The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 441: Guessed

Yu Xiangluo picked up the pen and started writing, not forgetting to shout outside, "Jiuchong, please come in, the Lord of the Southern Continent."

 After the two of them came in, they saw what Yan Xiangluo was writing, and Mrs. Ling'er was sitting quietly aside.

The Lord of the Southern Continent quickly walked up to her and asked in a low voice, "How is it?"

Ling'er smiled and said, "Master Yu is indeed very powerful and has superb medical skills. She can cure me."

The Lord of the Southern Continent paused and glanced at the girl in the red dress who lowered her head to write. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Yan Xiangluo wrote a medicine list. After writing it, she handed it to the Lord of the Southern Continent. He took the medicine list and looked at it. The names of the medicinal materials were all on it, and he knew that these were the medicines needed to treat Ling'er.

 There are more than twenty items written down in total, and the quantities are also clearly stated. Although there are a few rare medicinal materials, they are not impossible to obtain.

 Could she really be able to cure Ling'er?

Although it was obvious at first glance, Yan Xiangluo still explained, "These are the medicinal materials needed to treat Madam Ling'er. Bring them when they are ready. I will refine the elixir for Madam. Take one pill four times every seven days. In a few months, Madam will be back to her original state.”

The Lord of the Southern Continent did not expect that the treatment would be so simple. He glanced at Ling'er and was a little curious about what they said, so Ling'er believed her so much.

He only heard a few words, which had nothing to do with his illness. He knew that they talked in other ways. Maybe it was private conversations between women that were not convenient for their men to hear, or there were other reasons.

"Master Yu, what is Ling'er's disease?" the male continental leader asked.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at Mrs. Ling'er and smiled and said, "It was not a serious disease originally, but the treatment was not right, and I took elixirs all the year round. There was too much erysipelas in my body, which destroyed my health. Over the years, it accumulated. My body has reached its limit. If I get sick again, I won’t be able to cure it. You guys came in time.”

She did not say what the specific disease was, but she made it clear to the Lord of the Southern Continent that Ling'er's disease was not serious at first, but it became more serious due to inappropriate treatment.

 “To what extent can it be cured?”

The Lord of the Southern Continent is naturally very aware of Ling'er's physical condition. He has never thought about returning to the same state as before, but he also wants to know how much better it can be.

"You will know when the time comes. Just give me the consultation fee in a month." Yan Xiangluo did not say it directly. The effect would be better for them to see than for her to say it herself at this time.

The Lord of the Southern Continent raised his eyebrows. Is she so confident?

Yan Xiangluo said to Mrs. Ling'er, "Madam, show your two wrists. I'll give you a few injections to control the condition and stop it from getting serious. When the medicinal materials are ready, I will refine the elixir. You don't have to worry after taking one." It couldn’t be more serious.”

Mrs. Ling'er stretched out her two wrists without hesitation, Yan Xiangluo took out the silver needles, picked them up and dropped three needles on each wrist.

"Take it off after a quarter of an hour, and Madam will feel stronger. After taking the first pill, a lot of erysipelas and impurities in the body will be excreted. It is normal to vomit a few mouthfuls of black blood. Don't be afraid. Your body will be fine every seven days thereafter. There are big changes.”

Mrs. Ling'er was shocked when she looked at the silver needle on her wrist. The silver needle pricked her body, and only she knew the effect. As soon as the silver needle entered the skin, she saw an invisible force in her body. Her condition was spreading. She was so weak that she needed help to walk. Now she can walk on her own. Although her body is still very weak, walking slowly is absolutely fine.

 “It’s amazing.” She couldn’t help but say.

After hearing her words, the Lord of the Southern Continent immediately asked, "Do you feel it?"

 “Well, I feel stronger.” Mrs. Bell’s tone was filled with joy.

The Lord of the Southern Continent couldn't help but be happy on his face, "That's great."

Immediately handed the medicine list that Ruan Xiangluo had just written to the person next to him, "Go and prepare it immediately and deliver it as soon as possible." When the quarter of an hour came, Ruan Xiangluo picked up the needle and put it away, and then said directly to the guest, " The medicinal materials will be sent after they are prepared. Come and pick up the elixir tomorrow morning. The house has not prepared a guest garden, so we will not accept any guests. "

The Lord of the Southern Continent was stunned. This was the first time for him to be treated as a guest in such a straightforward manner. He, the Lord of the Continent, was not treated politely by people wherever he went. It would be a great honor to stay for a meal and stay for a day. It was a good thing that Ruan Xiangluo was afraid that they would stay for food and accommodation, so she saw them off unceremoniously.

  Although he had no intention of staying for food and accommodation, he felt uncomfortable being sent off in such an unceremonious manner.

Ji Jiuzhong made an invitation gesture and explained casually, "Luoluo will be in seclusion soon. If the Lord of the Southern Continent had not brought his wife to treat him, Luoluo would not be prepared to pick up the patient."

This sentence can be regarded as a simple explanation of the reason why Yuan Xiangluo was so rude, and it also told the Lord of the Southern Continent that Yuan Xiangluo had already given him a lot of face.

The Lord of the Southern Continent twitched his lips. These two people are really a perfect match. One sends guests off politely, and the other fills in the reasons, making it impossible for you to be picky.

As long as she can cure Ling'er, he doesn't care about Yan Xiangluo's attitude. After all, if she can really cure Ling'er, she does have the pride and pride with her medical skills.

The Lord of the Southern Continent waved his hand and said, "Ling'er is not in good health and is not used to staying outside for too long."

After saying that, he helped Mrs. Ling'er and the two of them walked out.

Mrs. Ling'er stood up and thanked Yuan Xiangluo, "Thank you so much, Master Yu."

Only two people understood what her thank you meant for Xie Yuxiang.

 After sending away the giant Buddha, the Lord of the Southern Continent, Ji Jiuzhong returned to the living room and saw Yan Xiangluo still sitting there, knowing that she was waiting for his return.

 Sit down next to her, "Did Luoluo use mind-reading skills?"

Yan Xiangluo looked at him in surprise and said, "How do you know?"

  Could it be that when she uses mind-reading skills, strong people can still sense it?

Ji Jiuzhong said, "I guess."

Yan Xiangluo’s eyes paused, “How did you guess that?”

"Luoluo wants to talk to her alone. It must be because she has been ill. The reason lies with herself. Luoluo wants to know the reason to convince her. We don't know anything about the matter between the Lord of the Southern Continent and her. Luoluo can use To convince her in such a short time, I must have used mind-reading technology to hear her true thoughts and know the real reasons, so that I could persuade her to cooperate with the treatment in a targeted manner. "

Ji Jiuzhong spoke out his guess in a gentle tone.

Yan Xiangluo frowned, "Can the Lord of the Southern Continent also guess it?"

Ji Jiuzhong said, "I should be able to guess roughly."

How could the Lord of a continent be a simple person? He could guess something from it, and the Lord of the Southern Continent must also be able to.

Moreover, the Lord of the Southern Continent knew very well what happened between the two of them, so it was naturally more accurate than what he had guessed.

Yan Xiangluo sighed and said with emotion, "Emotions are really magical things. They are invisible but can control people to do things that others think are not worth it."

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