The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 451: Create mysterious patterns

"Well, I just figured it out in the past few days. I didn't expect that I would use it immediately after I figured it out." Ji Jiuzhong said matter-of-factly.

The high-level mysterious patterns in Ji Seal are not only those of Yan Xiangluo, but even he, who has the blood of the Ji family, couldn't carve them in the lower continent.

After arriving in the Higher Continent, he has not had time to study the mysterious patterns. He has bought a house here. After settling down, he will continue to ponder the mysterious patterns when he has time in the evening. Sooner or later, he will go to the Ji family inheritance place to accept the inheritance. He is going to Learn all the high-level mysterious patterns before going.

He really didn’t expect that the Memory-Destroying Xuan Pattern he had just researched would come in handy right away.

Yan Xiangluo sighed, "Oh, there is too little time. I don't even have time to study the mysterious patterns."

 During this period, she spent all her thoughts on refining alchemy and could not neglect her practice. She really had no time to study other things.

Ji Jiuzhong said, "You can't bite off more than you can chew. Luoluo should learn what he's best at first, and then slowly study the mysterious patterns when he has time. Anyway, I'm here. Just tell me what high-level mysterious patterns Luoluo needs. ”

Yan Xiangluo covered her mouth and laughed secretly, "You will spoil me bad."

Ji Jiuzhong also smiled, "This will spoil you, and Luoluo will be satisfied too easily."

 “Well, I am easily satisfied.” What Yan Xiangluo said was profound.

 The soul is separated and lives in two worlds. It is not easy for her to live in either world. There is so much you want, but you just can’t get it. Therefore, every time Ji Jiuzhong gave her a little more, she would be very touched and satisfied.

"Luoluo can be more greedy." Ji Jiuzhong thought of her previous life and said with some distress.

Yan Xiangluo nodded seriously, "Well, I have to learn to be more greedy, so that I can have more and more of what I want."

Ji Jiuzhong thought secretly in his heart: He must stand at the pinnacle of the powerful people in the higher continent, so that he can protect Luoluo and live the life she wants and get what she wants. As long as she asked for it, he would definitely satisfy her.

"What help do you need from me tonight?" Yan Xiangluo asked, remembering business.

Ji Jiuzhong said, "Input a little bit of the power of soul control into my Memory-Destroying Xuanwen, and I can erase Yu Ge's memory about Ji Yin without disturbing the two elders."

Ji Jiuzhong didn't say that he had another arrangement. In order to prevent Yu Ge from causing trouble for them too early, he planned to find something for him to do. Yu Ge was very happy to do something that he didn't dare to do before, but now he can do it without any scruples. of things.

There is no need to let Luoluo know about this.

“Can the power of soul control be input into the mysterious pattern?” Yan Xiangluo was stunned.

"You'll know after you try it." Ji Jiuzhong had a sudden idea when he was carving the memory-destroying mysterious pattern. He didn't think so just now. He had never tried it. The main reason was that he did not have the power to control souls.

“Well, if it can really be input, the effect of the Memory-Destroying Xuan Pattern will be doubled.”

Yu Xiangluo is a Xuanwen master and also has the power of soul control, so he naturally knows the effect of the two together.

"Let's have lunch first. After lunch, we will start researching and try to succeed before using it in the evening. We can't delay going in to practice." Ji Jiuzhong said.

“There are two god-level elders in Qinglun Mountain. Will we be discovered if we go in for training?” Yuan Xiangluo asked with some worry when it came to training.

After all, they are god-level powerhouses. If the two people who announced the retreat have not been in their residence for a long time, anyone will become suspicious if they find out.

Ji Jiuzhong said, "Use the formation to add mysterious patterns to make sure they can't find it." Yan Xiangluo knew what high-level mysterious patterns must be combined with the formation, and said with great interest, "Let's go together."

“Of course we want to be together,” Ji Jiuzhong said politely.

 After lunch, the two of them were in the room studying how to input the power of soul control into the mysterious pattern.

 In fact, they are creating a new mysterious pattern, but the conditions are a bit harsh. Only a mysterious pattern master with the power of soul control can do it. One of them dared to think and the other dared to do it, without feeling anything wrong at all.

However, how can it be so easy to create a new mysterious pattern? Even if both of them are geniuses in pattern engraving, they have tried many methods for an entire afternoon but failed.

But neither of them flinched. On the contrary, the more they researched, the more interested they became. Although they did not input the power of soul control, they did research various tips, and their work was not in vain.

They didn’t delay eating dinner. For the first time, the two of them ate and studied at the same time.

Mu Zixian and Changfeng looked at each other. Mu Zixian lowered his voice and said, "I just said that only a girl can be worthy of the master!"

Changfeng was speechless. Is this what he said? You can see this with your eyes, okay?

Changfeng didn't answer his words, "I'm going in for training tonight, are you ready?"

Mu Zixian curled his lips and said, "What are you prepared for? Just adapt to the situation."

Changfeng raised his brows and said it was true. No matter how well prepared we were, things would not change as fast as they did. Moreover, the master has reminded them that the purpose of going in is to experience and improve their cultivation and strength, so they should not use anything to assist them. Only when the body reaches its limit can it be improved.

And the master said, there will be surprises after entering, as long as you can hold on, there will be more and more surprises.

Hence, Changfeng is quite looking forward to this experience.

I have been with my master for more than ten years and have experienced many experiences. This is the first time I heard my master describe a training place like this.

Moreover, a training place that can be recognized by the master is absolutely extraordinary, not to mention that this training place is the palace in Wanghai Forest that they all know.

The palace has existed for so many years, but no one thought that it was a space artifact, let alone that it could be his own. He admired Yan Xiangluo's courage and envied her luck.

 So, getting a treasure requires opportunity. If your opportunity is not placed in front of you, you can't take it away.

 The two continued their research after dinner, and finally discovered how to input the power of soul control.

Before, they had been thinking about how to input the power of soul control into the engraved memory-killing profound pattern. Yan Xiangluo looked at Ji Jiuzhong's engraved fingers and thought that since they couldn't directly input it, then when Ji Jiuzhong was engraved with the pattern, she thought , input the power of soul control directly into his Wen Ke power, so that he Wen Ke may be able to directly bring in the soul control power.

 After thinking about it, she immediately told Ji Jiuzhong. Ji Jiuzhong thought about it and felt that it was really possible to succeed.

The two of them tried it. At first, they couldn't reach a tacit understanding of how to input power at the same time. Either his tattoos were interrupted or his soul-controlling power disappeared. After several times, the two of them found a pattern.

As soon as Yan Xiangluo's Ji Jiuzhong's tattoo power appears, he immediately inputs a trace of soul control power. He must not input more. Even a little bit more will dissipate Ji Jiuzhong's tattoo power.

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