The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 476: his weapons

At this time, Yan Xiangluo desperately wanted to remember the past.

“Master said that the little junior sister is the smartest among us. I didn’t believe it before, but now I believe it.”

After saying this, he stretched out his hand, and a fiery red long sword that seemed to be burning with flames appeared in his hand. "This is his weapon from his previous life. You can give it to him."

Yan Xiangluo looked at the fiery red sword. She knew that Qi Hao still had the fire element in this life, and this sword was indeed suitable for him.

 “Okay.” Yan Xiangluo let go of Qi Hao’s hand, walked over and took the sword with both hands.

"Little junior sister, I have to leave." The second senior brother raised his empty hand and touched Yan Xiangluo's head.

Although there was no physical body, Yan Xiangluo could clearly feel his touch, which was tender and caring.

She raised her eyes and looked at him and said, "Don't be sad. You only need to say goodbye to me, but I have to say goodbye to each of you once. Although I haven't recovered my memory, I feel uncomfortable in my heart. I really feel bad." I like this feeling.”

The second senior brother was amused by her serious and sad words, "Little junior sister is still as cute as ever."

Yan Xiangluo was speechless. They all saw how cute she was.

However, looking at the gradually illusory figure of the second senior brother, Yan Xiangluo was really sad and wanted to cry. What kind of situation was it that caused this group of outstanding and powerful senior brothers and their master to fall to this point?

"Xiao Luo'er, don't be sad, we are all willing." After the second senior brother said the last word, the figure turned into dots and disappeared completely.

When the last star point disappeared, Qi Hao woke up. He looked at Yan Xiangluo in confusion, "Master, where is that man?"

Yan Xiangluo regained her composure, turned to look at Qi Hao and said, "He is just a touch of spiritual consciousness. This is what he gave to you."

Yan Xiangluo did not say that this was a weapon from his previous life. Some things were better to be discovered by oneself. If Qi Hao could not remember the past, then she might never tell him about the past life.

 In her heart, after all, the last life is in the past, and the most important thing is to live this life with peace of mind. There is no need to implicate this life because of the previous life.

It’s really hard for someone like her to keep worrying about her.

Qi Hao's eyes lit up when he saw the fiery red sword in Yan Xiangluo's hand. It was a fire-type sword. He liked it so much. It suited him so well. He lacked such a suitable weapon. Grandpa also said to find one for him. Well, I didn’t expect that I would have such an opportunity when I came out with Master.

At this moment, he understood why it was so dangerous to go out to practice, but so many monks still came out, because danger and opportunity coexisted.

“Isn’t this long sword suitable for Master?” Qi Hao asked in a measured manner no matter how much he liked him.

Yan Xiangluo teased him, "If it suits Master, then you don't want it."

Qi Hao said with certainty, "Of course, if it suits the master, then give it to the master."

Yan Xiangluo rubbed his head happily, "Master has his own weapon, not just one. This one is more suitable for Xiao Hao, take it."

 She didn't lie either. Her weapons ranged from flying lotus to long caltrop spear and gentleman's sword. They were indeed different.

Qi Hao took the sword this time and stroked it lovingly, "Master, why do I feel that this sword is so familiar, as if it once belonged to me."

Yan Xiangluo's heart trembled. She thought of what the second senior brother had not finished, and then looked at Qi Hao. She felt that what the second senior brother said was impossible, and Qi Hao had probably done it.

She had mixed feelings in her heart. What kind of person was Qi Hao in his previous life? Can she make a promise to accept him as her disciple in this life?

There is one more thing she is curious about. She is about to take on a disciple. How old did she live in her previous life? You must be older than you are now, right? These thoughts were all in an instant. When Qi Hao took the sword, the space trembled, and Yan Xiangluo could clearly feel a repulsive force squeezing her body.

She immediately held Qi Hao's hand and reminded him, "Hurry up and put the sword away."

Qi Hao immediately put away the long sword after hearing this. Although he felt in his heart that he should hold the long sword and fight with the long sword if he encountered danger, he listened to the master's words without any refutation.

Just when Qi Hao put away his sword, the hut disappeared, and the two heard Mu Zixian's urgent voice calling them.

Yan Xiangluo immediately shouted, "Don't worry, we are going out."

Mu Zixian felt relieved when he heard Yan Xiangluo's voice. It was good that everything was okay. Although he didn't know what she had done and they could go out, it was a good thing after all.

However, thinking that he might face a lot of people when he went out, he immediately looked at each other and reminded the hidden guard to prepare for battle.

With just this glance, a white light flashed in front of their eyes. They closed their eyes instinctively, and their bodies swayed. When they opened their eyes again, they had already appeared on the road they had just disappeared from.

Four people and two horses suddenly appeared. All four of them were ready to fight. But you looked at me and I looked at you. They all had the same doubt in their eyes. Why is there no one there?

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the black magic-absorbing bead with white light in her hand. She put it away without rushing to identify its owner, and then let go of her spiritual sense to investigate.

 Suddenly, he found countless people around him, all looking for something. The place where they were was the center.

  She knew exactly what they were looking for.

Yan Xiangluo quickly took out a teleportation symbol and said, "Hold hands."

Mu Zixian immediately took Qi Hao's hand, and the hidden guard immediately handed the reins to Mu Zixian, "I'll stay here to find out the news."

Mu Zixian nodded. Originally, the hidden guards were supposed to hide in the dark. Besides, there were other hidden guards. If they disappeared suddenly, those hidden guards must be looking for them and they needed to leave someone behind to contact them.

Yu Xiangluo said, "Let's go directly to Xianyun Sect."

This sentence tells the hidden guards their destination and makes it easier for them to find it.

Yinwei nodded, and Yan Xiangluo directly set the teleportation place at Xianyun Sect, input spiritual power to activate the teleportation mysterious pattern, and the three of them and two horses disappeared.

When the hidden guard saw them leaving, he quickly moved in one direction, then hid in the dark to contact other hidden guards.

At this time, all the people who went to investigate began to walk back, and within a short time they were all back to their original place, and no one found anything.

 “What should we do now?” someone asked impatiently.

The older man from before said, "Since the carriage and its people disappeared here, it will definitely come out here. I don't believe it. They can stay in it for a lifetime and never come out."

 “Then we just wait here to die?”

Everyone was speechless, waiting for anyone to be willing to leave. Now that they saw with their own eyes that treasure that could hold living things, it should be the legendary space artifact like a small world. Who wouldn't want to get it?

  Simply find a place to sit down and wait.

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