young city lord was ill. The city lord issued a notice offering a reward for doctors, so I came to try."

The guard was a little surprised. This little girl looked to be just around the age of hairpins. Even if she had medical skills, how good could she be?

The doctor from Yunshang Palace could only make the young master better for half a year. Is she capable of curing the young master? "Are you sure?" the guard asked.

Yan Xiangluo nodded and said, "I'm sure, my medical skills are pretty good."

The corner of the guard's mouth twitched. Although you are good-looking and the city lord is not a difficult person, if you really don't have the ability to anger the city lord, you will not be able to bear the consequences.

However, he can't say these things. The city lord has spoken and all the doctors who come will be brought in to try. After all, the young master is very serious this time. He has been in coma since yesterday morning and has not woken up now.

"You come in and wait while I go in and report." said the guard.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong walked inside together. The guard stopped Ji Jiuzhong and said, "He can't go in."

Yan Xiangluo said, "It's not convenient for me to be a woman. He is my fiancé. If he can't go in, I can't go either."

The guard found some reason after hearing this, but he had no power to let people in.

"You come in first and wait in the foyer. I'll report back. If the city lord doesn't agree, you have no choice but to go back." The guards did not embarrass them.

Yan Xiangluo quickly thanked him. From the attitude of the guards, it could be seen that the Lord of Xiangyang City was indeed not a person who oppressed the people.

The guards brought the two people in and arranged them in the foyer. There were three guards in the foyer. Although they were equally amazed by their appearance, they did not have any bad intentions. They only looked at them a few more times and then looked away. Talking to himself.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong sat aside and waited quietly without speaking.

  The guard who went to report the matter came back soon, "You guys come with me."

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong stood up and followed the guards and walked inside. The guards led them to a door. A more gorgeously dressed guard came out. He glanced at the two of them and said, "Is that them?"

The guard replied, "Yes, the woman is a doctor and the man is her fiancé."

 The guard inside nodded and said, "Follow me."

The two followed the guards into the door and walked inside. The door behind them was closed. Along the way, they passed four doors and walked through three long alleys. From time to time, they could detect the strong aura of Cha in the dark. Tan, no wonder Wuji only went back this morning. This is really a little trouble that can be discovered immediately.

In front of the garden is a large garden with blooming flowers, winding paths, and delicate rockery pavilions and corridors. After walking through the garden for a while, we came to a quiet courtyard.

There was a wooden plaque hanging on the courtyard door, with dragons and phoenixes on it saying "Black Bamboo Garden". When Yan Xiangluo saw the name, she thought that there should be a lot of black bamboo planted in this yard.

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