The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 431: Be cautious

The Lord of Twilight Continent waved his hands and said, "If he can make Yu'er feel at ease, it is not impossible to marry her back."

At his status, it is almost necessary for Liu Yu, the son of the young master, to marry into the family. The reason why Liu Yu has never married is because everyone knows that he is lustful. No one is willing to marry him unless he is forced to do so. An outstanding daughter will marry him, but a daughter who is not outstanding will not be worthy of the status of the basin. The second is that the Liu family has not yet reached the point where they must marry into that family.

But if Liu Yu can marry back Yan Xiangluo, who has the best medical skills in the world, it is not impossible to give up the family marriage.

After all, even the women from the top alchemy family don’t have such superb medical skills. If you become a member of the Liu family, you can also train the children of the Liu family to produce a group of people with high medical skills, which is much better than marrying into that family.

The Lord of the Twilight Continent has gotten to where he is today by relying on his strength. Therefore, he values ​​a person's strength more than his family.

 “Just wait and see what happens.” The late master of the mainland did not participate in the matter between Liu Yu and Yan Xiangluo. As the young master, he had to make many decisions by himself.

 This is also a training for him. Although this son likes beauty, he has never delayed anything because of beauty. Therefore, he believes that Liu Yu can handle the matter this time.

 When Liu Yu came back after arranging things, he saw that his father was obviously in a very good mood. He was still a little confused as to what happened in this moment to make his father happy beyond words.

The lord of the old continent did not tell his son what he thought. Instead, he reached out and patted his shoulder and said encouragingly, "Yu'er has never let dad worry about him since he was a child. The Liu family will rely on you in the future."

Although his son is not too old, the lord of the old continent is quite young.

Although the Liu family has dominated the Mu Sui Continent for a long time, he was not qualified to become the master of the Mu Sui Continent before. However, he was ambitious and gave up everything to practice and improve his cultivation. Finally, he surpassed the young master at that time in cultivation. The Lord, who was also the eldest brother born from his legitimate mother, later became the current Lord of the Old Age Continent.

At that time, he was already a god-level cultivator and was already over forty years old. However, his position as the Lord of the Continent was not secure. Therefore, he never married and had children. He did not start marrying until he solved all the hidden dangers. Wife, has many women, and also has many children.

 Liu Yu was not born by his legitimate wife, perhaps because he was born as a concubine, so after seeing Liu Yu's talent, he was very partial to him and carefully cultivated him. Liu Yu did not disappoint him. He was always the most talented and cultivated among his many descendants, and he was also the most agile and smart one.

He made him the young master without hesitation. Over the years, the other heirs had secretly attacked him countless times, especially the sons from his legitimate wife. They were unwilling to give in and never showed mercy in their attacks. , but Liu Yu was safe and sound.

 He also became more and more fond of Liu Yu, almost to the point of pampering him.

Although Liu Yu didn’t know what happened to his father, he continued what he said, “My son will work hard.”

"Let's go, dad will send you in. You can hold this. It can save your life at critical moments. Dad also went in there back then. Although he narrowly escaped death, after I came out, my cultivation level became the highest among my brothers and sisters." The master handed Liu Yu a box.

Liu Yu took it and put it away. He knew that it should be a life-saving treasure that his father had prepared for him.

This time he felt a little confident. After all, his father had been there before and had some experience. The life-saving things he prepared for himself would definitely give him more chances of coming out alive.

The Lord of the Mu Sui Continent disappeared with his son, and the two of them appeared under a cliff. The Lord of the Mu Sui Continent took out a jade tablet, and after inputting spiritual power, the jade tablet emitted a ray of light, and a door appeared on the cliff. , Liu Yu walked in directly after seeing it.

The Lord of the Late Continent watched the door close, put away the jade token, turned around and went back. People who achieve great things don't stick to trivial matters. If they want to achieve something, how can it be possible without taking risks? He never thinks that anyone can get what they want without working hard.

At this time, Ji Jiuzhong was looking at Yu Xiangluo eating the snacks made by Feng Jiayan.

“Luoluo, have you used that power?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

He had watched the whole process of Yan Xiangluo's treatment of Mu Xiuyang. Although those mysterious patterns did have the effect of summoning souls and absorbing souls, the effect was not great. Mu Xiuyang's soul had been lost for three years, how could it be so easy to recover it? .

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Only a little bit."

Ji Jiuzhong said, "Be more cautious next time. In the higher continent, not everyone is qualified to become a heavenly master. If you are not allowed, you will be secretly obliterated."

Yan Xiangluo sighed, "There is nothing we can do this time. I didn't expect that Mu Xiuyang was not simply ill, but had lost his soul. However, Mu Chengzhi would not let this news get out. He could not afford to lose that person. I will be careful next time.”

This is also the reason why she has never practiced the Long family's soul-controlling power. She wanted to wait until she saw her mother to ask questions.

The soul control method she is using now is just the soul control power she has awakened from the Long Family bloodline.

Ji Jiuzhong knew that she was sensible, and he was just worried about her, so he reminded her.

"My secret guards will arrive soon. How many people can be accommodated in Luoluo's training palace? I want them to improve their cultivation as soon as possible." Ji Jiuzhong said.

Yan Xiangluo shook his head and said, "I don't know about this yet. So many people could enter the palace at that time, and there should be a lot of people who have experienced it."

Ji Jiuzhong felt relieved after hearing this, "Then when they come, I will take them in to practice."

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "I also want to go in and practice after everything is arranged."

 Now even Changfeng and the others have surpassed her in cultivation, and she feels that she has slacked off in her cultivation.

Ji Jiuzhong talked to her for a while and then went to the front yard. After Yu Xiangluo had a good meal, she started to refine the elixir. If she went in to practice, the time would not be short, so she had to seize the time to refine the elixir.

 She continued to refine the elixir until midnight before she rested. The so-called rest was just practicing with her legs crossed and her eyes closed.

 After she started practicing the next day, she heard the sound of work coming from both sides of the yard. She walked out of the door and was immediately greeted by Jin Wen, "Master, the water for washing is ready."

Yan Xiangluo nodded and asked, "What happened to the west yard?"

Jinwen said with bright eyes, "The west yard has also been bought. Now they are moving. Mr. Zixian has arranged for someone to clean up the east yard. He said that both yards will be cleaned up tomorrow. The mansion is so big Three times as much.”

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