The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 462: Nature remains unchanged

Yu Ge's performance was even more obvious, because his soul body had been damaged a lot for so long, and because he could not integrate with his body for a long time, he was not very comfortable every day. When he smelled the soul nourishing pill, he felt that his soul body was eager to take it. Out of body.

 The look on his face was undisguisedly anxious.

The head of Qinglun Mountain sighed secretly when he saw his son's expression. He hoped that after he recovered, his son would return to his former smart and steady self.

 He handed the soul nourishing pill to his son, and before he could say anything, Yu Ge had already taken it and stuffed it into his mouth and swallowed it.

The head of Qinglun Mountain swallowed the words he spoke, feeling a little suffocated.

 But this is outside, so bear with it.

As soon as the soul-nourishing pill was taken into his mouth, Yu Ge's expression showed a sense of comfort. He could clearly feel that the difference between his soul and his body was slowly merging.

Yu Ge was ecstatic. This body finally belonged to him. In about a cup of tea, his soul was completely integrated with his body. The previous discomforts in his body were all gone. He couldn't be healthier anymore.

Yu Ge tested it, and he was now able to control his body freely, without the sluggish feeling before.

The head of Qinglun Mountain asked, "Changyu, how do you feel?"

Yu Ge's eyes flashed, and he had to admit that Yan Xiangluo's medical and alchemy skills were indeed very strong, but he didn't want to see Yan Xiangluo be proud, so he opened his mouth and said, "It has some effects, but I'm still a little uncomfortable."

At the same time, he also acted like he was still feeling unwell.

The head of Qinglun Mountain and the two elders looked at each other with some doubts in their hearts. Judging from his expression, they thought everything was fine. Could it be that the effect of the elixir was not strong enough?

Yan Xiangluo knew Yu Ge's plan, and she really didn't change her nature. She glanced at him, raised the corner of her lips, took out a wooden block, and said to the head of Qinglun Mountain, "Head, take a look at what mystery this is." Pattern?"

The head of Qinglun Mountain was having doubts in his heart. Yu Xiangluo's words made him confused. What kind of mysterious patterns were he looking at at this time? I can see what the mysterious pattern is.

 He blurted out, "True Words and Mysterious Patterns."

As soon as he finished speaking, he understood immediately that Yan Xiangluo was telling him that his son was lying, and his old face suddenly became colorful.

"I don't mind wasting a mantra." Yan Xiangluo said in a leisurely tone while playing with the wooden block.

Yu Ge hated Ruan Xiangluo in his heart. He thought that she was also a mysterious pattern master, and her talent was very good. It was not surprising that she had a mantra mysterious pattern. If this mantra mysterious pattern was used on her body, the mantra she would speak would not only be This is it.

He immediately smiled and said, "Dad, I just want to test whether Master Yu is confident enough in his alchemy skills. The effect of the soul-nourishing pill is excellent, and there is no problem with my son's body."

No one present could see his blunt excuse, but the head of Qinglun Mountain had no choice but to bite the bullet and said, "I'm rude, Master Yu. Please forgive me. This is the reward for treating the child. Thank you for your hard work." Master."

The head of Qinglun Mountain added some precious items to the reward he had prepared. In front of Yan Xiangluo, his intention was very clear. This was a sincere apology to his son.

Yan Xiangluo tossed the block of wood in her hand twice, put it away after successfully seeing Yu Ge's face getting more and more ugly, and gave Mu Zixian a wink, who immediately took the gift ring. Then he handed it to Yu Xiangluo.

Yan Xiangluo took a look at the contents inside and found that after excluding the newly added items, the reward was similar to that of the lord of Xiangyang City. In comparison, the lord of the mainland was rich.

Yu Xiangluo felt a little pity for the leader of Qinglun Mountain. He spent such a high price to help the person who devoured his son's soul get his son's body. I wonder what will happen to him one day when he knows the truth.

If possible, Yan Xiangluo really doesn’t want the head of Qinglun Mountain to know. After all, he is a qualified father who has given everything he can for his children. Even though he knew that the child's temper had become bad, he did not give up on him. Yan Xiangluo actually envied Wei Changyu. Even though he did not live long, he had a father who really loved him.

"Young Master Wei's body is fine. Be careful not to injure your soul again in the future. It can be cured once, but the next time, I'm afraid it won't be easy to recover as before. In severe cases, your intelligence and certain body functions will be lost." Yan Xiangluo warned her dutifully.

The head of Qinglun Mountain thanked him again and saw that Yan Xiangluo did not want to see his son anymore, so he quickly took his son to say goodbye and left Yan's mansion.

Mu Zixian didn't even go to see her off, leaving Chen Moran to see her off. He didn't want to take another look at Yu Ge.

 When Chen Moran came back and reported that the people had been sent away, Yan Xiangluo asked him to call Qi Hao, and they were ready to set off.

After Chen Moran left, Mu Zixian asked in a low voice, "Miss Yu, are you going to let him go like this?"

Mu Zixian finally understood Yu Ge's character. Keeping such a person would be a disaster, and he couldn't bear to let him continue to harm the head of Qinglun Mountain.

 After all, the leader seemed to be a very decent person, and he couldn't bear to be harmed by Yu Ge like this.

Yan Xiangluo raised her lips and smiled, "How is that possible?"

As soon as Mu Zixian's eyes lit up, he knew that Yan Xiangluo would not sing like this, so he immediately moved closer to her, his eyes filled with gossip, "What did you do?"

Yan Xiangluo glanced at him and said, "Guess."

Mu Zixian immediately grimaced, "If I could guess it, I wouldn't ask."

 “You will know later.”

Mu Zixian finally knew it, but Yan Xiangluo had no intention of telling him at all. She was scratching her heart and felt uncomfortable, "If you don't do this, I won't be able to eat well or sleep well in the future."

Yan Xiangluo rolled her eyes at him. She would be a fool if she believed him.

When Mu Zixian saw this, he knew that he couldn't ask. Well, it was enough to know that Yan Xiangluo had taken action against Ge. As for what he had done, he would know sooner or later.

 “I’m going to see the carriage.”

During this trip, Yan Xiangluo didn't want to wrong herself, nor did she want to rush on the road. Anyway, if she had time, she planned to take a carriage all the way to the Northern Continent in a traveling way, just in time to let her young apprentice see the world.

The wider your horizons, the wider your mind will be. Qi Hao will definitely change a lot when he comes back from this trip.

 Chen Moran brought Qi Hao over, but Qi Changhe did not follow. Qi Hao was in high spirits and saluted immediately when he saw Yu Xiangluo, "Master, my disciples are all ready."

Yan Xiangluo stood up and rubbed his head, "Let's go, master will take you to see your master."

Qi Hao happily followed in Yan Xiangluo's footsteps. This was the second happiest thing for him after the death of his relative. The first happiest thing was to become his disciple.

Out of the door, Yan Xiangluo suddenly remembered the soul-nurturing array and said to Chen Moran, "Let's go to the courtyard of the soul-nurturing array."

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