The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 472: An accident happened

Since they are not going to Yaoguang City where the continental competition is held in the northern continent for the time being, it feels much more comfortable as there are fewer people as they leave the border.

Yu Xiangluo really doesn’t like too many people.

But the sight that made her uncomfortable had never appeared again since she came to the Northern Continent. She thought in her mind whether it would be better not to follow their route or to hide. Even though she did not notice it, her vigilance did not decrease.

After leaving Xiangyang City, she kept observing Ji Jiuchong who was practicing in the Copper Tower Palace. At this time, he had reached the seventh floor and had no intention of coming out. Yan Xiangluo was curious whether Ji Jiuchongnen wanted to practice all at once. Is it the ninth level? It feels like the seventh level can't stop his momentum. In that case, how far will he advance after he comes out?

“Master, how long will it take before I can see my master?” Qi Hao asked, looking at the scenery outside the car.

Yan Xiangluo took out the map and let him see it for himself, and then calculated the arrival time. He had to do many things himself to remember and know how to do them.

 Along the way, both she and Mu Zixian tried their best to let him do something by himself.

Qi Hao took the map and looked at their location. After calculating for a long time, he found the nearest route and calculated the time before saying, "Master, this road is the closest. If you don't rest every night and there is nothing else to delay, it will be done in seven days." If you can get there, it will take you twelve or three days if you rest at night.”

Yan Xiangluo naturally knew what he was doing. Seeing that his calculations were accurate, she still felt a sense of accomplishment. The young apprentice was smart and eager to learn. How could he not be happy when he became a master?

“Well, Xiao Hao wants to meet his master as soon as possible?” Yan Xiangluo asked, putting away the neatly folded maps by Qi Hao.

Qi Hao frowned, "I want to, but I'm worried that Master won't like me."

The last time his master came, he didn’t know it was his master, and he didn’t come out to meet anyone. He was always worried, worried that his master wouldn’t like him because of it.

Yan Xiangluo laughed and said, "You are the master's apprentice. As long as the master likes you, that's fine. Besides, Xiaohao is smart and studious, and he is the master's first disciple. How could the master not like you?"

Qi Hao's eyes suddenly lit up, "I also think Master will like me."

Yan Xiangluo twitched the corner of his mouth. Emotions are here to find a sense of existence. The young apprentice became diplomatic.

Mu Zixian was speechless when he heard the conversation between master and apprentice. How long had he been out here? This kid Qi Hao has learned to be naughty. If he had more experience, I might not be able to tease him. This kid is too brainy. It works.

“Since Xiao Hao is so anxious to see his master, let’s hurry as fast as possible and try to see your master as soon as possible.” Yu Xiangluo teased Qi Hao with a smile.

Hearing this, Qi Hao's big eyes suddenly turned into crescent moons as he smiled, "That's great, thank you, master, and thank you, brother Zixian."

Mu Zixian's mouth twitched. This boy is a bad imitator. No wonder Yuan Xiangluo caught his eye and accepted him as a disciple when he was only sixteen years old.

There is no other master who is so young.

 Brother Zixian's call was really smooth, and the two started bickering again.

 “Not an elder brother, but an uncle.”

 “Calling me brother makes me look younger.”

 “Do I look old?”

  "Okay, you need me to call you brother to help you."


Yan Xiangluo ignored them and continued to practice with her eyes closed. After Qi Hao argued with Mu Zixian for a while, he also went in to practice. Mu Zixian waved his riding whip in boredom, feeling that he was a little slack.

Thinking of this, he called a hidden guard to drive the car. He sat aside and began to practice.

Because Qi Hao promised to see his master as soon as possible, apart from eating and letting the horse rest for a while, he spent the rest of the time on the road.

Of course, when I encounter something interesting, I will stop and watch the excitement. The main purpose is to let Qi Hao gain insights. Yan Xiangluo feels that she also needs to gain insights in this area.

Ten days passed in a flash. Qi Hao excitedly asked Yan Xiangluo to take out the map. He looked at it again and again, calculated again and again, and then looked at Yan Xiangluo with a pair of starry eyes and said, "Master, we will be able to reach the fairyland tomorrow night." If you join Yunzong, you can meet your master."

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "As long as nothing unexpected happens, I can see your master tomorrow night."

In Qi Hao's heart, he felt that there would be no accident at all. Therefore, he would definitely be able to see his master at Xianyun Sect tomorrow night. Didn't he know that there is a word in this world called accident? At this time, he was so excited that he ate more dinner. A bowl of spiritual rice.

 The guests at the table next to me were stunned. Who is so generous as to let their children eat two bowls of spiritual rice? Although the spiritual rice contains spiritual energy, eating like this is too extravagant.

Yan Xiangluo didn't think so. After all, Ji Jiuzhong was not short of money. Didn't he realize that Mu Zixian always used spiritual stones to pay the bills?

It’s not surprising that Mu Zixian used Lingshi to settle the bill. The meals were all prepared by Lingcai Lingmi Lingchu and were very expensive. If he paid with crystal coins, how many crystal coins would he have to pay?

Without resting after eating, the three of them got into the carriage and continued on their way while the city gate was still open.

Although Ling Ma has little time to rest, whoever asked Yan Xiangluo to throw a gift ring filled with spiritual grass to Mu Zixian, as long as these spiritual grass are there, Ling Ma will not be tired even if he does not rest.

Mu Zixian didn't know that these spiritual herbs came from Yan Xiangluo's Pangu space. He thought that his master had prepared them in advance. He admired Ji Jiuzhong even more because he thought of such things.

It was a bit troublesome. He had to keep feeding the horse along the way. In order not to delay the journey, he always took the spiritual grass and fed it to the galloping horse. He had to control the direction and strength, and he could not waste any spiritual grass. Somewhat tired.

 The result is also obvious. The speed of the journey has increased, saving a lot of time. Not only has the spirit horse not lost weight, it has also grown much stronger. This is the result of eating well, coupled with high-intensity physical output every day, and getting exercise.

Yuan Xiangluo doted on her little apprentice for one reason. The other reason was that she could stay with her master for a few more days at Xianyun Sect by arriving early.

 However, the plan did not change quickly. The next day they found a place to have breakfast and continued on their way.

Not long after, the galloping spirit horse neighed and stopped suddenly. Before Yan Xiangluo could go out to see what was going on, the carriage began to shake violently, making everyone unable to sit still.

Yan Xiangluo grabbed Qi Hao who had hit the car and then hit the other side. She struggled to stabilize her body to prevent him from being hit all over.

Just as he was about to ask Mu Zixian what was going on, the carriage stabilized and it was unusually quiet outside.

After seeing that Qi Hao was not injured, she immediately opened the car curtain and saw it was dark outside. Mu Zixian was still sitting in front, and there was a hidden guard driving a car.

 Evidently neither of them came back to their senses. As soon as Yan Xiangluo came out, they both came to their senses.

 “What’s going on?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

They were clearly on their way, so why did it suddenly get dark?

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