The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 416: He is here and I am here

Chapter 416 He is here and I am here

 The elderly man who had been sitting on the bed could clearly see Yan Xiangluo's every move and the subtle changes in her expression.

He was shocked in his heart. A teenage girl could actually be so calm in front of two god-level powerful men. This character was not ordinary.

 She looked like she was really capable. He didn't know how her alchemy skills had never been seen before, but this medical skill was definitely not low according to his eyesight.

Therefore, a glimmer of expectation arose in my heart. So many doctors could not cure the young master. If this girl really had this ability, it would not only be a reward from the city lord, but also a reputation that no one could match.

 After all, all the famous doctors on the mainland have been invited, and no one knows what is going on with the young master, let alone a cure.

Think about it, the one in Yunshang Palace can only make the young master good for half a year. The so-called good is just not comatose and able to move.

If she could really heal the young master, no, even if she could make the young master wake up, her medical skills would be superior to that of the one in Yunshang Palace. After all, that one said that there was nothing he could do if he fell into coma again.

Yan Xiangluo didn't know the inner activities of the two god-level experts in front of her, and focused on studying the condition.

  She learned medical skills not only because she was in poor health in another life, but because she really liked it, and because of her talent, her medical skills were extremely high.

 However, in addition to being unable to cure herself, this was the first time she encountered such difficult symptoms in these years.

  Unable to heal herself, she didn’t know why at the time. After her soul returned, she found out that it was because her soul was incomplete.

The soul is not completely healed no matter how high her medical skills were in another life, but it is different here. Not only does she have powerful medical skills, but she also has the soul control skills passed down from the Long family. So if she can heal herself in another life now, she can do it.

 Hence, the condition of the young city lord of Xiangyang City can be regarded as the most difficult symptom she has ever encountered.

 On the surface, the ischemia appears to be quite severe. If you take a pulse, it will be so weak that you can hardly feel it. This kind of pulse only exists in people who are dying. However, although the Young City Lord's pulse showed that he was near death, his vitality was not that of a dying person. She could clearly feel that the vitality in his body was continuously distributed throughout his body.

It is said that he was like this because he was seriously injured three years ago. However, she did not see that his body was seriously injured three years ago. Yan Xiangluo was sure that he was not injured at the time.

 “The other hand.” Yan Xiangluo finally spoke.

The god-level powerhouse sitting inside immediately took the young city lord's hand out of the quilt and put it on the quilt, so that Yan Xiangluo could reach out and feel his pulse.

Yan Xiangluo picked up the silk satin and put it on her other wrist, and continued to check her pulse.

Another quarter of an hour passed before Yan Xiangluo let go of his hand and said to the city lord, "Let the irrelevant people go out."

The city lord stared at her after hearing her words, knowing that she was telling him that anyone who didn't trust him or didn't want others to hear what she said next should get out.

The city lord looked at her looking at him with calm and fearless eyes, narrowed his eyes and raised his hand, letting everyone in the room go out, except for the attendant.

 All the maids went out immediately. The attendants glanced at Ji Jiuzhong, and Yu Xiangluo said, "He's here and I'm here."

 Four words express what she means, that is, unless you don't need me to see a doctor, he has to be here.

Ji Jiuchong was very happy about these four words of "Rong Xiangluo", but he didn't show it on his face and stood aside calmly.

The city lord's eyes flashed, these two children are not ordinary children, who has the ability to cultivate such outstanding people.

He nodded and signaled his attendants to move a chair for Ji Jiuzhong to sit on. The attendants immediately moved the chairs and asked Ji Jiuzhong to sit down. Ji Jiuzhong was not polite and continued to do so. Every move he made was noble and unparalleled, as if he was a superior. .

The city lord of Xiangyang City thought for a moment, and then he raised his hand to set up a barrier, blocking outsiders from hearing the voices inside. "You can say it now," said the Lord of Xiangyang City.

Yan Xiangluo then said, "I would like to hear the beginning and course of the young city master's illness first."

Before the city lord could speak, Yan Xiangluo said again, "I want to listen to the truth. Don't say that he was seriously injured to act like this. He was not seriously injured at all. I'm sure of this. I'm very confident in my medical skills. Confidence, not to mention the injuries he suffered three years ago, even the injuries he suffered when he was a child, I can tell by checking his pulse.”

The city lord's eyes changed, and there was unconcealable shock in his eyes. He looked at each other with the old man inside, and the other man was obviously also surprised.

Even the attendants on the side were stunned and looked at Yu Xiangluo with incredulous eyes.

The lord of Xiangyang City knew very well that apart from his son, only the two of them and his son’s attendants knew the reason for his son’s behavior. This girl actually found out by checking his pulse?

Such a confident tone shocked the two of them, but they also saw hope.

The Lord of Xiangyang City looked at Yan Xiangluo for a while before he said, "What's your surname, girl?"

 “My surname is Yu.” If you are polite, I will be polite too.

"I heard that Miss Yun just settled in Xiangyang City yesterday?" The city lord of Xiangyang City thought that Yan Xiangluo's surname was Yuncai Yun.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Yes."

"Can I ask which continent and city Miss Yun lived in before?" the Lord of Xiangyang City continued to ask.

 In fact, he could ask someone to go to the government office to check this information, but wouldn't it be inconvenient now, so he asked directly.

There are only two kinds of people who can know the real cause of his son's illness. One is a person with really superb medical skills, and the other is the person who harmed his son in the first place.

 Three years have passed and I still haven’t found the person who killed my son.

“People from the lower mainland wanted to settle in the inner continent, so they came to the southern continent. I heard that the people in Xiangyang City lived a happy and prosperous life, so they settled here.”

Yu Xiangluo's words shocked the lord of Xiangyang City and the old man inside again.

 Inferior continent? These two children are actually from the mainland below? How they came out of the Mu Sui Continent was not as simple as what she said. If they wanted to settle in the Inner Continent, they could just come to the Southern Continent, and they even came so far to settle in Xiangyang City.

These two people are quite capable.

After all, they are people who have experienced a lot and have seen the big world. The two of them quickly calmed down and asked the Lord of Xiangyang City again, "Miss Yun, are you sure you can heal my son?"

"It depends on whether you cooperate or not." Yan Xiangluo's tone was calm, without any disturbance at all.

This is the first time that the city lord of Xiangyang City has met a junior who can talk to him so calmly. The most important thing is that he is from a lower continent and has no feeling of inferiority at all.

 I knew in my heart that these two people probably had high status in the lower continent, especially Miss Yun’s fiancé.

 At the same time, they also knew that they were definitely not the ones who harmed their son. After all, his son was murdered three years ago and they came this year.

 (End of this chapter)

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