The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 473: What luck

Mu Zixian said, "Girl, a very bright thing flew over just now. It was so fast that we didn't even react before it arrived. The light was too strong to see what it was. It was so dazzling that we couldn't open our eyes. Then we were startled." The car was shaking, and it was like this when I could open my eyes. I don’t know what happened, but I am sure that this is definitely not the road we took before. "

Yan Xiangluo's eyes narrowed. What happened? They just bumped into something and knocked them into another world.

The hidden guard suddenly spoke, "I saw a group of people chasing behind that glowing thing."

 There is no one around now.

Yan Xiangluo and Mu Zixian looked at each other. It seemed that the glowing thing must be some kind of treasure. However, how could such a treasure knock them into an unknown place?

How to get out is not the biggest problem. The biggest problem is where is this place? Is there any danger in the dark Gurung?

  The spirit horses moved back and forth uneasily, and it was obvious that they felt insecure here.

 Lingma is a horse that has developed spiritual consciousness. It can absorb spiritual energy and practice it. It can sense some dangerous and bad things and breaths.

Yuan Xiangluo said, "Go down first, you can't sit in the carriage."

Mu Zixian and Yinwei also noticed it. The spirit horse was very uneasy and difficult to control. They jumped from both sides of the carriage.

Yan Xiangluo pulled Qi Hao and got out of the carriage. She noticed that Qi Hao held her hand tightly and knew that he was a little scared. She comforted her, "You will encounter any situation when you go out to practice. This is nothing. From now on, you can When a person comes out, he will encounter various situations, including life-threatening situations. It is useless to be afraid. Only by being calm can you find the best way to deal with it. "

Qi Hao nodded when he heard this, "Master, I'm not afraid."

Yan Xiangluo did not expose him. After all, he was still a child. It was his first time to experience such a thing. It was normal to be afraid.

Mu Zixian and Yinwei have already checked the surroundings, but they didn't dare to go far. After all, they didn't know what the situation was. They didn't dare to go too far away from Yuan Xiangluo and Qi Hao. If there was danger, it would be too late to help.

“I can’t feel the breath of life around me, there is nothing. After walking for a while, there are no stones to stumble on, and the ground beneath my feet doesn’t seem to be soil. It’s like a dark space with nothing.”

Mu Zixian frowned and said, squatting down and twisting it with his hands. There was no dust at all, let alone soil, but it felt that it was not a smooth ground like bluestone or jade.

They all knew that the glowing thing might be some kind of space treasure, and they entered some space by mistake.

 But it was pitch dark, nothing could be seen, there was nothing inside, and they couldn't find any clues even if they wanted to get out.

Yan Xiangluo thought for a moment, "Standing here is not an option. You unload the carriage, I will put it away, and then lead the horse for a walk to see if there are any clues."

Mu Zixian and Yinwei knew that there was really no good way to do it now, so they had no choice but to do this. They unloaded the carriage, and Ruan Xiangluo put the cart away. Mu Zixian and Yinwei held the horses one by one, and followed them. Behind Yan Xiangluo and Qi Hao, he walked forward in the dark.

Although it’s dark, it’s not so dark that you can’t see anything, it’s just that you can’t see very clearly.

At this time, many people gathered in the place where they disappeared, making a lot of noise.

An older man shouted, "Quiet, what problem can be solved by shouting?" Suddenly, the chaotic scene quieted down, and everyone looked at him. One of them asked in a bad tone, "It seems to be quiet." You can do the same."

Despite saying this, most people still quieted down and wanted to see what they could do.

The older man said, "I can't help it, but everyone should tell us what they saw. We can analyze it and find out the direction and place where the treasure disappeared."

 Everyone knew that what he said was right. You looked at me and I looked at you, but they all hesitated to say what they saw. After all, just a moment ago, they were rivals for the treasure.

“I saw a carriage speeding by, hit the baby, and then disappeared.” Someone finally spoke first.

"I also saw it. The driver was wearing a black robe, and there was a man in a red robe sitting next to him." Someone immediately agreed.

There were many people who agreed, and it seemed that there were quite a few people who saw it. Although they were far away, their cultivation level was not low, and they could see very far away.

 “Do you know the approximate location?” the older man asked.

Those who saw it immediately looked around and said, "This is probably right here."

This information has been said but not said. They have searched here countless times and have not seen any trace of the treasure.

“Could the treasure have been taken by the people on the carriage?”

As soon as this sentence was spoken, everyone was speechless. If so, how lucky that person is.

It has been two months since these people discovered the treasure and have been tracking it. They don’t even know what the treasure is, but they just passed by and got it?

Then how aggrieved are these people?

 You have been busy all this time just to chase the treasure here and deliver it to others?

"We are divided into four directions. If we look carefully, everyone should know what the treasure is. Even if we share it equally, it is better than missing it. Everyone is more united. I don't believe it. So many of us can still miss the treasure. ." said the older man.

His words resonated again. Indeed, the treasure is a space treasure, and there will definitely be no shortage of things inside. It is better to have a chance of sharing evenly if we work together, rather than not getting anything at all.

Although each still had his or her own thoughts, at least they were all focused on the same place. They quickly divided into four teams and began to search the area they were in. They didn't miss any place. Even the stones were moved to look below. Is there a hole?

It was busy outside. The four people inside, Yan Xiangluo, had been walking for a while, but they still found nothing. The surroundings were still empty, with nothing.

Qi Hao has also calmed down and whispered, "Master, is there really nothing here?"

Yan Xiangluo stopped and thought about it.

  What is the purpose of a situation that even a child can see?

 What is such an empty space used for? How come they got in right away? What do those chasing the treasure hope to gain from it?

Mu Zixian and the hidden guards looked very serious. They could not contact the other hidden guards, which meant that they were indeed in another space and their sound transmission stone was isolated.

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