The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 477: Demonic power, evil power

Although each of them looked ordinary, everyone knew that many of these people were from big families. They were just good at hiding, and no one dared to underestimate anyone.

In the darkness, a man in black robes followed by a man in white robes appeared. The man in black robes stood with his hands behind his hands and looked at these people. The aura on his body made people shudder.

“Your Majesty, they didn’t find the magic-absorbing beads.” The man in white robes beside him whispered.

"There is no more breath of sucking magic beads." The king in the man's mouth said. He could still feel the breath of sucking magic beads just now, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving only a little difference.

If Yu Xiang fell here, she would definitely recognize this king as her sworn brother Ge Tianjun.

 “Did the magic bead escape again?” The man following Ge Tianjun was his adviser Fu Qingfeng.

Ge Tianjun shook his head, "I can't sense the presence or breath of the magic-absorbing beads at all. Someone must have obtained them."

“That’s going to be difficult.” Fu Qingfeng said, stroking his chin.

Even their king can no longer sense the breath of the magic-absorbing beads. It may not be easy to find the magic-absorbing beads. It will be even more troublesome if someone recognizes the owner. As long as the other party does not take them out, they will not be able to detect the breath of any magic-absorbing beads. .

“Is there any news about Yu Xiangluo?” Ge Tianjun asked.

He has experienced no matter how great the ordeal. It is just a magic-absorbing bead. Obtaining it is fate. If he does not get it, it means that it is not his. His cultivation is the result of his own hard work and is not accumulated by relying on external forces.

The only reason he wanted to get the magic-absorbing beads was because if they fell into the hands of other people, they would be a threat to the demon clan.

 What he is more concerned about now is whether this Yuan Xiangluo is the sworn sister he recognized in the lower continent.

He doubted this because it had not been long now, and no matter how talented his adopted sister was, she would not have come to the high continent in such a short time. After all, he had personally experienced the thin spiritual energy of the low continent, which was really suitable for cultivation.

 Unless you encounter some big opportunity.

If it was really her, why didn't she come to see him when she arrived in the higher continent? Could it be that she knew her identity and disliked that she was a demon king?

He didn't hide the fact that he was cultivating demonic energy when they first met. If he disliked it, why would he still swore a sworn relationship with him?

Ge Tianjun thinks too much. Until now, Yan Xiangluo still doesn't know that Ge Tianjun is the Demon King. She has not yet learned about demon cultivation in the higher continent.

“Yes.” Fu Qingfeng immediately told Ge Tianjun the information he had just received about Yan Xiangluo.

After finishing everything, I carefully observed Ge Tianjun's expression. Although everyone knew that Fu Qingfeng was treacherous, scheming and ruthless, he was nothing compared to their king.

He has been wondering why the king pays attention to a little girl from a lower continent. When he heard about Yuan Xiangluo, he thought that the king was interested in her medical skills.

You can't just fall in love with her. If that's the case, it would be troublesome. Let's not mention that the two people practice different skills. It's difficult to deal with the fact that she has a fiancé. What's more, her fiancé is also very good, and he's also very good. The surname is Ji.

  It is likely to be the bloodline left by that family.

After hearing the news, Ge Tianjun was sure that it must be the little girl, and asked, "Where is she now?"

"She took her apprentice on a trip. These messages were sent from Changchuan City. I haven't received any messages in the past few days," Fu Qingfeng said.

Ge Tianjun glanced at him, "What do you do for food?"  Gu Qingfeng's mouth twitched, "Your Majesty, this is not our territory, and because the continental competition is about to begin, inspections are very strict everywhere, especially for us demons People from the clan are being investigated even more strictly, and anyone with demonic aura will be arrested.”

Fu Qingfeng was also very disdainful. How could they have enough time to sabotage the continental competition?

Ge Tianjun snorted coldly, "It's nothing more than catching some people who have gone astray. What does it have to do with us demons?"

Although Fu Qingfeng also knows that what Ge Tianjun said is true, people in this world don't know that all people who take the wrong path are attributed to their demon clan. Their demon clan also despises those people, okay? They learned this This is not a technique practiced by serious demons. At best, it can only be called an evil technique, which is far from being a demon.

Ge Tianjun saw that Fu Qingfeng was speechless, and looked at the people in front, "If you receive any news about her, tell me immediately."

“Yes, Your Majesty, shall we go back?” Fu Qingfeng asked after responding.

The demons are not stopping either, and there are many people coveting the throne. It is not a good thing for the king to be away from the palace for too long.

"They've all come out. If you wait two more days, if you don't give them more time, how can they reach out? How can they chop if they don't reach out?" Ge Tianjun raised the corners of his lips mockingly. Since he almost died last time, he said to The tolerance of those people has reached its limit, and now he will never show mercy as long as he takes action.

Had he not met Yan Xiangluo, a sworn sister with excellent medical skills, he would have been tricked to death that time. If he showed mercy, wouldn't he be stupid?

Fu Qingfeng secretly swallowed his saliva and knew that the king was much more sophisticated than him. It turned out that he had this purpose for coming out this time.

 “Let’s go.” Since the magic-sucking bead is no longer here, there is no need to stay.

Fu Qingfeng immediately followed Ge Tianjun, and the two of them disappeared.

Neither Ge Tianjun nor Yu Xiangluo knew that they were so close but missed it.

On the other side of the crowd, there was another person watching from the dark. He was also someone Yan Xiangluo knew, Miao Nagano.

Miao Nagano was already going to Yaoguang City, where the continental competition was held, when he heard the news that the magic-absorbing beads had appeared. For him now, the magic-absorbing beads were a coveted treasure and were of great help to his cultivation, so he I used a teleportation mysterious pattern and came here, but I was still late. I chased here but didn't see the magic-absorbing bead.

Looking at those people, he decided to wait in the dark so that he could **** the magic beads as soon as they appeared.

He had no idea that the magic-absorbing bead had been taken away by Yan Xiangluo a long time ago, and he was destined to have no chance with the magic-absorbing bead.

 After he embarked on this path, he had no choice.

He is different from Qin Suyue. She was willing to degenerate and learn some obscene exercises. Although the exercises he learned are not recognized by those so-called righteous people, at least they have a place to stay.

Furthermore, the slave mark that he originally thought could only be removed by breaking through to the divine level was actually erased by Kung Fu three months after he arrived here, and he was immediately free.

But thinking about the three months of being enslaved, he did not leave directly. Instead, he went to the warehouse where the spiritual stones were stored in the mansion of the Lord of the Old Continent, and filled up all his storage rings and Qiankun bags. .

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