The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 424: Sweet as a jelly

Therefore, Yan Xiangluo just needs to wait to get paid and go home.

As for becoming famous, she doesn't need to worry about it. As long as Mu Xiuyang is well, those who are paying attention to his condition will definitely inquire about what's going on, and they will soon find out about him.

Her name will soon spread throughout the continent, and her parents will know that she is coming.

 Seeing the two men being so eye-catching, Mu Chengzhi once again lamented that such an outstanding child was not from their family and could not become their family.

Although he was surprised that his son was about to wake up, he still ordered the housekeeper waiting outside the door to entertain the two of them, and then returned to the room to wait for his son to wake up.

The butler immediately invited the two of them to the flower hall. The tea that was served was the tea that Mu Chengzhi asked the butler to bring for himself that day. The butler was very discerning and had several items made by the spiritual chef be delivered to him without the city lord asking. Exquisite refreshments and rare spiritual fruits.

Yu Xiangluo is not polite at all. She drinks tea, eats snacks and spiritual fruits, and does not let her go. Ji Jiuzhong only drank tea. Seeing that he refused to eat, Yan Xiangluo picked up a piece of snack and handed it to his mouth. Ji Jiuzhong was stunned, and then he opened his mouth and ate the snack in a good mood.

Sure enough, the food fed by his beloved girl was delicious. He estimated that even if Luoluo fed him poison, he would eat it happily.

 The housekeeper who was accompanying him saw the natural interaction between the two and rubbed his nose, saying that youth is good.

Du Danyu, who was waiting aside, also witnessed the feelings between the two.

  She has been through this before, and her relationship with her husband is very good. There were often times when they were inseparable before the incident. If nothing happened to the family and they fell from the sky to the ground, maybe they would still be living a romantic life, so she understood the current interaction between the two of them very well.

The two masters are not very old, but they are very capable and have great ideas. It is easy for people to ignore their age.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo's unscrupulous look was exactly what a teenage girl should look like.

Du Danyu found it extremely pleasing just to look at them. This was the most well-matched couple she had ever seen, bar none.

Although she did not see with her own eyes how her master treated the young lord of Xiangyang City this time, she could tell from the lord's attitude and the steward's respect that the young master's medical skills were extremely high. Although she didn't say it, she could tell from the excited look on the lord's face just now. It can be concluded that the young master should have healed the young city lord.

This shows that the master’s medical skills are higher than those of the one in Yunshang Palace.

 It also shows one thing, that is, they were lucky and found a great master.

After a while, Mu Chengzhi brought his son to the flower hall. Mu Xiuyang didn't look like he had just woken up from a coma, and he was extremely healthy.

As soon as the father and son entered the door, they saw Yan Xiangluo, who was happily eating, and Ji Jiuzhong, who looked at her with a doting look on his face.

Not to mention Mu Xiuyang who met Yan Xiangluo for the first time, even Mu Chengzhi was a little surprised by her eating appearance. She really loves to eat.

Although he knew she was young, Mu Chengzhi was used to seeing Yan Xiangluo's confident and decisive look in these days, especially after seeing her superb medical skills with his own eyes, so he had ignored the fact that she was a teenage girl.

 Now I feel very emotional when I see it.

Mu Xiuyang was stunned when he saw Yan Xiangluo. She was wearing a flamboyant red dress, her impeccable face, and her big apricot eyes, which seemed to be able to speak, exuding elf energy. Especially when she smiled at the man in front of her, it was as if two crescent moons were shining brightly on his world.

His heart was beating loudly, as if it was about to burst out of his body, and a strange feeling filled his whole body. Ji Jiuzhong saw the way Mu Xiuyang looked at Yu Xiangluo, and his eyes turned cold. He glanced at him coldly, and said in a rare moment, "City Lord, the young City Lord has recovered, and we are going home."

His words suddenly interrupted Mu Xiuyang's thoughts. After he came back to his senses, he was a little annoyed. He looked at Ji Jiuzhong and shrank his eyes. How could this man's appearance be so outstanding? He had seen a lot of good-looking men. But he is the first person to stand out like this.

 The most important thing is that I clearly have a much higher level of cultivation than him, but why do I feel suppressed under his gaze?

Thinking of what her father said, Master Yu's fiancé accompanied her, it goes without saying that he knew that this man was Master Yu's fiancée.

I suddenly felt a dull feeling in my heart.

Mu Chengzhi didn’t notice anything strange about his son, and said with a smile, “I arranged a banquet to thank Master Yu, and I invite you two to show your appreciation.”

Although Yan Xiangluo has no resistance to delicious food, she has been eating for three days and has no interest in it. She is saying that her goal has been achieved and she just wants to go home as soon as possible.

Then he refused and said, "You're welcome, Lord. I'll heal the young Lord, and the Lord will give me a reward and a promise. The money has been paid. We have been away from home for three days, and we are ready to go back."

Seeing that she refused without hesitation, Mu Chengzhi knew in his heart that these two people were not clingy people. In addition, he had more important things to deal with, so he followed her words and said, "Okay, another day." I’ll invite Master Yu to come over and I’ll arrange carriages and horses to take Master Yu back.”

Mu Chengzhi now no longer dares to treat Yan Xiangluo like a little girl, and the title has been changed from Miss Yan to Master Yan.

"That's troublesome." Yan Xiangluo was not surprised by Mu Chengzhi's change in attitude. In any world, there is a deep respect for strong people, regardless of age.

Mu Chengzhi immediately took out a gift ring and handed it to Yu Xiangluo with both hands, "Master Yu, here is the reward, and there is also a token, which is the proof of fulfilling the promise."

Yan Xiangluo took it and put it away without even looking at it, "We'll leave now."

Mu Chengzhi was surprised that she didn't care about the reward at all. She didn't seem to be a poor owner of money. He immediately said to his son, "Xiu Yang, please send Master Yu and Master Ji out of the house."

Mu Xiuyang finally had a chance to speak. He bowed and thanked him, "Xiu Yang thanked Master Yu."

Yan Xiangluo said calmly, "Your father has already thanked me."

 The implication is that the matter of healing you has been cleared up, so there is no need to thank you any more.

After saying this, he said goodbye to Mu Chengzhi, and walked out with Ji Jiuzhong and Du Danyu. Mu Xiuyang immediately followed, walking on one side to lead them out of his yard.

The steward went out first, and the prepared carriages and horses were already waiting outside the city lord's mansion. He wanted to make sure there were no problems first. This was a person whom the city lord valued, and he could not be neglected in the slightest.

 A medical master like her, even if her cultivation level is not high enough, is still enough to be treated with respect by the world.

Just like when I came in, I walked for a long time before reaching the door of the house. An unusual-looking carriage stopped at the door.

Mu Xiuyang made a gesture of invitation, "Master Yu, Mr. Ji please."

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