The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 432: The apprentice is here

 Chen Jinwen is very happy because her family now has a separate courtyard to live in. She can live with her parents and younger brother.

Although she was only six years old three years ago, she already remembered. The place their family lived at that time was much more luxurious than this mansion. Not only did her parents have a yard, she and her brother also had a yard each, and the food and clothing were excellent.

She knew that their family status was now that they were all slaves, and it would be good if they could be sold. Those who could not come out of the place where they were serving had no way to survive.

 Hence, she is very satisfied with her current life.

Yu Xiang Luo realized that Mu Zixian did have some skills. I wonder what method he used to make people not only sell the house but also move out so quickly.

“Where is Jiuchong?” Yan Xiangluo asked while washing.

"The master went out early in the morning." Jin Wen replied, asking how she knew, it was because Ji Jiuzhong asked Changfeng to come and tell her before going out, and when Yan Xiangluo woke up, he told her so that she would not worry.

Yan Xiangluo is not worried about Ji Jiuzhong. There are almost no people in the world who can plot against him. After washing and having breakfast, I continued to make elixirs.

After two days passed, their mansion underwent a big change. A door opened between her yard and the yard next door. On the other side of the door was Ji Jiuzhong's yard. The room he lived in before was turned into a study room to entertain guests. What's the use of.

Ruan Xiangluo walked around the house excitedly, and once again admired Mu Zixian's ability to do things. In less than two days, he merged three courtyards into one courtyard, and the layout and decoration inside were still the same. It's all in one piece, and compared to the one she bought for her yard, it's the style she likes.

 In the evening, Jin Yutang arrived with others, including Qi Hao and his grandfather Qi Changhe.

Qi Hao was very happy to see Yu Xiangluo, but he still bowed to her in a polite manner, "Qi Hao has met the master."

Yan Xiangluo was also very happy and said with a smile, "I will hold an apprenticeship banquet tomorrow and officially accept you as my disciple."

 “Yes.” Qi Hao showed his white teeth happily.

 He finally officially became the master's disciple. He is the master's first disciple, that is, the eldest disciple. No matter how many juniors and juniors there are in the future, he will be the boss.

 Just thinking about it, it’s so beautiful that it almost floats away.

From now on, he will no longer only have his grandfather as a relative. At this moment, Qi Hao's small body burst out with endless power, and the person who gave him power was the woman in front of him with a beautiful face, his master. , relatives like parents.

The recent events made Qi Hao feel that it is not impossible to avenge his family with his own hands in the future.

Qi Hao then asked, "Is Master's current appearance real?"

He had never seen his master’s real face. He had always shown himself in men’s clothing before, and it was only after he arrived that he realized he was a woman, so he quickly made sure whether his master’s appearance was real.

"It's guaranteed to be replaced if it's fake." Yan Xiangluo was amused by her little apprentice's expression.

Qi Changhe was not that surprised. After all, he had noticed it before due to his cultivation level, but now he just confirmed it.

And after he knew Yan Xiangluo's real name, he also knew why she wore men's clothes and used a mask. She was the person Liu Yu, the son of the waning continental lord, had taken a liking to.

At the same time, I also knew in my heart that they came from a lower continent. Not only were they able to leave Liu Yu's hands calmly, but they were also able to have their own place of residence and power in such a short period of time, which shows that their true strength is more than that. Sun Tzu's luck was indeed extremely good. Qi Changhe didn't even dare to think about how high he could reach in the future by following such a master.

"Xiao Haohao, you and your grandfather's yard is on the east side, very close to your master's yard. Your uncle Zixian and I arranged it for you." Mu Zixian smiled and rubbed Qi Hao's head.

Since this boy is not as lucky as to have this girl as his teacher, let’s take advantage of him. Anyway, it’s not a bad idea to call him uncle if he is shorter than me.

Qi Hao is still a child no matter how smart he is. He immediately said gratefully, "Thank you, Uncle Zixian."

 “Not bad, a polite boy.” Mu Zixian was immediately comforted by Qi Hao’s call of uncle.

Yu Xiangluo was speechless. Qi Hao couldn't see that she couldn't see that Mu Zixian was deliberately taking advantage.

But she didn't say anything. It was normal for Qi Hao to call Mu Zixian uncle based on his seniority.

During this period, Qi Changhe has been rejoicing in his heart about his original decision. Seeing his grandson's smile now, he can imagine that his future life will be wonderful. His life trajectory changed the moment he became a disciple, even if nothing happened to their family before , and cannot give Qi Hao the opportunities he has now.

Let’s put the matter of revenge aside for now.

Mu Zixian said to Ruan Xiangluo, "Miss Ruan, we took back those property deeds according to the address, but thinking that we should still develop in the mainland, we sold all the properties. All properties are sold here. "Spiritual Stone."

Mu Zixian handed Ruan Xiangluo a gift ring.

Yan Xiangluo didn’t pick it up, “Just give it to Xiao Hao.”

Qi Hao hurriedly said, "Master, those properties were given to Master. They belong to Master. I can't take them."

 He didn't have any good apprenticeship gifts to his master. If the master accepted those properties, he would feel better.

Yan Xiangluo smiled, "Master has received your wish. Those properties were originally planned to be disposed of before being given to you. Now that they are all sold, it will be more convenient for you to use these spiritual stones. You will stay with me from now on." There are many ways to be filial and there are many opportunities around us.”

Qi Changhe didn't expect that Yan Xiangluo would actually give those properties to his grandson after disposing of them. He could see that Yan Xiangluo really liked Xiao Hao. He patted his grandson on the shoulder and said, "Since your master gave it to you, you can Take it and respect your master from now on. Even if you betray everyone, you cannot betray your master, otherwise the ancestors of the Qi family will not forgive you."

Hearing this, Qi Hao took the Qiankun bag and said solemnly, "My mother is gone. From now on, I will respect my master as my mother."

Yan Xiangluo twitched the corner of her mouth. She was only sixteen years old, and she was still far from becoming a mother. Why did she suddenly feel like she had grown up?

Mu Zixian was very curious and pulled Qi Hao and said, "Xiao Haohao will have many opportunities to honor your master in the future. Let's go. Uncle Zixian will take you to see the yard where you live."

Qi Hao immediately bowed to Yan Xiangluo in a polite manner, and then took his grandfather and Mu Zixian to the courtyard where they lived.

Their yard was the only one that Yan Xiangluo personally ordered. They prepared an alchemy room and a study room for Qi Hao. After all, Qi Hao was young. While practicing, refining alchemy, and learning medical skills, he also had to read and study. In any world, Learning is the best way to improve your ideological realm.

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