The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 489: go somewhere

Chapter 489: Go somewhere

Yuan Xiangluo hasn't visited the sect yet. Although she heard Qi Hao talk about it, she hasn't seen it with her own eyes.

Just now, Yan Xiangluo let go of her spiritual consciousness and realized that there were many spirit gathering arrays in Xianyun Sect. Looking down from the air, she discovered that these spirit gathering arrays merged into one large spirit gathering array, making the spiritual energy everywhere in the entire sect stronger. Keep it rich.

 In such an environment, she felt that sleeping was a waste of time and energy.

Perhaps this is what Mu Changling wants to achieve, to have all his disciples have such a mentality and practice diligently on their own without urging or discipline.

The more she got to know him, the more she felt that Mu Changling's wisdom was really extraordinary. This method of managing sect disciples was the first of its kind. It saved worry and effort and was very effective.

  After all, this is just like teaching students. The effect of students learning actively and passively is very different.

Yan Xiangluo practiced this practice until the next morning.

The early morning sunlight shines in through the window lattice, and the fresh smell of vegetation hits her face. Yan Xiangluo quits practicing, gets up and walks to the window, stretches and looks outside.

Her room was on the side near the main building. There were windows on both sides of the room. The side she was standing on was the side.

It is not possible to see the place where the sect disciples live here, but you can see the mountains behind the bamboo house where the ancestor Mu Changling lived, the lush trees, and the unknown wild flowers in bloom, which have a unique charm.

 It is easy to relax and unwind while staying here.

  I stretched my body and felt relaxed. I walked downstairs briskly. After washing myself, I went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Qi Hao needs to eat. It is estimated that during the days when she is in Xianyun Sect, her ancestors and master also need to eat.

However, since she was full last night, she planned to cook less food.

Four people and four dishes, just make more and bring out those for Ming Li. In the morning, cook some porridge and make some exquisite snacks for the ancestors and master.

 After coming to the Higher Continent, she ate delicacies from many places. She also had some new delicacies, so she took this opportunity to practice them and let her ancestors and master taste various delicacies.

Mu Changling and Deng Changze knew about her arrival, but they just saw her go to the kitchen and didn't come out.

Mingli didn't stay here at night. When he came over, he found that Yan Xiangluo had already prepared breakfast.

 I was thinking that I should come early tomorrow morning to help Master Jun.

Yan Xiangluo saw Mingli and smiled and said, "I brought your breakfast. Don't forget to eat it later."

Mingli said thank you, but he was thinking in his heart that if he forgot anything, he would never forget to eat the food cooked by his uncle.

 In the past, it was only a disciple's duty to serve their ancestors, but now, coming to this courtyard has expectations.

Mingli just discovered that he is also a foodie.

 Actually, he misunderstood. It was not that he was a foodie, but that everyone who ate the food cooked by Yan Xiangluo would become a foodie.

Qi Hao hasn't slept so soundly for a long time. After Yan Xiangluo finished cooking, she went upstairs to call him and he woke up.

Qi Hao was a little embarrassed because of this, and said in a panic, "Master, when master gets up tomorrow morning, just call me up."

Master has prepared the meal, but he is still sleeping. This apprentice is so heartless. Yesterday I said I should be filial to Master, but today I just slept in.

Yan Xiangluo rubbed his head and said, "Kid, it's okay to sleep in occasionally, as long as you don't slack off in your cultivation."

Qi Hao hurriedly said, "Master, don't worry, I won't slack off in my cultivation."

“Well, let’s go downstairs to freshen up and have breakfast.” Yan Xiangluo went downstairs first.

Qi Hao quickly got up and folded the bedding, then ran downstairs, went to the well, fetched water and washed up, then obediently went to invite his ancestor Mu Changling and his master Deng Changze to dinner, and the three of them came to the table and sat down together. Mu Changling smiled and said, "You still need to have children to have the breath of life."

 Look, before there was Deng Changze, I didn’t feel anything. Now that Xiao Luoer and her apprentice Qi Hao are here, I feel that the small courtyard is not empty anymore, and it feels full of vitality.

Yan Xiangluo served Mu Changling some porridge and put it in front of him. "Ancestors, you can go to Xiangyang City for a walk when you have time. The atmosphere of life there is still very comfortable."

Mu Changling nodded, "That's true. I have been to Xiangyang City. It is indeed the most comfortable city to live in in the higher continent. If Xianyun Sect had not been built, I would have chosen to live there."

Qi Hao stood up with a clear eye and served Deng Changze porridge and placed it in front of him. He then served Yan Xiangluo porridge and placed it in front of her. Finally, he served himself porridge and then sat down to eat breakfast quietly.

He had a hunch that there would be no accidents during his stay in Xianyun Sect, and he would be able to eat meals cooked by his master every meal.

  It’s simply so happy.

"When is Xiao Luo'er going to Yaoguang City?" Mu Changling asked while eating.

“Just arrive two or three days in advance.” This was her original plan.

By the way, I need to send a message to Mu Zixian later. This will save him from worrying because he forgot about it last night.

“Ancestor, are there any disciples in the sect participating in the continental competition?” Yuan Xiangluo asked.

Mu Changling said, "Yes, but they are all registered as individuals, and they are all disciples who need combat experience."

The implication is that some disciples who are not very high in cultivation participated. The other disciples are busy practicing and have no time to participate in the continental competition. After all, Xianyun Sect does not want to dominate.

Yan Xiangluo is not surprised. The Xianyun Sect is not well known in the mainland. Isn't it because the low-key can no longer be low-key? The reason why the disciples of the sect do not compete in the name of the sect is to protect the sect from being discovered and noticed.

"What are the secret realms on the mainland, ancestors, can you tell me about them?" Yan Xiangluo asked. After Ji Jiuzhong accepted the inheritance from the Ji family, she was really ready to find a secret realm to experience.

 After all, one can only gain experience by transcending one’s own environment.

She has not forgotten that her Pangu Flower Blooming Technique has yet to pass the last hurdle.

“See for yourself, all the secret information on the mainland is recorded here.” Mu Changling took out a booklet and handed it to her.

Yu Xiangluo took it over as a treasure and was going to read it after eating.

"After breakfast, come with me to a place." Mu Changling counted the time and thought it was still time to come, so he asked the girl to go to that place and see if she might have a fate with her.

Yan Xiangluo knew that the place where her ancestors would take her there must not be an ordinary place.

Then he responded, "Okay."

 Then he put the booklet away and could only wait to read the experience again when he came back.

Qi Hao blinked and wanted to ask if he could go, but that would be rude, so he refrained from asking.

However, all three of them could see his expression clearly, and it was difficult to ignore this unabashed thought.

Mu Changling smiled and said, "Your cultivation level is too low, you can't go to that place yet."

 After finishing the meal, Qi Hao could only watch his ancestor leave with his master.

 (End of this chapter)

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