The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 461: reluctant to eat

Not to mention Yan Xiangluo's other talents, just this alchemy skill alone can make him rampant on the mainland.

Not to mention that her medical skills are unparalleled in the world, and she has a Master Poison King. She is also known as the Little Poison King.

 Follow the master and the concubine, and I guarantee you won’t make any mistakes in the future.

Mu Zixian once again lamented Yu Ge's blindness. He missed the luckiest opportunity in the world. He, Changfeng and Yutang were the lucky ones.

Yan Xiangluo put one soul-nourishing pill into a medicine bottle alone, and put the other five into a larger medicine bottle to put away.

Then she saw Mu Zixian looking longingly at the medicine bottle in her hand, her almond-shaped eyes flashing, "You want one?"

Mu Zixian was stunned for a moment, then surprise burst into his eyes, "Is it okay?"

Yan Xiangluo poured out a soul-nourishing pill and threw it to him, "It's just a pill. It's not like we don't have any. You can nourish your soul if you eat it."

Mu Zixian hurriedly stretched out his hand to catch it. This was a soul-nourishing pill. She came here like this, not afraid of falling, and she could nourish the soul even if she ate it. He wanted to know who could have the luxury of using a soul-nurturing pill as a nutritional medicine. Eat, do you have it?

 He carefully put the soul-nourishing pill into his own medicine bottle. He put the treasure away, but he couldn't bear to eat it.

Yan Xiangluo didn't say anything when she saw his actions. It was easy for her to make alchemy, but not everyone could make alchemy easily. Moreover, it is indeed difficult to find all the medicinal materials for the soul nourishing pill. Even if there are so many rare medicinal materials grown in her Pangu space, they are not all available.

It seems that a variety of medicinal materials are needed. If you have the opportunity to go to Yunshang Mountain for a walk, you may be able to collect more types of rare medicinal materials.

Yunshang Mountain is the mountain where Yunshang Palace is located. It has more than a dozen peaks. Yunshang Palace is halfway up the highest peak, Yunshang Peak. Yunshang Peak is also the only way to Jiuchongtian.

Although she is not qualified to go to Jiuchongtian yet, she can still go to Yunshang Mountain for a walk. As an alchemist, he is naturally open to medicinal materials.

Putting away the remaining four elixirs, Yan Xiangluo placed the bottle containing the elixir for Wei Changyu on the table, sat down aside, took out the map, and asked Mu Zixian to come over and study it. What's the route?

Mu Zixian walked over and did not sit down. He just stood aside and looked down at the map, "How long does it take for Miss Yu to arrive at Xianyun Sect?"

This speed is the key to deciding the route to take. If you are in a hurry, just take the teleportation array in each city directly. This is the fastest. After all, you have to transit. If they weren't in a hurry, they could plan all the places they wanted to go along the way.

  In any case, we just need to arrive at Yaoguang City, the venue, before the continental competition starts. There is still a month and a half left.

Yan Xiangluo thought for a moment, "Don't worry, we just take the opportunity to learn about the inner continent."

Mu Zixian agreed with him upon hearing this. As a subordinate who exists like a master's strategist and butler, it is necessary to know all kinds of information about the mainland.

"Then let's take a short detour from Xiangyang City to the north, so that we can pass by several famous cities in the Southern Continent. As for Nancheng, do you want to go?" Mu Zixian was very familiar with various cities in the Southern Continent.

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "I won't go this time."

Going to Nancheng now was like asking the Lord of the Southern Continent to entertain her. She didn't have the time to say it, nor did she have the inclination.

"It's okay not to go. I heard that Mrs. Ling left, and the Lord of the Southern Continent is frantically looking for someone." Mu Zixian breathed a sigh of relief. Although he didn't know whether Mrs. Ling's departure had something to do with Yan Xiangluo, after all, Mrs. Ling left only after she healed Mrs. Ling. It was not good for Yan Xiangluo to get close to her at this time.

Yan Xiangluo was not surprised that Mrs. Yuling made such a decision, "It's okay to leave. Why should she stay with such a man?"

Mu Zixian was sure at this time that although Mrs. Ling's departure from the Lord of the Southern Continent was not necessarily instigated by Yan Xiangluo, it must have something to do with her, otherwise she would not have said so calmly that leaving was a good idea.

He thought to himself: I want to remind my master that Miss Yu hates men who are half-hearted and there are many women. Master, you have to guard yourself and don’t let Miss Yu down. Otherwise, with her temperament, she will never give Master a chance again.

The two of them studied for a long time, which city they went to first, and then everything in this city. Mu Zixian obviously put in a lot of effort. In just a short time, he had explored every city in the southern continent. .

Even told Yan Xiangluo what kind of delicious food there was in that city, the chef's cooking skills, etc.

Not only did Ji Jiuchong know that Yan Xiangluo liked to eat, his subordinates also knew that Yan Xiangluo had this hobby. After that, Yan Xiangluo trained her little apprentice to be a foodie because he was young and wanted to eat well to keep healthy.

The two of them decided on the route from there to the Northern Continent, and then the route to the Northern Continent.

 After an hour, a new route map appeared on the map. Yan Xiangluo smiled and said, "We will set off in a moment."

Mu Zixian was startled. He must be too anxious. After some calculations, it was okay. It was only the end of the morning, so it was early. If he left now, he would arrive at the first destination they were studying in the evening.

"Okay, I'll tell Chen Moran and then ask Xiaohao to come over." Mu Zixian was not a procrastinator. Since Ruan Xiangluo was in a hurry, let's go.

Mu Zixian went out. He first told Chen Moran what they were going to do, and then left the family to him, and then asked him to invite the people from Qinglun Mountain over first.

 Chen Moran was a little surprised that they were about to go out. After answering, he first went to invite the head of Qinglun Mountain and them, and then went to prepare the carriage and horses.

The leader of Qinglun Mountain and his team came over quickly. Mu Zixian picked up the elixir bottle and handed it to the leader of Qinglun Mountain.

Yan Xiangluo said, "The effect of the soul-nourishing pill is immediate. Mr. Wei can take it now, and the effect will be known immediately."

She has refined the elixir, but she will not let them take it away for consumption. If something happens during this period, who will it be?

She didn’t want their reputation to be affected by their mistakes. Now that she had become famous, she didn’t want to destroy it.

The head of Qinglun Mountain also had this intention. None of them had ever seen what the soul-nourishing pill looks like. Who knows whether it is true or not. The only way is to try it on the spot, and you will know whether it is true or false when the effect is seen.

What Yan Xiangluo said was exactly what he wanted. Because of what Yan Xiangluo said, he believed that the pill in the medicine bottle was indeed a soul-nourishing pill.

“Okay, I can’t wait for my son to get better, so I’ll take it now.” The head of Qinglun Mountain said directly without being polite.

As soon as he finished speaking, he opened the medicine bottle, and the rich fragrance of elixir instantly filled the air. Even the two elders looked shocked.

Just by smelling it, their souls felt much better. They wanted to grab it and eat it immediately. They knew that this elixir was indeed a soul-nourishing elixir.

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