The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 486: Supported by ancestors

Chapter 486 Ancestors support

Yan Xiangluo is quite sure of this. At least for now, she doesn't know anything about her parents. They have carefully hidden their identities. There must be something forcing them to do this.

 She will not reveal any information about her parents until she knows exactly what happened. This is also her protection for her parents.

“Xiao Luoer is still planning to go back to Xiangyang City?” Deng Changze asked.

 Let go of problems that cannot be solved first. This is also Deng Changze's way of dealing with things. After all, even if you force yourself to death, you can't do what you can't do.

 Besides, Xiao Luo'er is so confident about her parents, why should she be worried? Is there anyone who knows her parents better than Xiao Luo'er?

Yu Chengye's reputation in the Tianqian Continent is not average, and everyone's evaluation of him is unclear.

Yu Chengye is very persistent in finding a wife, but no one can really figure out his thoughts on other things.

Even when he faced the families in Wanghai Forest, he never flinched. Now that he has come to the higher continent, where the world is wider, he is like a fish in water. How could he be manipulated?

 So Xiao Luo'er is right not to worry.

After hearing the master's question, Yan Xiangluo nodded, "I'm going to watch the Continental Competition, and then return to Xiangyang City."

Her ultimate goal is to go to Jiuchongtian. Xiangyang City is very close to Yunshang Palace, and Yunshan Palace is the only way to Jiuchongtian. It is very convenient to live in Xiangyang City.

Even if they don't go back to Xiangyang City for the time being, the Ji family's land that Ji Jiu wants to go to is also in the Southern Continent, and they still have to go back to the Southern Continent.

But she didn’t tell her master or ancestors about Ji Jiuzhong. It was a secret between her and Ji Jiuzhong. The fewer people who knew about it, the better. She didn’t want to cause unnecessary trouble and danger to Ji Jiuzhong.

After saying this, she was worried that her ancestor Mu Changling had misunderstood that she did not want to stay in the Xianyun Sect, so she quickly explained, "The Xianyun Sect has always kept a low profile in the world, but I am too high-profile now and am not suitable to stay in the sect. Doors bring trouble.”

These words are also her true words. The ancestor has been living and cultivating here in a low-key manner for more than three thousand years. There must be a reason for him to do so. If her current reputation were to let people know that she was in the Immortal Cloud Sect, I am afraid that the Immortal Cloud Sect would never have such a peaceful life in the future.

Yan Xiangluo's mind suddenly flashed, could it be that the ancestors made the sect like this just for this peaceful cultivation environment?

How broad was the ancestor’s state of mind?

Mu Changling nodded when he heard this, "Cultivation is the same everywhere. You don't have to worry about how it will implicate the sect. I have kept the sect hidden from the world for thousands of years. I naturally have my own way. You just have to do it. Just do what you want to do. If you have trouble, come back to your ancestors. With me here, you can be bullied. Although our sect is not visible to the world, it does not mean that the sect is weak and the sect is number one. The sect rule is to work together to protect the sect, whether you are in the sect or not. The second is that the sect disciples must help each other. If one party is in trouble, all parties will support you. The prerequisite is that you have not done anything evil that is not allowed by heaven. "

Yan Xiangluo smiled, her bright smile as bright as a flower, "With my ancestors and sect supporting me, who should I be afraid of?"

 In my heart, I admire my ancestor very much. He is indeed the founding ancestor of the Xianyun Sect. His magnanimity is not comparable to that of ordinary people, especially in the indifferent high continent.

 Such a sect can be said to be unique, unprecedented and unprecedented.

Deng Changze joked, "Now that your ancestors are supporting you, will this master be able to save your worries?"

Yan Xiangluo knew that the master was making fun of her, and was also reminding him not to be arrogant due to favors. Although his ancestors had a very high level of cultivation and had lived in the higher continent for more than three thousand years, they still had some skills, but the higher continent still lacked the most skills. Even if he is a strong person, his ancestor is not the strongest person in the continent. Even if he is, his two fists are still difficult to beat with four hands.

 Even if you have the support of the sect, you still have to do what you can.

"It's not easy for Master to save his worries. If he doesn't accept a disciple, Master will still have to worry about it." Yuan Xiangluo said playfully.

 “Why are you willing to keep your little apprentice?” Deng Changze raised his eyebrows. Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "It's not possible now. I will send Xiao Hao to the master after a while, and let the master take care of the disciple."

"What are you going to do?" Deng Changze immediately understood his apprentice's plan.

If it weren't for the fact that what she was going to do was very dangerous, she would not have handed over the new apprentice into her own hands.

Yan Xiangluo smiled and said, "I can't tell the master yet. If you want to be strong, you must go through life and death. There are many secret realms for training in the higher continents. After watching the continental hegemony competition, my disciple is going to find a suitable secret realm to practice." one time."

 Actually, Yan Xiangluo didn't tell the truth. She wanted to accompany Ji Jiuzhong to the Ji family's land. The Ji family land has been abandoned for thousands of years. So many people have tried to go in and search for the Ji family's Xuanwen Kung Fu but have failed to achieve their goals. They can't even get in. This shows how dangerous it is inside.

Although Ji Jiuzhong has the blood of the Ji family, they are still not sure whether Ji Jiuzhong's Ji family blood is the blood of the Ji family in the Southern Continent. She does not want him to face the danger alone.

 But this matter cannot be told to other people. If it is leaked, those who have framed the Ji family will never allow the Ji family bloodline to be passed on and become stronger.

In this way, the dangers Ji Jiu will face will be more, bigger and stronger.

Deng Changze nodded and said, "Okay, Master has no plans to leave for the time being. You can send Xiaohao here anytime you want."

Yan Xiangluo smiled and said coquettishly, "Master is the best."

Mu Changling coughed lightly and pretended to be angry and said, "Why is the ancestor so bad?"

Yu Xiangluo was speechless. Why should you, an old man who has lived for more than three thousand years, be jealous? How sour!

 She fanned her slender and white hands in front of her nose, "Why does it smell so vinegary?"

“Girl, you’re already a master, why are you so naughty?” Mu Changling laughed.

“Even if I become a master, I am still a child in front of my ancestors.”

"That's true." Mu Changling hasn't gotten along with his junior like this naturally for a long time. He is still the person he has been looking forward to for a long time. Today he is in a very good mood.

The three of them chatted and laughed while drinking tea. Yan Xiangluo asked her master Deng Changze about his experience in coming to the mainland. More than half an hour later, Qi Hao and Mingli came back.

Yan Xiangluo waved to him, "Xiao Hao is back and will tell the master about the Xianyun Sect."

Qi Hao knew that the master was testing what he gained from his trip. He first bowed to Mu Changling and Deng Changze in a polite manner, and then told Yuan Xiangluo what he saw and heard.

Although Qi Hao is young, he is smart and speaks in a very organized manner. He synthesized what he saw with what Mingli told him and briefly told it to Yuan Xiangluo.

 (End of this chapter)

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