The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 429: People bring them back

No matter what they thought, Ji Jiuzhong's figure quickly disappeared from their sight.

Mu Zixian stood up and said, "I'm going to visit next door."

Changfeng knew that he was going to buy a house, so he nodded.

At this time, in the palace of the twilight mainland city lord, Liu Yu could not see any emotion on his face, but the object he was playing with was crushed into powder, which showed that his mood was extremely bad.

“Are you sure you are in Xiangyang City in the Southern Continent?”

The man kneeling below said cautiously, "I'm sure, the news has been spread. Yan Xiangluo's medical skills have cured the young master of Xiangyang City, Mu Xiuyang. Soon the entire continent will know about it."

Liu Yu narrowed his eyes and said with some disbelief, "Didn't the person at Yunshang Palace say that there was nothing he could do about Mu Xiuyang's illness again? How come he was cured by a little girl from a lower continent?"

"There is no way to find out the specific situation. We only know that Ruan Xiangluo stayed in the city lord's mansion for three days. When she left, Mu Xiuyang personally sent her out. It seemed that she was indeed well, and she was even better than before the illness. "

 They couldn't find any specific information because the information was blocked by the lord of Xiangyang City.

He would never allow the news that his son's soul was lost to spread, and the person behind it was his other son, so he couldn't afford to be embarrassed.

Therefore, even if they found out, they could only find out that Mu Xiuyang was seriously injured in the secret realm. Yan Xiangluo's medical skills were indeed very strong and he cured Mu Xiuyang.

 That’s all.

In this way, her son is well, and Yan Xiangluo also gets the reputation she deserves, the best of both worlds.

In fact, Yan Xiangluo didn't want people to know the true cause of Mu Xiuyang's illness. After all, she used the power of soul control to get Mu Xiuyang's soul back. If someone was really serious, those mysterious patterns would still be there. It really doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

She also figured out what Mu Chengzhi was thinking. He would never allow the news that his son's soul was lost to spread, not to mention that the people behind it were members of his own family.

"How did they get out of the border checkpoint?" Liu Yu asked again.

 The border checkpoints are so strictly controlled, how did two low-class people from the mainland get through?

"I don't know. I've checked all borders and found nothing omitted or neglected." The man kneeling on the ground answered carefully.

  They were really aggrieved to have two people from an inferior continent act so arrogantly on their territory of the Old Age Continent.

 But no matter how frustrated I was, there was nothing I could do, and I couldn't find any useful information.

"Show me their whereabouts in the southern continent." Liu Yu said.

The people on the ground immediately stood up and took out a piece of paper and handed it to Liu Yu. What was recorded on it was the whereabouts of Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong in the Southern Continent.

"So little?" Liu Yu looked at the information between the two people. There was not much information, only the information about Xiangyang City.

"Before Xiangyang City, there was no record of their whereabouts in the Southern Continent, and my subordinates are very good at how they hid their whereabouts." The person who handed over the news sounded helpless and a little curious, how could they hide their whereabouts so closely? This was the first time he met this person.

Liu Yu looked at the information in his hand and said, "They will choose a place to settle in Xiangyang City. It seems they are quite ambitious."

The corners of his lips curled up. It’s good to have ambitions. Only with ambitions can you have desires, and with desires can you have weaknesses.

With a move of her hand, the paper turned into ashes, "Arrange ten people with holy level cultivation to go to Xiangyang City as quickly as possible, and be sure to bring them back before those people find her. As for Ji Jiuzhong, kill him. "

He would never allow Ji Jiuchong to grow up at such a young age from a lower continent and with such great talent.


 “Call Qin Suyue.” Liu Yu said again. "yes."

Soon, Qin Suyue, dressed in a snow-white dress, walked in. Although she still liked to wear white dresses, her aura had changed. She no longer had the pure temperament of a girl, but had a smell of travel dust.

However, the good looks and the smell of travel make some lustful men like her very much.

She thought Liu Yu missed her, so she came in with a smile, "Young Master, Su Yue hasn't seen the Young Master for several days."

Liu Yu glanced at her, "Yan Xiangluo's medical skills were very good in lower continents?"

The smile on Qin Suyue's face froze, and Yan Xiangluo came back. She thought that the son of the Lord of the Continent would be very capable, but so far he hasn't found anyone, and it's not that bad.

Although I was dissatisfied and disdainful in my heart, it didn't show on my face at all.

“I haven’t heard that her medical skills are good, but her master is the master of a peak of our big sect, Xianyun Sect, and is known as the Poison King. He came to the higher continent long before Yan Xiangluo came.” Qin Suyue said matter-of-factly.

“Her master is also here, what’s his name?” Why didn’t he hear that there was such a person among the people who came from the lower continent this year? Is it another one that was missed?

“Deng Changze, his poison skills are very powerful. No one dares to offend him in our place. He only has one disciple, Yuan Xiangluo.”

Liu Yu immediately stood up and walked out. Qin Suyue chased after him, "Young Master, Yu Xiangluo and her master are as close as father and son."

Liu Yu was speechless, but Qin Suyue knew that he had listened.

Looking at his leaving figure, Qin Suyue twisted her waist and went back to her residence. There have been more men coming to see her recently, and her cultivation level is about to advance again, so she really has no time to deal with Liu Yu.

 Everything is a cloud, only strength is the king.

These men are nothing, they are not stepping stones on her road to success.

 Liu Yu left Liu Mansion and went directly to Ignorance to buy news about Yan Xiangluo’s master, Deng Changze, and her parents.

 I don’t know if I’m doing this business, so I won’t refuse. However, there is very little news about Deng Changze, and it is almost useless. Apart from settling in the mainland, there is almost no news.

There is no news at all about Yan Xiangluo’s parents, as if they never existed.

Liu Yu frowned. Qin Suyue didn't dare to lie to him. Since she said that Yan Xiangluo's father and mother were here, they must have come. Or maybe people from the lower mainland thought they were coming. However, as long as they came , it is impossible that there is no news at all?

Liu Yuxiang spent double the money to ask Ignorant to investigate the news about Deng Changze, Ju Chengye, and Long Moran.

   I refused, because the information they didn’t know was all found out by means of various means. Since it is not available now, no matter how much I check, I won’t be able to find anything.

Liu Yu returned home in despair. When he returned to his mansion, he met his father, a close aide of the late Lord of the Continent, who came to invite him.

“Young Master, please let me go there.”

 “What’s the matter?” Liu Yu asked.

 “About the Continental Competition.”

Liu Yu then remembered that he was going to participate in the continental competition, and his father meant that he had to be in the top ten. With his level of cultivation, it would be difficult to get into the top ten.

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