The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 487: finally understand

Chapter 487 Finally understood

Not only Mu Changling and Deng Changze were surprised that Qi Hao had such strong verbal expression ability at such a young age, but even Mingli was also surprised.

Just now he took Qi Hao around the sect. In fact, he took the initiative to introduce Qi Hao very little. It was not that he was hiding something, but that he asked Qi Hao before he could take the initiative to introduce him. The key is that every question can still bring up some ideas.

At this time, listening to Qi Hao's complete description of his impression of Xianyun Sect, he had a new understanding of this child's intelligence.

 This is simply genius.

After listening to Qi Hao’s story, Yan Xiangluo finally understood why her ancestors had built the sect so crudely.

 The ancestor was a man of great wisdom. He built the sect so crudely. One reason was to tell his disciples that they came to the sect not to enjoy the blessings of the sect, let alone enjoy it, but to learn skills. The second ancestor spent all his financial resources on training disciples.

Because Qi Hao walked around and saw that every disciple had no shortage of cultivation resources. Although the places where sect disciples lived were simple bamboo buildings, there were spirit gathering arrays, retreat rooms, meditation rooms, and vitality platforms for cultivation everywhere. Waiting for a place to assist in cultivation.

These places were built extremely luxuriously, using the best materials on the continent.

In addition, when she went up the mountain before, Yan Xiangluo saw a town thirty or forty miles away. This distance was not too far. Why did no one discover the existence of Xianyun Sect? It should be that the ancestors had set up barriers under the entire mountain to hide them. People who come here will unconsciously avoid the barrier of sex. If they don't come to this mountain, they will naturally not find that there is a sect on the mountain.

 They could see them coming up the mountain because their ancestors knew they were coming and released the barrier against them.

One more thing, from Qi Hao's words, Yan Xiangluo knew that the disciples in the sect did not come by themselves, but were selected by people in the sect. All the disciples were either from poor families or from lower-class continents.

The ancestors single-handedly created a holy land for cultivation for children who awakened their spiritual roots from ordinary families in higher continents who had no access to cultivation resources, and for monks from lower continents.

 What kind of state is it for a person with such a mind?

Thinking about it again, these people will be more grateful to the sect for their help. Who would stand by and watch when the sect is in trouble?

 This is also the main reason why the Xianyun Sect can still be hidden from the world after being established for more than 3,000 years.

 The sect relies on everyone working together to protect it.

 All the disciples of such a sect want it to exist forever and give younger generations like them a chance to practice and a chance to grow up.

Entering a sect is equivalent to entering a protective circle. With so many sect members protecting you, as long as your talent is not too bad, you can grow up.

Yan Xiangluo suddenly remembered that Shiwo said that its former owner sacrificed his life for justice. At this time, she suddenly realized that her realm was too narrow.

Although there are reasons for her life experience, it is mainly related to the fact that she has never been in contact with such a broad-minded person. How can she take the path of becoming a strong person in such a state.

 At this moment, her state of mind changed drastically. Although it was not comparable to the state of mind of her ancestor Mu Changling, it had also expanded to a level she had never imagined.

At this moment, she suddenly realized that it was a good thing to put Qi Hao next to her ancestor and master, as his mind would be broadened by the influence of his ears and eyes.

This is probably why Master is willing to stay with his ancestors.

When he looked at Mu Changling again, his eyes suddenly gained something more, which was the admiration born from the bottom of his heart.

Mu Changling smiled, knowing that she understood why she had made the sect so crudely built.

Although the house is simple, the heart is not simple.

 “What do Xiaohao think of the Xianyun Sect?” Yan Xiangluo asked, concentrating on her thoughts.

Qi Hao apologized with bright eyes, "It's a good place to practice."

Such a place where one can practice without any distractions is indeed a good place for him to practice, and the disciples of the sect he saw were getting along harmoniously with each other. Such an atmosphere would not be found in any family.

Mu Changling stroked his beard and smiled. He was a good boy. From these superficial things, he could see the true purpose of the sect.

Yan Xiangluo asked again, "Would Xiao Hao be willing to stay here to practice?"

Qi Hao was stunned and glanced at Mu Changling and Deng Changze. He would be unhappy if he said he didn't want to keep his ancestor and master, but no matter how good and suitable the Xianyun Sect was for cultivation, he still wanted to stay with his master.

He rolled his eyes and said, "If he hadn't met the master, Xiao Hao would have been willing to stay in Xianyun Sect to practice, but the situation is different now. The master has no way of repaying Xiao Hao's kindness. I only hope that he can stay with the master for the rest of his life. Filial piety, think of nothing else.”

Mu Changling's beard trembled. He was a treacherous boy. If he didn't want to stay, he just said that he didn't want to stay. He gave such a high-level reason for not wanting to stay.

However, he had to admit that Qi Hao was indeed extremely smart, and he was so smart that he was not annoying.

Yan Xiangluo smiled and rubbed Qi Hao's head, "Being filial to your master doesn't necessarily mean you have to guard your master every day. If you miss your ancestors and your master, you can come and live in the Xianyun Sect for a while." Although Qi Hao felt that in his heart He also likes his ancestors and masters very much, but he likes his master more, but he is smart enough not to object because he knows that his master is leaving room for him. If he wants to come, he can come at any time.

He nodded obediently and said, "Xiao Hao will come to see our ancestors and master."

Yu Xiangluo didn't say anything more, as long as Qi Hao didn't reject his ancestor and master. Children always like to feel safe around familiar and trusted people.

He just arrived today. After staying here for a while, he became familiar with his ancestors and master. With his master and ancestors liking him, he will soon gain Qi Hao's favor. After sending him to live for a while, he will not Rejected.

It was getting late. Although Mu Changling usually did not eat whole grains, Mu Changling heard from Deng Changze that his young apprentice’s cooking skills were so good that if the monks ate the food, they would not leave any impurities in their bodies.

So Mu Changling, who couldn't remember the last time she had a meal, asked Mingli to prepare a lot of spiritual ingredients, ready to test whether Yan Xiangluo's cooking skills were as good as her master said.

Yu Xiangluo was not modest and excused herself. She did not do it for any other reason than because her ancestors were kind to her and she should be filial to her ancestors.

She just looked at the yard. There was no kitchen. How could she cook? Although there is a kitchen in the space, she cannot go in to cook, let alone take out the kitchen to use.

“Ancestor, my sect has a dining hall. I’ll go to the dining hall and prepare the food and bring it back.” Yuan Xiangluo said.

Mu Changling said, "Don't bother me, I've prepared a kitchen for you."

As soon as she finished speaking, an exquisite and spacious house appeared in the yard. It was placed under the bamboo building where Yan Xiangluo and Qi Hao lived. It was convenient for her to cook.

Yan Xiangluo was stunned for a moment and was speechless. The ancestor of emotion had already made a plan. It seemed that it was refined in advance, and it could not be refined in a short while. The relationship has been prepared for a long time.

  When I walked in, I saw that there were all kinds of pots, stoves and kitchen utensils inside, except for her, the chef, who wielded a knife and a shovel.

Well, if she doesn't put her cooking skills to the best use, she will be a bit sorry for the kitchen that her ancestors took so much trouble to refine.

 She slapped her forehead. There was also a kitchen in her own space that Ji Jiuzhong was refining for her. Why did both of them like to refine the kitchen for her?

"Master, let me light a fire for you." Qi Hao ran over.

Originally, there was no need for others, but thinking that lighting a fire can also practice controlling the fire, Yu Xiangluo nodded in agreement.

Don't you know that Qi Hao wanted to learn cooking skills from his master, and a generation of spiritual chefs slowly emerged at this time.

Who made Yan Xiangluo's cooking skills so good? He couldn't eat enough of the food she cooked. Qi Hao felt that if he learned his master's cooking skills, he could also cook for his master in the future. This was also a form of filial piety. Way.

So the master and the apprentice got busy in the kitchen. Mingli stood at the door of the kitchen, wanting to help, but he couldn't help at all.

Mu Changling and Deng Changze were sitting in the yard drinking tea, but their eyes were always staring at the door of the kitchen. Especially Deng Changze, who felt that he hadn't eaten the food cooked by his apprentice for a long time.

The look in his eyes made Mu Changling look forward to it. He had been with Deng Changze for several months, and it was clear that he was not a voracious person. It was understandable that such a person could show such an expectant look. How good your cooking skills are.

Mu Changling thought carefully, when was the last time he had a meal? It must have been more than three thousand years ago, I really can't remember the specific time.

After a while, the aroma of the food wafted out, and Mu Changling's eyes suddenly changed. This girl is really impressive. This cooking skill is indeed extraordinary. It can actually make him, who has not eaten for more than three thousand years, become greedy.

 Even the famous chefs in mainland China cannot make such delicious food.

 Fortunately, Yan Xiangluo worked quickly and didn't cook anything too time-consuming. In less than half an hour, eight dishes and one soup were served on the table.

Mingli stood aside and looked at the food on the table greedily. It had been a long time since he had eaten such formal food. In the past, I didn’t dare to eat, and I didn’t want to eat. I was worried that eating food would cause some impurities in the body and affect my cultivation talent.

He just couldn't bear it today. The food was too delicious. But because of his status, he was not qualified to sit and eat with his ancestors, and he felt a little regretful. It was too cruel for him to miss this delicious food like this.

Yan Xiangluo would not break the rules of her ancestors here. She pointed to the kitchen and said, "Ming Li, there is food left for you in the kitchen."

Mingli was so moved that he almost cried, "Thank you so much, Uncle Yu."

As soon as he finished speaking, he used his spiritual energy and rushed to the kitchen. This speed made Qi Hao open his mouth wide and didn't close it for a long time.

After entering the kitchen, Mingli saw two plates of vegetables, a bowl of rice and a bowl of soup left on the kitchen table. Two plates of food were shared, and Yan Xiangluo left some of each of the eight dishes for him.

 (End of this chapter)

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