The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 439: heal again

The Lord of the Southern Continent glanced at Mu Zixian and narrowed his eyes. Although he didn't know who he was, his red robe was quite eye-catching. I heard that Master Yu also liked to wear red skirts. Could it be that they were inferior to the mainland? The people who come here are so flamboyant and like to wear such eye-catching colors.

Nodding, he hugged the woman wearing a white hat and a snow-white dress beside him and walked inside under the guidance of Mu Zixian.

Mu Zixian didn't even look at the woman. He politely invited her to sit down in the living room.

At this time, Ji Jiuzhong came over and did not sit on the main seat. Although the Lord of the Southern Continent was a guest, he had to sit on the main seat everywhere. But this time he came to seek medical treatment. He took the initiative. Sit down on the guest chair.

Ji Jiuzhong didn't say much when he saw him, and sat down on the chair opposite him without taking the host's seat. "I've already sent someone to inform me that Luoluo will be here soon. Lord Nanlu, please have tea and wait a moment."

The Lord of the Southern Continent glanced at Ji Jiuzhong. Although this boy looked young, his talent for cultivation and his calm and composed speech and behavior in front of him were indeed consistent with the information he had found. This boy's identity in the lower continent must not be the same. Generally speaking, that's why he is not timid at all in front of the lord of the continent like him.

"There's no rush." ​​The Lord of the Southern Continent finally spoke, and his tone sounded very easy-going.

But Ji Jiuzhong knew that it was impossible for someone to become the master of a continent without a temper. He just lowered his stature now that he was asking for help from them.

Du Danyu walked in to deliver tea. The Lord of the Southern Continent knew just by smelling the aroma of the tea that this tea was extraordinary. The aura was so strong that he couldn't wait to take a sip.

And he was very sure that he had never drank this tea before. Could it be that this tea came from a lower continent.

Hands up the teacup and takes a sip. The Lord of the Southern Continent’s eyes change invisibly. It tastes better than expected.

The woman wearing a white bamboo hat next to him turned to look at him. He immediately picked up the teacup gently, lifted up the gauze curtain on one side of the bamboo hat, and handed the teacup in.

 “Take a sip and see how it feels.”

 What this means is that you try it first and drink more if you can.

Ji Jiuzhong pretended not to notice, lowering his head and drinking tea from his own cup. It is impossible for anyone to resist his tea. The higher the cultivation level, the more irresistible it is, simply because the spiritual energy in it is so pure, without a trace of impurities.

Although he only has stock, as long as he has a suitable place, he can grow tea that is even better than this tea.

The woman drank all the tea in the hands of the Lord of the Southern Continent, and then a light and delicate voice sounded, "It tastes good."

The Lord of the Southern Continent’s eyes lit up. He turned to look at Ji Jiuzhong and asked, “What do you call this young master?”

 Although he had already guessed his identity, he still asked.

"My surname is Ji Jiuchong. You can call me Mr. Ji or Mr. Jiuchong." Ji Jiuzhong said calmly.

“Mr. Jiuchong, can you sell me some of this tea?” This was the first time that the Lord of the Southern Continent asked someone for something. Although it was a little unnatural, he was willing to sacrifice his face for the sake of the people around him.

Ji Jiuzhong thought, and a box of tea appeared on the table of the Lord of the Southern Continent. "I brought these teas from my hometown. Although there is not much, I can still give a box to the Lord of the Southern Continent."

The Lord of the Southern Continent is not polite, just a box of tea leaves. If Master Yu can really heal the people around him, the reward will be generous.

 After thanking him and putting away the tea leaves, Yan Xiangluo came in from the door.

The Lord of the Southern Continent, the woman beside him, and the two guards standing behind him were all stunned for a moment.

Although I knew that Yan Xiangluo's appearance was outstanding before, I never expected that she would be so beautiful. Even the most beautiful woman in the mainland looked inferior when standing in front of her. Yan Xiangluo walked in and naturally glanced at the woman wearing a bamboo hat. She should be the patient she wanted to treat today. She only cared about the patient.

 She walked to Ji Jiuzhong and sat down.

Ji Jiuchong said, "Luoluo, this is the Lord of the Southern Continent."

The Lord of the Southern Continent never introduced the woman beside him, so Ji Jiuzhong ignored the woman and only introduced the Lord of the Southern Continent.

“Ruan Xiangluo is honored to meet the Lord of the Southern Continent.” Yan Xiangluo Luo said generously.

The Lord of the Southern Continent arrived last night and stayed in the palace of the City Lord of Xiangyang City. He was originally unconvinced about the information he had found before, but when the Lord of Xiangyang City praised Ruan Xiangluo as being the only one in the world, he still didn’t believe it.

But now after seeing the person, he realized that what the Lord of Xiangyang City said was right. This kind of magnanimity was not something that a woman of the same age could have.

"Today I am just a family member of the patient. I heard that Master Yu cured Xiu Yang, the son of the lord of Xiangyang City, so I brought Ling'er to seek medical treatment and asked Master Yu to take a look at Ling'er."

Yan Xiangluo raised her eyebrows. She didn't know which word the woman called "Ling'er", whether it was "Ling Ding" or "Ling Qi".

"Please sit over here." Yan Xiangluo stood up and said to the woman named Ling'er.

The Lord of the Southern Continent immediately stood up holding Ling'er, walked to the chair in front of the round table behind the chair, and sat down. Yanxiang sat down next to her, took out the pulse pillow and put it away, "Please put your hand on it, I will To check the pulse.”

 You can’t see your face, so you have to rely on pulse diagnosis.

Ling'er was speechless. She raised her hand and placed it on the pulse pillow. Yan Xiangluo took out a snow-white silk handkerchief and put it on her wrist, and then began to diagnose her pulse.

She prepared this after returning from the City Lord's Mansion. She would use it frequently when diagnosing pulses in the future, so she asked Du Danyu to prepare a few pieces.

Ji Jiuzhong did not move, still sitting on the chair drinking tea, but his eyes caught the movements of everyone in the room.

Although the Lord of the Southern Continent brought in two attendants, their cultivation levels were all above the **** level.

There were ten attendants standing outside the house. Although their cultivation levels were not above the divine level, they were still at the peak of the ninth level of the holy level.

It seems that they don’t have many people with them, but their strength is not low. This is only on the surface, and there must be hidden secrets.

Coupled with the people arranged by the lord of Xiangyang City, as long as no one is planning an assassination to seize the throne, safety should be no problem.

He is not worried about Luoluo's medical skills, so he just wants to stay with her quietly.

Yan Xiangluo lowered her eyes and checked her pulse. The Lord of the Southern Continent and his woman named Ling'er were very nervous.

 The Lord of the Southern Continent looked at Yan Xiangluo's expression from time to time. I wanted to tell something from the change in her expression.

But Yan Xiangluo kept lowering his eyes, and there was no emotional change on his face. He didn't see anything.

Yan Xiangluo only felt her pulse with one hand and then released her hand. She put away her pulse pillow and glanced at the Lord of the Southern Continent. Then she looked at Ling'er who was wearing a bamboo hat and said, "Madam, can I have a few words with you alone?" "

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