The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 425: please let me in

Ji Jiuzhong raised his hand and held Yan Xiangluo's hand, letting her use his strength to get on the carriage, and then he got on.

Mu Xiuyang's eyes darkened as he looked at the hands they held naturally. They were getting along so harmoniously, with every move revealing sweetness.

Du Danyu was the last one to get up, and did not go into the carriage, but sat outside.

Mu Xiuyang said, "Xiuyang sends Master Yu off respectfully. I will visit you another day."

Yan Xiangluo responded understandingly, and the carriage started.

Mu Xiuyang watched the carriage leave until he could no longer see it, then turned around and went back to the house. The servants who saw him along the way were surprised. Is the young city lord completely healed?

In the past, even if the young city lord was well, he would not leave his courtyard. It was said that he was very weak. Now he looks like he was before he was sick, and he seems to be better than before.

The breath on my body is the same as when I was healthy before. No, it seems to be stronger.

“Young City Lord, the City Lord has asked you to go directly to the City Lord’s study after sending someone off.” The steward whispered.

“Yeah.” Mu Xiuyang responded and walked towards the courtyard where the city lord lived.

 For three years, he could hardly do anything. Now that he is better, he naturally has to help his father share some affairs.

At the same time, the news that the young city lord was well spread throughout the city lord's mansion in an instant, and some people immediately spread the news.

 The man who fainted was now lying on the floor of the city lord's study.

As soon as Mu Xiuyang entered, he saw someone. He glanced at it and saw that it was one of his half-brothers. He was speechless and looked at his father, "Is it him?"

The city lord sitting behind the desk nodded, "If it hadn't been for Master Yu's reminder, I wouldn't have thought it was him, let alone someone using your soul to practice evil arts."

“What does dad want to do?” Mu Xiuyang asked.

His father told him this as soon as he woke up. He was surprised at the time, but it is no longer a surprise. After all, in this house, no one except his father is really good to him.

“Ask who he learned the evil skills from, find that person and get rid of him, his cultivation must be abolished.” Mu Chengzhi said.

Mu Xiuyang raised his brows. To make him like this, he still practiced evil skills, but his cultivation was just ruined? After all, he is still his father's son, so he still can't be ruthless.

 However, keeping such a person would be a hidden danger even if his cultivation was ruined. Dad would not be unaware of this.

He didn't say much. Although his father always favored him, he also knew that he was not the only son of his father. He just borrowed the light of his mother.

his mother is the cinnabar mole in his father's heart, no one can touch her, because the cinnabar mole is gone, so all the favor falls on him.

 Mu Xiuyang knows his position very well and will not provoke his father's bottom line.

"Just let dad handle this matter." Mu Xiuyang said in the same tone.

 This experience made him understand that although he was protected by his father, there were always areas where his father could not protect him. If he wanted to avoid being plotted by others, he had to be strong enough that no one dared to bully him. In the past three years, he was the only one who knew what kind of life he had lived, as if everything was illusory.

 Thinking that Master Yu has such abilities at such a young age, compared to his so-called genius name, it is nothing.

Mu Chengzhi looked at him and said, "Xiu Yang, now that your body has completely recovered and you are only one step away from the **** level, dad is going to send you to Yunshang Palace. You should be prepared first, dad will prepare the cultivation resources for you. You take them all with you. After entering Yunshang Palace, as long as you successfully break through to the **** level, you can stay in Yunshang Palace, and no one can bully you anymore."

Mu Xiuyang was stunned. Although he knew that his father doted on him, he was surprised that he doted on him to this extent.

 After all, those who have not been personally selected by Yunshang Palace will have to pay a high price if they want to go to Yunshang Palace.

 No matter why his father favored him, he was still very touched that he was actually favored by him.

"Dad, it doesn't have to be like this. After I get better this time, I feel that my cultivation level has reached a critical point. I want to try to break through to the **** level first. If I succeed, Yun Shang Palace will come and invite me to go to Yun Shang Palace now." Shang Gong is different in terms of status and reputation.”

Mu Xiuyang didn't lie. After he woke up, he felt that the spiritual power in his body had been saturated to the point where he felt like he was full. As long as there was an opportunity, he could break through to the **** level.

Since he was less than thirty years old and independently broke through to the **** level, Yun Shanggong would definitely treat himself as lighter than Yun Shanggong. In that way, his status, status, and reputation would be incomparable to those who entered before he broke through.

 Besides, he didn’t want his father to waste any more effort on this matter.

Mu Chengzhi paused when he heard this, thinking of the changes in his son's body when Yan Xiangluo nursed him back to health, and he suddenly became aware of the changes in his son's body. The effect he thought was only apparent on the surface. In fact, the effects of Yan Xiangluo's conditioning of his son's body had not yet fully emerged.

 He knew that his son would not lie. Since he said he felt he could break through to the **** level, then he definitely could.

My son's talent was already very good. After all the impurities and erysipelas in his body were eliminated, his body was already in the best condition. Although he had not practiced in the past three years, before the accident, he was already in a state where he was about to break through to the **** level. .

 The most important thing is that Master Yu’s medical skills are high, and the effect of the elixirs he refines is not very good. This time, his son is a blessing in disguise.

 Let him once again confirm in his heart that he must make good friends with Xiangluo.

“Okay, Xiu Yang is indeed much better than dad, just like your mother.” Mu Chengzhi was in a very good mood.

When he mentioned his mother, Mu Chengzhi added, "If you can break through to the divine level and be invited in by Yunshang Palace, it will be considered as fulfilling your mother's wish. Your mother was invited in by Yunshang Palace back then. Yunshang Palace, you can go and see the place where your mother lived and practiced before."

Mu Xiuyang's impression of his mother has faded to only a shadow of gentleness. After all, he was still too young when his mother passed away. He only vaguely remembers that her mother was a gentle woman, but he has heard his father say it countless times since he was a child. Qi Niang is from Yunshang Palace, and it was also because of her that her father invited the most powerful doctor from Yunshang Palace, including the last time he was in coma.

 He was very curious, what kind of woman was his mother and why did she die?

He has asked his father this question before, but he did not tell him. It seems that this doubt will be solved when he goes to Yunshang Palace in the future.

 He also wanted to know why his mother still had such a strong influence in Yunshang Palace after her death for so many years.

“Don’t worry, Dad, I will try my best to get Yunshang Palace to invite me in.”

That gorgeous red figure suddenly appeared in front of Mu Xiuyang. She was so young, and he saw that her cultivation level was already at the fourth level of the clan. With this talent, she should be invited into Yunshang Palace in the future, so he must do it earlier. Enter Yunshang Palace.

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