The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 415: Don't like her

Chapter 415: Not optimistic about her

From the name, I feel that the owner who lives there should be a gentle and elegant person.

The guard knocked on the door, and someone immediately opened the door. It was a man dressed as a woman.

Seeing the guards and the people immediately moving away from the door, the guards looked back at them and said, "Come in, this is the young master's courtyard."

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong walked in. Yan Xiangluo thought that after entering the courtyard where the young city master lived, they were almost there. However, they took a long detour before they came to an exquisite building with flying eaves and warped walls surrounded by ink bamboo. In front of the house.

Every scene along the way can be described as low-key luxury.

Ji Jiuzhong, who is used to seeing the wealth of the palace, doesn't think it's a big deal. After all, no matter how luxurious a city lord's palace is, it can't compare with the palace.

Since Yan Xiangluo lived in an ancient building in another life, she didn't think it was a big deal. The guards who led them were a little surprised by their reaction.

After all, the young master's courtyard was specially built by the city lord after the young master was born. The area is second only to the city lord's courtyard. Unexpectedly, it is more exquisite and luxurious than the city lord's yard. The two of them were not surprised or shocked at all when they saw it. Obviously someone who has seen bigger scenes.

"Wait a moment, I'll go in and report." The guard said to the two of them.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiudian nodded and stood under the eaves to avoid the scorching sunshine in the sky. Ignoring the four guards and a well-dressed middle-aged man standing under the eaves of the corridor opposite them.

The guards entered, and the voice of report came out immediately, "Lord of the City, people have arrived."

"Let them in." A man with a deep voice said, and you could tell from the first glance that he was a man of high cultivation.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong looked at each other. It turned out that the Lord of Xiangyang City was here, and he really loved his son very much. He was guarding him personally.

The door opened again, and a maid came out to invite them in. The maid was stunned when she saw Yu Xiangluo's appearance. She thought to herself, is this young woman here to treat the young master or to seduce the young master?

It's no wonder she has such thoughts. The main reason is that Yan Xiangluo's appearance is so outstanding that any woman will feel ashamed of herself.

In addition, the young city lord does have the talent and family background to attract women.

 “Come in,” the maid said calmly.

Yan Xiangluo didn't pay attention to the maid's attitude. Growing up, there were so many women who were jealous of her beauty, and she was used to it.

After following the maid in, he saw a huge screen. The screen was dark green and carved with pieces of bamboo. This shows how much the owner of the house loves bamboo.

After walking around the screen, I saw five people standing and two people sitting in the room. One of them was older, sitting on the bed. He had a strong aura and a pair of sharp eyes swept over them after they entered. .

This should be the god-level strong man in the room that Wuji said, the person who protects the young city lord.

 There was a man lying under the brocade quilt on the bed. His hair was disheveled and his face was pale and bloodless. He must be the sick young city lord. With his exquisite facial features, even though he was sick, he could still tell that he was a handsome man.

Sitting on the chair next to the bed was a man wearing a black brocade robe with a calm expression. His appearance was similar to that of the patient on the bed. He should be the Lord of Xiangyang City.

On the other side stood three maids and the guard who went to welcome them in. It seemed that he should be the young city lord's attendant.

The man sitting in front of the bed, the city lord of Xiangyang City, glanced at them. He was obviously surprised by their outstanding appearance, and then frowned. At such a young age, how good can a genius be in medical skills?

There was a flash of disappointment in his eyes, but his tone was still gentle. He looked at Yan Xiangluo and asked, "Are you a doctor?"

Yan Xiangluo took a step forward and said, "Yes."

 “Come over and treat my son.” The city lord didn’t ask any more questions and went straight to the topic. Yan Xiangluo walked over, and as she got closer, she could see clearly how pale the man on the bed was, with no blood at all.

This face was obviously caused by excessive blood loss. He said to the city lord sitting aside, "City lord, I need to diagnose the pulse. Let someone come over to help and expose the young city lord's wrist."

People say that my son must be the city lord, and he is the only one who can speak in this room, so Yan Xiangluo said directly to the city lord.

The Lord of Xiangyang City was stunned. He didn't expect that she could talk to him so calmly even after knowing that he was the Lord of Xiangyang City.

With a deep thought in his eyes, he personally took out his son's wrists from the brocade quilt and rolled up his sleeves. The whole process was very gentle, which showed that he really loved his son.

 “Can I use a brocade handkerchief?”

Yan Xiangluo didn't want to touch someone's skin directly. Not to mention worrying about the other person's suspicion of what she was doing, she couldn't stand even Ji Jiuzhong's gaze. It was hard for her to ignore the burning gaze on her back.

Sure enough, when she said this, the heat in her anxious eyes dissipated a little.

Upon hearing this, the city lord immediately understood what she meant and immediately asked his maid to get a new piece of silk.

The maid immediately went to get it, but there was no small piece. She directly cut off a small piece with scissors and put it on the young city lord's wrist.

Yan Xiangluo turned around, looked at it, and said to the maid, "Bring that round stool over here so I can use it."

The maid was stunned. She didn't expect that Yan Xiangluo would ask for a stool to sit on. She glanced at the city lord, who nodded. The maid immediately moved the round stool over, and Yan Xiangluo sat down unceremoniously.

The expressions of everyone in the room changed. The city lord was sitting aside. This little girl actually dared to be on an equal footing with the city lord. She was very courageous.

Yan Xiangluo didn't think much about it at all. The young city lord was seriously ill and the time to feel the pulse would not be too short. She was too tired to bend down to feel the pulse.

 She is not someone who would wrong herself.

After Yan Xiangluo sat down, she stretched out her hand to feel the Young City Lord's pulse through the snow-white satin. When she felt it, she frowned and moved her fingers before she found the pulse. So weak? If it weren't for her high medical skills, she wouldn't be able to feel her pulse.

Yan Xiangluo's fingers moved from time to time, and time passed little by little. A quarter of an hour passed, and she was still feeling the pulse, and she hadn't changed hands yet. She was still checking the pulse of her right hand.

Even Ji Jiuzhong's face turned serious. She had quickly taken off his pulse when she was treating him. The young city lord's condition was indeed very serious.

 Otherwise, it would not have happened. The alchemist with the most powerful medical skills in Yunshang Palace only allowed him to recover for half a year.

 I don’t know if Luoluo is sure.

The city lord on the side was always staring closely at Yan Xiangluo. Her expression did not change. She occasionally frowned and relaxed, showing how frequent and complicated her thoughts were.

The city lord of Xiangyang City, who has read countless people, can see that she is serious and does not seem to be cheating.

 At first he was not optimistic about the little girl in front of him, but at this moment the Lord of Xiangyang City suddenly had a glimmer of hope.

 (End of this chapter)

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