The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 452: Underhanded tactics

The mysterious pattern of patterning cannot stop at all from the beginning to the end. Therefore, Yan Xiangluo looks for the right opportunity to input the power of soul control into Ji Jiuzhong's patterning power.

Ji Jiuzhong just needs to use the normal carving speed to engrave, and doesn't care when or how much Yan Xiangluo inputs the soul-controlling power.

In this way, Yan Xiangluo could control the input of a trace of soul-controlling power, and it was naturally carved into Ji Jiuzhong's pattern.

Then she looked for another opportunity to input the soul-controlling power bit by bit, and sure enough, the soul-controlling power penetrated the entire profound pattern of the memory-destroying pattern engraved by Ji Jiuzhong.

The carved memory-destroying mysterious pattern is still very different from before. Although the carved mysterious pattern can sense the power of the pattern on it, the power of soul control is now added to it, and the wooden block used to carve the pattern is It's like being covered with a layer of soft light, and you can clearly feel the soft power flowing above.

Yes, they used the wooden blocks that Yan Xiangluo had prepared before, just because she felt that it was too wasteful for Ji Jiuzhong to experiment with jade one by one.

Ji Jiuzhong now listens to whatever Yan Xiangluo says, and he doesn't mind the shabbyness at all.

Fiddled with the wooden block in her hand, Yan Xiangluo couldn't wait to try it.

Ji Jiuzhong saw her intention and glanced at the sky outside, "It's still early, let's carve a few more tattoos and use the best one to make sure everything is perfect."

Yan Xiangluo nodded. This time, with experience, the two of them cooperated very well and carved out a lot of memory-destroying mysterious patterns.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the pile of memory-destroying profound patterns on the table and said, "There are too many."

Ji Jiuzhong said, "Save it for later."

Yan Xiangluo was speechless. There were not many uses for this kind of mysterious pattern, so she thought it was too much. It’s all carved out, so it can’t be wasted.

"You can keep it. When I can carve high-level mysterious patterns, I can input the power of soul control."

 When she carves the tattoo by herself, it is all her own power. By inputting the power of soul control, she will have better control and the carving will be easier.

Ji Jiuzhong still left a few for her, "Take a few for convenience if you need them before they can be tattooed."

Yan Xiangluo thought the same thing, put away the memory-destroying Xuanwen and looked outside, "Is it almost time?"

Ji Jiuzhong stood up and said, "Well, we can start."

Yan Xiangluo asked enthusiastically, "How to get there?" There were two god-level experts guarding the courtyard.

"This is the secret of the formation. Luoluo will understand it at a glance." Ji Jiuzhong held Yan Xiangluo's hand and walked out.

Yuan Xiangluo was driven by curiosity and followed obediently.

As Mu Zixian and Changfeng watched the two people leaving hand in hand, an idea came to their minds. In the past, when their master did bad things alone, they didn't think it was a big deal. Instead, they admired Ji Jiuzhong. Now that I see him leading Yu Xiangluo to do bad things, I feel like he is teaching a good girl a bad way.

The two of them followed him not too far or too close behind, so as not to delay the master's business, and they could show up in time if something happened. Ji Jiuzhong took Yan Xiangluo to the outside of the courtyard where he lived with Yu Ge. He saw him gesticulating with his spiritual power on the courtyard wall, and then waited quietly outside.

Yan Xiangluo wanted to ask what was going on, but was worried that she would disturb the two god-level elders inside, so she could only endure it.

Using his spiritual sense to sense the changes in the formation, he immediately understood. It turned out that Ji Jiuzhong secretly joined the enchantment formation in the soul-nurturing formation. People who are not very proficient in formations really can't notice it.

Within a moment, she saw Yu Ge crawling out from the wall. He really crawled out, using both hands and feet. It was quite a strenuous climb.

Yan Xiangluo asked in confusion, "Doesn't he have any cultivation at all?"

During the day, she could see that Wei Changyu's own cultivation level was quite high. She did not see the specific cultivation level, which was above the clan level. Even if Yu Ge's soul body was not completely integrated with the body, it would not be I can't control it with any strength.

"Luoluo should have seen it. When I set up the soul-raising array, I set up a fascination array. The main array was outside the back window of the room where Yu Ge lived. He should be raising his soul at this time. As long as I activate the array, Yu Ge's soul will be there. Unstable, he is easily fascinated, and then listens to my orders. He has no consciousness. He only knows how to do what I order him to do. In this way, he cannot use spiritual power and can only use his own strength. Come out." Ji Jiuzhong explained to her.

It’s clear that the fragrance has fallen, so that’s it. Their location happened to be on the side of Yu Ge's room. The distance was the shortest and it was not easy to disturb the two elders of Qinglun Mountain.

 While the two were talking, Yu Ge had already come down from the wall and stood in front of Ji Jiuzhong like a soulless puppet. Yan Xiangluo looked at the courtyard wall. Fortunately, it was the courtyard wall in the mansion and was not very high. Although Yu Ge had a hard time climbing, he was able to get out.

Ji Jiuzhong took out the Memory-Destroying Pattern and input spiritual power. The block of wood shattered into powder, and the Memory-Destroying Pattern fell on Yu Ge and disappeared.

Ji Jiuzhong controlled the power of the Memory-Destroying Xuanwen and added the power of his mind to search for the memory of Ji Yin in Yu Ge's sea of ​​consciousness. With the blessing of the power of soul control, he could better control Yu Ge's soul body and search for memories. Easier.

Ji Jiuzhong then discovered that Yu Ge's memory actually contained a lot of secret information about him. After reading the memories of him and the elders of the Chen family, he realized that Yu Ge had never been loyal to him from the beginning to the end.

 Fortunately, he is very vigilant. He is not used to telling anyone about some secret things. Otherwise, with such a traitor by his side, it would be really difficult to escape the control of the Chen family.

He had to read it again anyway, so Ji Jiuzhong simply sifted through all the memories about him and destroyed all the memories that he thought were hidden dangers. It wasn't until he found the memories about Ji Yin that he realized that he was doing the right thing. Well, Yu Ge actually planned to let the news out after Luoluo healed him.

 Luckily he took action early, otherwise it would have caused him a lot of trouble.

After wiping out all the memories about Ji Yin, the sinister Ji Jiuzhong added some memories to Yu Ge's sea of ​​consciousness, about the news that Qin Suyue came to the Higher Continent and was in the hands of Liu Yu.

Given Yu Ge's thoughts about Qin Suyue, now that their identities have been reversed, he will definitely try his best to get Qin Suyue in order to satisfy his selfish desires that he once dared not think of.

Liu Yu is not someone to be trifled with. Now Qin Suyue will not refuse any man. I hope Yu Ge will not be stupid enough to implicate the entire Qinglun Mountain.

Ji Jiuzhong's original intention was not to do anything to Qinglun Mountain. After all, Qinglun Mountain was a breath of fresh air among the sects in the Higher Continent. The sect's sect's style was the best. He didn't want to ruin the entire Qinglun Mountain because of Yu Ge. .

This depends on the fate of Qinglun Mountain.

 At present, he does not have the strength to cover the sky with one hand, so he can only protect themselves.

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