The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 427: There's still time

 Since Changfeng and Mu Zixian are here, this residence must be settled as soon as possible.

"The yard on the east side has been bought, and they will move it all tomorrow." Chen Moran was secretly glad that he acted quickly enough and put some thought into it.

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at the east side. Comparatively, the west side of the yard was actually larger. Because of its size, a large family lived there. It would not be sold unless there were special circumstances. Chen Moran sold the east side of the yard in such a short time. I found a way to buy it, and my ability to do things is already very strong.

"Leave the rest of the yard work to Zi Xian. You can find a way to buy the yard on the west side. If you have any difficulties, discuss them with Zi Xian. It's best to solve them within three days." Now that Mu Zi Xian and the others are here, Then he can let go and make arrangements.

Once Mu Xiuyang recovers from his illness, within a few days, the name Yan Xiangluo will be spread throughout the mainland, and the troubles that will follow will not be less.

 He needs to move faster.

 Chen Moran didn't understand why his master was so anxious all of a sudden, but he did it as his master told him.

 Besides, when the master’s people came, they didn’t dislike him. They still arranged for him to do things and asked his people to help him. This shows that the master still recognized his ability to do things.

He looked at his wife and said that he was going to work, so he stopped talking to her. Du Danyu naturally knew that her husband was now the housekeeper of the house and had many things to do. This also meant that the master valued him, so she would not delay her. Her husband's hind legs nodded slightly, indicating that she understood.

Ji Jiuzhong also wanted to know the specific situation of Changfeng and the others, so after giving the instructions, he took Changfeng and Mu Zixian to his room.

Although Ji Jiuzhong asked Yan Xiangluo to go with them, she was not interested in hearing their experiences. Besides, Ji Jiuzhong must have some plans for them, and she didn't want to worry about that.

I asked, "Are Qi Hao and his grandfather Qi Changhe here?"

Mu Zixian said, "We arranged for someone to bring them here. Changfeng and I were anxious and came first."

After Yan Xiangluo found out, she didn't ask any more questions and took Du Danyu back to the courtyard where she lived.

After Yu Xiangluo left, Mu Zixian said gossipingly, "Master, have you and Miss Yu made any progress?"

Changfeng rolled his eyes at him, no need to ask about such an obvious thing.

Sure enough, Ji Jiuzhong glanced at him, "Has your eyesight deteriorated?"

Mu Zixian smiled and touched his nose, "I just want to make sure. After all, we will treat Miss Yu as our mistress in the future."

After saying this, he looked at the room where the master lived and thought to himself: This yard is too small. I feel so wronged to the master. When has the master ever lived in such a small room? It seems that he needs to buy the yard on the west side as soon as possible and then clean it up. , no matter what, we must give the master a spacious and independent yard.

Before he and Changfeng came, they had already explored the surrounding areas and had a very clear view of the layout of the courtyards on both sides. He felt that the main courtyard in the west courtyard was suitable for the master to live in. It was just right to open up the courtyard wall and make it right next to Miss Yu's courtyard. Yes, it’s convenient to go back and forth.

 Look, this subordinate is so considerate and considerate of his master.

“Tell me about your experience.” Ji Jiuzhong glanced at Mu Zixian, who was wandering in his thoughts, and the corner of his mouth twitched. He knew Mu Zixian very well, and he knew exactly what was going on in his mind.    That's why he left the matter to him before.

Changfeng was reluctant to talk too much. This kind of thing was what Mu Zixian was good at. He vividly recounted the experiences of their group.

After he finished speaking, he said, "Master, that guy Liu Yu has already withdrawn the search warrant. He should know that you are coming to the Southern Continent. He is very paranoid and he probably won't give up. We need to be prepared this morning."

They had just arrived in the Dusui Continent, and the first news they knew was that their master and Miss Yu were secretly wanted. They were very worried. This was a high-level continent, and Liu Yu was the son of the lord of the continent. Even if the master did not confront Liu Yu, It must not be easy to protect Miss Yu. They did not expect that their master would come to the Southern Continent with Miss Yu so quickly. They were curious about how they passed the checkpoint.

 They came after settling in the Mu Sui Continent.

Ji Jiuzhong knew that this day would come after he left Mu Sui Continent. It was just a matter of sooner or later.

In his expectation, Liu Yu would get the news at the latest after Luoluo healed Mu Xiuyang. They had left the Mu Sui Continent. Liu Yu was going smoothly in the Mu Sui Continent and would not be willing to let them escape like this. The palm of his hand.

Even if they are not on the same continent, he will find a way to deal with them. He should be killed, and Luoluo should be captured alive.

This is also the main reason why he does not stop Luo Luo from using his medical skills to become famous. No matter whether they are famous or not, Liu Yu will not give up. So Luo Luo becoming famous all over the world is a kind of protection.

Liu Yu doesn't know yet that Luoluo can become famous throughout the continent with his medical skills, but he will know soon. When he knows, he may have some scruples. Based on Ji Jiuzhong's speculation about him, even if he has scruples, he will not let go. , just changing from light to dark.

Don't underestimate this little change. The manpower he deploys will definitely be different between those who come overtly and those who come secretly. There will be fewer people coming secretly, but their cultivation will be higher, but this way he can arrange it better.

Ji Jiudian nodded and said, "The most important thing for Liu Yu right now is to participate in the continental competition, so he won't spend all his energy on us. He still has time."

Seeing that his master was prepared, Mu Zixian was relieved, but he was still worried, "We have just arrived and our cultivation strength is not yet strong enough to compete with the master of the continent. Does the master know of any place in the southern continent where we can improve as soon as possible?" Cultivation strength?”

Although they have not been in the Higher Continent for a long time, they know that there are many secret realms that can be experienced in the Higher Continent, but they are all occupied by the strength of all parties. There are very few that can be entered without restrictions. They have just arrived in the Southern Continent and have not inquired about it yet. There is a secret place that you can enter at will.

Having seen the strength of the people here, they have always been in the strong position in Tianqian Continent and they are eager to become stronger quickly.

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at him and said, "There is a place that is suitable for you to practice. Arrange everything in the Mu Sui Continent, and then have everyone come to Xiangyang City, and arrange for you to go in and practice at the right time."

Ji Jiuchong has planned this for a long time. The Luoluo Experience Palace is very suitable for his people to experience and improve their cultivation. Sending them in is unobtrusive and safe, and it is much faster than entering any secret realm to improve their cultivation.

However, they still needed to finish what he had arranged. He took out a picture and spread it out on the table.

Changfeng and Mu Zixian both came over to look at the picture.

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