The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 428: Decided to participate

The picture shows the courtyard where they live, but it is centered on the courtyard where they live, and the courtyards of the east and west families are also drawn within the scope of where they live.

Ji Jiuzhong pointed to the purchased yard to the east. Starting from the connection point between this yard and their yard, Ji Jiuzhong drew an arc all the way to the connection point between the west yard and their yard.

"This is where I want to set up the formation. The house on the east side can be tidied up tomorrow. Zi Xian will do the preparations first. After buying the yard on the west side, I will start setting up the formation. This time I want to set up the formation. The formation is defense plus attack, so the requirements are higher.”

Mu Zixian looked at the location he drew and nodded, "Don't worry, Master, a group of secret guards will arrive tonight. I have already inquired about the residents on the west side and promise to let him move out within three days."

Before they met Ji Jiuchong, Mu Zixian and Changfeng knew that they had to expand their residence after seeing the yard where they lived now. The best way was to buy the yards on both sides. Therefore, before meeting with Chen Moran, they I have already found out the news about both families.

Because the east side found out that Chen Moran had bought it, they knew that the master had ordered it, so they turned their attention to the west side. The people in the west side lived well and had no intention of moving. They just wanted people to buy a house. It takes some thinking, so they have already started working on it.

Ji Jiuzhong is very confident in Mu Zixian's ability to do things. He is not just an alchemist. Many of Ji Jiuzhong's things are done by Mu Zixian.

Ji Jiudian nodded. You can find a room in the front yard to live in tonight. It will be tidied up there tomorrow and you can choose a place to live.

Anyway, the two houses were bought for them to live in. It didn't matter what they did, as long as he ensured Luoluo's safety.

 “I’m going to participate in the continental competition.” Ji Jiuzhong finally said to the two of them.

Changfeng and Mu Zixian both heard about the Continental Competition, but they did not expect Ji Jiu to participate. After the two looked at each other, Changfeng asked, "Master, what is your current level of cultivation?"

They can't sense Ji Jiuzhong's cultivation level, so it must be several levels above them, otherwise they should be able to guess it even if they can't sense it.

 “The peak of the ninth level of the clan.” Ji Jiuzhong did not hide anything from them.

Changfeng and Mu Zixian were both stunned. They didn't expect Ji Jiuzhong to advance so quickly. However, although he advanced quickly, with this level of cultivation, he might not be able to get a good ranking in the continental competition, and he would not be able to enter the top 100.

 But both of them knew that Ji Jiuzhong would not do anything he was not sure about, and he must have some plans.

 Therefore, Changfeng asked again, "What is the master's plan?"

Ji Jiuzhong narrowed his eyes and said, "Get first place."

Changfeng and Mu Zixian were stunned again. They hadn't seen each other for a long time. Why did they feel like they didn't understand their master so much?

Although you can register for the Continental Competition if you have a cultivation level above the Zong level, but if you want to enter the top 100, you must be a person who has a cultivation level above the Saint level. Even if there are emperor-level finalists, they must be registered at the Saint level. There are not enough people, how is this possible?

Although the master is now at the peak of the ninth level of the clan level, let alone the saint level, he is still invincible even at the emperor level. Even if there is still time to improve his cultivation level, he will be able to upgrade to the emperor level in less than three months. Not bad, the master still wants to win first place, is this possible?

 But there is nothing their master can't fulfill what he says. So what does the master have to rely on?

Mu Zixian touched his nose and said, "Master, do you think you can win the first place?"

 His question was already very tactful, but Ji Jiuzhong said with certainty, "I must get first place."

Changfeng and Mu Zixian looked at each other again. What happened during this period that they didn't know about that made their master so crazy? "What can we do?" The two of them stopped continuing this topic. They knew very well that Ji Jiuzhong's decisions had been carefully considered, and they could not influence his decision, so let's see what they could do.

"You also need to sign up. You must all be among the top 100." Ji Jiuzhong looked at the two of them and said.


 The two said in unison, is the master talking about them?

Although they also thought about it, they really just thought about it. When they heard the news, they decided that they must participate in the Continental Competition three years later and must enter the top 100 list, but they never thought about participating this time. , but also to enter the top 100 list. Master, are you sure they are not going to be used as sandbags for others?

“When the language hall arrives, you all go and sign up together.” Ji Jiuzhong said again.

 Okay, Yutang didn't miss it either. Changfeng and Mu Zixian were speechless. Can they really do it?

Mu Zixian decided to quietly ask Yan Xiangluo later what stimulated his master and why he felt so crazy.

Ji Jiuzhong knew what they were thinking, "Don't worry, as long as you enter the training place, you will be able to compete for the top 100 list when you come out."

After Changfeng and Mu Zixian heard this, their eyes suddenly lit up, and they asked, "Master, isn't he such an arrogant person?" It turns out that the key is that this place of experience can actually allow them to improve so much in less than three months. What kind of place is this?

Even if the secret realms in the higher continents are stronger than those in the lower continents, they won’t be this strong.

Mu Zixian suddenly decided in his heart that it would take a long time to buy the courtyard on the west side within three days. It must be done tomorrow. He wanted to enter the training place early.

He decided that he would pay a visit next door later and would only give them one night to prepare. They would have to move out tomorrow.

“Don’t tell Luoluo about this in advance.” Ji Jiuzhong warned the two of them.

 Luoluo? The two looked at each other again, and the title became like this. The relationship between the two is progressing very quickly.

  Before, they were worried that their master didn’t quite understand a girl’s thoughts and that the road to pursuing a wife was far away. Unexpectedly, it had only been a few months and they felt that they were already close to catching her.

“Master, don’t worry, I must tell Miss Yu personally about this,” Mu Zixian said immediately.

Changfeng raised his brows, and the master said that he was probably worried that the girl would be worried now that he knew about it.

“While the yard next door is being cleaned up, leave a yard for Qi Hao and his grandfather Qi Changhe to live in.” Ji Jiuzhong warned again.

Mu Zixian said, "Yes."

They already knew that Qi Hao was Sun Xiang Luoshou's disciple and he was very talented in alchemy. Mu Zixian was a little envious of Qi Hao. He also had good talent in alchemy. Why didn't Miss Yu want to accept him as her disciple?

 Now it’s no longer possible. He can’t call a kid his senior brother. He still wants to lose face.

Ji Jiuzhong got up and walked out after giving the instructions, "You decide which room you want to live in. I'll go see Luoluo."

Changfeng and Mu Zixian looked at each other. The master left so eagerly. Are they in the way?

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