The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 430: Actually willing to give up

But he also knows that there are twelve outer continents and four inner continents in the entire continent, a total of sixteen continents. If he wants to gain a foothold in this continent, he must enter the top ten in the continental competition to be safe.

 If he wants to enter the past life, he must advance to at least one level to have any hope, and two levels to be more secure.

 But his cultivation level was not something he could advance if he wanted to. In less than three months, he could not think of any way to quickly advance to one or two levels.

 It is so easy to advance to the saint level, otherwise there would not be so few people with **** level cultivation.

Liu Yu knew very well that his father must be looking for him about the continental competition at this time, but he didn't know what specific aspect it was about. It was too early to go to the inland now.

He frowned slightly, feeling secretly annoyed. During this time, he had spent all his time looking for Yan Xiangluo. He knew very well what he relied on, and he also understood that now he had to devote all his thoughts to the continental competition. superior.

 While thinking, he came to the courtyard of the Lord of the Late Continent. In the study, the Lord of the Late Continent stood with his hands behind his hands, standing in front of the window and looking outside, not knowing what he was thinking.

 “Dad.” Liu Yu calmed down and shouted softly.

The late Lord of the Continent turned to look at him, "With your current strength, what do you think is the best place you can get in the Continental Competition?"

Liu Yu did not expect that his father would go straight to the topic, and after thinking about it, he said pertinently, "The top twenty."

He is currently at the seventh level of the Saint level, but not to mention that there are people with high and low levels of cultivation at the same level. There are more than a dozen people at the eighth and ninth levels of the Saint level, so his estimate is also the bottom line he has set for himself. .

The twilight Lord of the Continent was not upset because he said he could only enter the top twenty, because he knew very well the cultivation level and strength of his son, as well as the cultivation levels of outstanding children from other Continent Lord families. grade.

"In the past two months, what has happened in the Mu Sui Continent is unusual. The treasures in Quan City have been lost, and the treasures in the Shenyu Mountain have disappeared. This is a big blow to us in the Mu Sui Continent. Every continent is waiting to see our jokes. Therefore, The nature of this continental competition is different from the past. If these things had not happened, you would have just entered the top sixteen, but that is not possible now. You must at least enter the top ten to let people know the strength of our twilight continent. You should know how many people are eyeing the position of the twilight lord of the continent. There are many god-level experts who are hiding in the world, and there are not just one or two families who want to rise. Our Liu family wants to stand firmly, you. You must be in the top ten this time. Although there are other people participating in the Continental Competition with you, their cultivation strength is unstable and it takes a certain amount of luck to get a good ranking. The burden on you is not light. "

Liu Yu knew that what his father said was not just to tell him how serious the situation was, but also to make arrangements, which was to improve his cultivation level. After all, only by improving his cultivation level would he have a chance to break into the top ten.

"Is there any way for me to improve my cultivation level as soon as possible?" Liu Yu asked directly.

The Lord of the Late Continent was very pleased to hear his son's words. This son was very smart and it was easy to talk to him.

"This is why I called you here today. You are ready to enter the Secret Realm of the Old Age. As long as you can come out of it, you will advance to at least two levels."

Liu Yu's heart sank. The Secret Realm of the Old Age is not an ordinary secret realm. There are sixteen continents in total within and outside the High Continent. Each continent has its own secret realm. This secret realm is fixed, and the power to enter is always controlled by In the hands of the Lord of the Continent.

These sixteen secret realms are different from other secret realms. If you enter, you will have a narrow escape. As my father said, as long as he can come out of them, he will at least be promoted to the second level. However, very few people who go in can come out.

 Those who are not absolutely sure and powerful will never want to enter.

 My father was actually willing to let him in, which showed that he had no other options. He was already forced into a desperate situation, and there was no other way.

 He knows his father, and he knows that he can't refuse. If this is the case, then go ahead. He doesn't believe it, and he can't get out with his own talent and brains.

As long as he can come out of the Secret Realm of Duosui, he will have absolute confidence and enter the top ten. This will not only consolidate his father's position as the Lord of Duosui Continent, but also quickly increase his own strength. As for Yan Xiangluo, she is just a woman. If the people sent this time capture her, they can wait until after participating in the continental competition to capture her in person.

Less than three months, it took him two months to enter the Secret Realm of the Old Age, and when he came out, he had to rush to participate in the Continental Competition. Therefore, he had no time to do other things before the Continental Competition.

“Dad, I’m available at any time.” Liu Yu replied immediately.

The Lord of the Late Continent gave him a pleased look, which was the main reason why he treated his son Liu Yu so much.

Although Liu Yu is lustful, he acts in a measured manner and never delays business due to lustfulness.

 Hence why Liu Yu spent so much manpower and energy looking for a woman during this period and he said nothing.

However, he was a little curious as to why the woman named Yan Xiangluo was so capable that her son could not find her after searching for so long.

This is the first time that my son has encountered setbacks with a beautiful woman.

 “Since you are ready, let’s go today.” The Lord of the Dusui Continent said.

Liu Yu nodded, "I'll make arrangements when I get back."

 “Hmm.” The Lord of the Twilight Continent nodded.

 Liu Yu left after saluting. He wanted to go back and make arrangements for the period after he entered the secret realm.

Just after Liu Yu left, a middle-aged man hurriedly came to the study of the late Lord of the Continent.

“My lord, Mu Xiuyang, the young lord of Xiangyang City in the southern continent, has recovered from his illness.”

The lord of the old continent was stunned, "Who cured me?"

"A sixteen-year-old girl from the lower continent, named Yuan Xiangluo." The visitor carefully looked at the face of the twilight continent lord.

The Lord of Twilight Continent's expression changed, "Is this the girl Yu'er has been looking for?"

"Probably." The visitor didn't say exactly, but if he could say that, it was almost certain that she was the woman his son was looking for.

The Lord of the Old Continent suddenly smiled, "I'm just telling you what kind of little girl she is. Yu'er has been looking for her for so long and still can't find her. She is indeed quite capable."

The visitor was convinced that not only was she a bit capable, she could become famous all over the world with her medical skills. After all, even the man from Yunshang Palace couldn't cure Mu Xiuyang, but she actually completely cured him. This medical skill is unparalleled.

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