The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 440: Harmful to the body

Chapter 440 Harm to the body

Ling'er was stunned for a moment, retracted her hand and said nothing. The Lord of the Southern Continent said in a cold voice, "If you have anything to say, just tell me. Just tell me if you can heal me. Remuneration is not an issue."

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the Lord of the Southern Continent, wondering if his mood had changed due to his attitude.

“If I want to cure her, it’s mainly with my wife. I have to talk to her and ask for some privacy.”

As soon as Yan Xiangluo's words came out, the hand in Ling'er's sleeve clenched tightly and she said to the Lord of the Southern Continent, "My Lord, please go out for a while. I'll have a few words with Master Yu, okay?"

The sound of the bell is extremely soft and as clear as a bell, and it is pleasant and goes straight into the heart. Yan Xiangluo was a little surprised. It turned out that a woman's voice really sounded so beautiful.

The Lord of the Southern Continent hesitated and said to Yan Xiangluo, "Everyone in the room should get out, just the two of you."

There are only two of them, and with Yan Xiangluo's clan-level cultivation, they can't do anything to Ling'er, even though Ling'er is very ill now.

Moreover, he is outside. If anything really happens, he can take action in time. Do you think that his spiritual cultivation is just a show-off?

Yan Xiangluo nodded, turned to Ji Jiuzhong and said, "Jiu Zhong, please accompany the Lord of the Southern Continent to go out and talk for a while."

Ji Jiuzhong stood up and said, "The Lord of the Southern Continent, please come over here."

 The Lord of the Southern Continent stood up and said to Ling'er soothingly, "I'm right outside, don't be afraid."

Ling'er nodded and looked at the Lord of the Southern Continent leading the people out before looking back. Ji Jiuzhong closed the door after going out.

"What does Master Yu want to say to me?" There were only two people left in the room. Ling'er's tone was calmer and she asked first.

Yan Xiangluo took out a pen, ink, paper and inkstone and wrote on the paper, "Why are you harming your body?"

Ling'er was stunned when she looked at the words on the paper. She was speechless and was shocked in her heart. She thought to herself: She really has some ability, and she actually saw that it was her body that was causing harm.

Yan Xiangluo put the pen and paper in front of her. She had the isolation pattern, but she didn't know if it could isolate the consciousness of a god-level powerhouse, so she used the safest way to communicate by writing.

No matter how strong your spiritual consciousness is, you don’t have clairvoyance, so you can’t use your spiritual consciousness to see the words they write.

 The bell still didn’t move.

Yan Xiangluo wrote again, "Your body has been damaged to the limit. Now I still have a way to save you. You will get sick again at any time. By then, let alone god-level elixirs, even I will be unable to save you."

Even though she has spiritual spring water, she doesn’t want to risk it to save her. Who knows if she is a greedy person or if the Lord of the Southern Continent will covet her spiritual spring water.

 So she was not alarmist, Mrs. Bell really only had this one chance.

Mrs. Ling'er paused when she heard this, but still did not write.

Yan Xiangluo continued to write, "What reason makes you willing to give up your life? You have to know that without life, there is nothing. You will soon be forgotten by this world. Time is the most ruthless, it can be wiped out Everything, including human memory.”

 Ling'er was finally touched by her words. She finally picked up the pen and said, "I don't want to leave him."

 In one sentence, it became clear why she wanted to ruin her body. It turned out to be just to stay by his side.

Although she didn't say it clearly, Yan Xiangluo also knew who she was talking about. Yan Xiangluo couldn't see her expression, so she was silent for a moment and then wrote, "You risk your life because of this. He will forget you soon, and you think it's worth it."

 If she felt it was worth it, then Yan Xiangluo felt that there was really no need to treat her.

Ling'er didn't write, obviously thinking about what Yan Xiangluo said. A while passed before she picked up the pen and wrote, "I don't want him to forget me."

After reading the words, Yan Xiangluo immediately advised, "Then you must live first. Only by living can everything be possible. I don't know what is going on between you and why your relationship must be maintained by health and life. If it were me , I will not do this. I will not waste my money for anyone. In my outlook on life, although feelings are very important, if it is a meaningful and necessary sacrifice, I am not a person who is afraid of death, but if it is. I don’t think it’s worth it for you to use your life, death and health to maintain your so-called relationship.”

Ling'er looked at the page full of words she wrote, and raised her pen and said, "Aren't you willing to do it for the person you love? Then what is the meaning of your life?"

She could tell that the man in the moon-white brocade robe and the world-famous face was a match for Yuan Xiangluo. Could she give up her relationship with such an outstanding man?

"I don't want to. People who need me to do this must not love me. People who love me are not willing to let me suffer any harm. As for the meaning of my life, I want to go to the Nine Heavens to see Chang Qing, who lives the same life as heaven. Shu, if you want to become a strong person, you have the qualifications to do whatever you want," Yan Xiangluo wrote without hesitation.

After hearing what she said, Ling'er looked in the direction of the door and wrote, "Don't you care about him?"

Yan Xiangluo continued to write, "I don't care, being happy with each other is the relationship I want. One-sided pursuit will not last forever. We can move forward hand in hand."

Ling'er looked at the sentence on the paper and said, "One-sided running towards something that won't last forever." She seemed to think of something, and after a while she wrote on the paper, "Can you heal me?"

Yanxiang nodded, and then wrote, "To what extent can it be recovered?"

 “The state before the illness.” Yan Xiangluo said with certainty.

 Mrs. Ling'er's eyes flickered and she said directly, "If it's true, you are indeed very powerful."

Yan Xiangluo smiled. This time she didn’t need to write anything. She said directly, “There are just specialties in the art.”

"You can heal me, I think so." Ling'er finally made a decision.

 In fact, she had known for a long time that her body had been destroyed by herself and could not be cured at all. She just wanted to die in his arms so that he would never forget her.

I didn’t even think about being cured when I came here this time.

But after chatting with Yan Xiangluo for a few words, she realized that she was too stupid. Even if she died in his arms, how long could he remember her? Time is the most ruthless and can wipe out everything. This sentence can It was the most crucial sentence that touched her.

 Let him always remember that there is a better way for him, which is to live well in a place where he cannot see but only misses.

So she wanted to get better and do what she wanted to do, so that he could only get information about herself but no one else.

 Now that she had the opportunity, she naturally wanted to seize it.

After hearing this, Yan Xiangluo put away all the papers, and a flame destroyed all the papers they had written in front of Mrs. Ling'er. Her meaning was very clear. Only the two of them knew about these conversations, and she would not tell anyone. .

Mrs. Ling'er secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although she didn't care what Yan Xiangluo told the Lord of the Southern Continent, her knowledge still made her in a good mood.

 (End of this chapter)

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